Friday, August 18, 2023



David reminded me that yesterday on the 17th of August, John Ingle took over the role of Edward Quartermaine. I thought it was a fantastic choice and I grew to love him as THE EQ!! He made Edward a little more 'twinkly' for me. 


  1. Was it August 17th? Cool! Yeah John Ingle was perfect in the role of Edward!!! :)

  2. Just watching only second time this week and what did Kristina do that was so terrible. Molly is an immature bitch

    1. Well Krissy did say something horrible today, so I wouldn't blame Molly if she doesn't speak to Krissy anymore.

  3. -----Gregory and Finn scenes were good today - very good..
    ------the editing is horrible - Sam talks about her selfish sisters instead of what she saw in Sasha!!!!!!!!!!!!! and then Carly and Sonny - clearly there were words/scene cut out because BAM Sonny is talking about Drew?
    -----ROBERT hasn't seen ANNA yet? Come on...
    -----It's too easy for this Valentin thing - Anna and the viewers are supposed to think Valentin is up to no good -----------------I think he isn't - he's doing something to protect her and we are supposed to think he's gone rogue- way too easy
    ------Still mad that after years of barely seeing Lexi, everything is Kristina and that irritating voice Molly.......I would fast forward if I wasn't watching live LOL
    ----KUDOS to Jane Elliott for literally letting her hair down and no make up today!

    1. "Mufasa says, KUDOS to Jane Elliott for literally letting her hair down and no make up today!"

      Oh forgot to mention that! YES! Love that her hair was down and wet! :) Love that she had no make up on! :) All realistic! :)

    2. Well I guess Kristina lost her temper after baby Molly and Sam and Alexis continue to judge Kristina and treat her like an outsider . And it was certainly not right she was not invited. She was right Molly is selfish and insecure and again she speaks like a 5 year old

    3. Good grief. She got angry because she won't see the reason why they don't want her as a surrogate. She thinks it's all about her. No way would I ever have my sister bear my child, carry it for 9 months, bond with it. She'd never be able to think of it as my child.

    4. Yes. I'm allowed to have one too. And I haven't written that under any of your posts because I know that's your opinion.

  4. Finchy's home:

    Finchy and Gregory: This was a heartbreaking scene!!!! I loved it!!! I'm glad Gregory told Finchy the truth! Now they gotta tell Chase! :(

    Sante home:

    Sante: Sam brushing her teeth. SO REAL! :D I can't believe Sam told Dante about the Molly situation and not about the Sasha situation!!! Dante, Anna's house did not burn down!

    Tolly home:

    Molly and Krissy:

    Krissy: You are not even going to be related to the baby!

    SHUT THE HELL UP KRISSY! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?! Okay that's it I don't like you right now. YOU BETTER APOLOGIZE!!!

    Q home:

    Tracy and Vampire Eddie Maine: Poor Tracy's head was spinning! Hahahaha. This was actually a great scene. Tracy was vulnerable! She knows Ned is still in there. :(

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Sonny: Their scenes today were a waste of time. It don't make any sense. Leave her alone Sonny!

    Metrocourt hotel:

    Vanna: WHAT THE HELL?! V.C., Anna's house did not burn down and it's not gone!!!! V.C. is acting so strange. Her house was on fire, and now he wants to take her to a show?!?!! HUH?! What is he up to? Has he been brainwashed? Marty shows up! Oh he gave something to V.C.. Anna looks through it while V.C. is in the shower. They are Pikeman papers! Oooo they are in bed, and Anna wins the line of the day.

    Anna: You lied to me.

    HA! :D Oh wait she didn't confront him about the pikeman papers. She brought up how he said he would be in the shower for 5 minutes, but he ended up in the shower for 15 minutes. What is she waiting for?

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to March 20th 2014* Little Cam, little Spencer, and little Emma.

    1. Oh I forgot one thing. Finchy asking his dad if he is sure he hasn't been misdiagnosed! Great question!!! Maybe he has! I love how Finchy was talking about how other things mimic the symptoms. YES! Thank you scab writers.. Now they should write Gregory as being misdiagnosed!!! :)

    2. I read somewhere that Finn does find out he was misdiagnosed but I can't remember where I saw it and there are SO many feeble alleged GH groups on FB lately it's hard to take anything you read seriously. Only a few are reputable.

    3. "Zazu says, I read somewhere that Finn does find out he was misdiagnosed but I can't remember where I saw it and there are SO many feeble alleged GH groups on FB lately it's hard to take anything you read seriously. Only a few are reputable."

      Oh man! I really want Gregory to be misdiagnosed so badly!!!! I don't want him to die! I want him to find out what's wrong and then get treated!!! Then he and Alexis can date! Or Gregory and Tracy can date. :)

  5. Wish they would have Kristina focus on that 'project' that probably will never materialize while they ruin her character. All the Davis sister drivel is annoying. Especially the miscast Molly.
    Yes, John Ingle had a certain twinkle. He fit so well with Anna Lee.
    Finn/Gregory scenes were good.
    Maybe Sam talking about the Molly thing and not Sasha is because they hadn't filmed or thought of the Sasha angle yet. The whole show can be so topsy turvy, who knows.
    BTW....a while back I bought that 60th anniversary GH publication. It really is not very good. The format, the photos are all just meh.

  6. I also brought the 60th anniversary people. A big nothing and way overpriced

  7. Soap Opera Digest is reporting that Hudson West will be appearing as Jake in scenes with Liz and Austin the week of Aug. 21!


  9. Valentin is protecting Anna. There's no way he would do this to hurt her.

    1. I tend to think he's working undercover. I don't think he'd hurt her either.

    2. Yup. He's working undercover to bust someone


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...