Monday, August 21, 2023

Monday !!!


Anders Hove (Faison) is on one of my fave new PBS shows: Seaside Hotel. It's Danish and he plays a mean farmer guy. I yelled when I saw him pop up!! 


  1. ----Olivia is SO gonna fall for Eddie - maybe vice versa - but she ain't gonna want ned back.
    -----MONICA'S VOICE!!
    -----once again Anna saying the house is totally gone is NOT TRUE - they sat in the house afterwards and talked!
    ------Dex is good looking and Betty is SO gonna recognize him later when he is following her and WHO is at a pool with long sleeves and pants?
    -------so Sonny must be asking Valentin about Pikeman cause of Betty/Mason/Avery and whoever the new boss is - I don't think Valentin actually knows who is the boss??? but not telling Anna what is going on + she doesn't trust him = end of Vanna by Christmas....
    ------WHY would writers make Valentin a bad guy after all this time AND all of the Vanna fans so there has to be a logical explanation.....
    -------previews show Gladys telling psychiatrist to stop drugging Sasha and he demands money------------------------so maybe one of the spoilers IS true - she is killed and Cody is arrested.....
    ------sidebar - Anna's hair is SO long and dark.

  2. Anders Hove! YAY! :D Great picture!!! :) Wow! The beginning of the show started to annoy me already. It was way too short of scenes. During the show there were some short scenes!

    Good morning Port Chuckians.

    Judge's office:

    Robert and Diane: Robert seems very uncomfortable around Diane! ROFL! Robert gets a call about Anna's house!!!! YAY! I'm glad he finally knows!

    Metrocourt hotel/Anna's room: Anna wakes up and V.C. is not there. Oh there he is! :) She is going to take a shower, but when she is done, V.C. isn't there and his briefcase isn't there either, but he wrote a note. He didn't ask her to circle if she wants to have dinner with him like Finchy did with Liz so that's good! ROFL! Sonny could learn a lot from V.C. about writing notes.

    RnA: YAY! A scene with them! They hug! :) Stop saying your house is gone Anna!!! GRRRRRRRR! Anna calls Robin to tell her about her house. We didn't get to see Robin. :(

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Betty Sue: Sonny tells her that Avery is sick, so Betty can leave. Is she really sick? The green beans are awake and eating. :)

    Sonny and V.C.: Pikeman Pikeman Pikeman talk. Sonny asks V.C. if he works for them. V.C. says no! The Green beans heard of Anna's house on fire and is concerned about her.

    Sonny on the phone with Ava: Sonny tells her that Avery is fine. So Avery must not be sick?

    Carly's home:

    Carly and Joss: Joss is going to have a mental health day! Good for her!!!!! :) The Tribbles are going to have a mental health day too!

    Carly and Diane: Diane shows up, Carly thinks there is something wrong, and then the scenes goes to Anna! GAH! What is the point?! Just wait until the next scene to have Diane show up. Diane talks to Carly about Robert. Carly says men are complicated, but so are women. I'm glad she said women too! :) The Tribbles are glad that Diane is there. They love Diane. :)

    Carly on the phone with Drew: Carly is upset that Drew helped Cyrus! Drew don't want to argue for the whole conversation! He doesn't have much time on the phone and the guard is telling him time is up! Drew wants Carly to come visit. Will they have a conjugal visit? Will Carly bring the Tribbles with her? Does Drew want to see them too?

    Metrocourt pool:

    Betty Sue and the waiter: She is so rude to the waiter! ROFL!

    Betty Sue and Joss: Joss wins the line of the day.

    Joss: Instead of Mary Poppins I'm gonna all you bloody Mary.

    ROFL! Not bloody Betty? :)

    Jex: Dex shows up and devours Joss. Betty Sue tells them to get a room. Dex wants to get Betty Sue's attention it seems like. Then Betty Sue gets a phone call from Mason Jar, then leaves when the phone call is over, Dex follows her. :) Joss is so confused. Hahaha!

    Dex on the phone with Sonny: Sonny wants Dex to stop following Betty Sue and to follow someone else.. Oh Sonny? You mean like V.C.? :)

    Q breakfast nook:

    Olivia and Vampire Eddie Maine: Ohhh that music room is called the Salarium. I forgot. I'll just still call it the music room. They are bonding. He is singing YAY! :D Yeah looks like Olivia is falling for Vampire Eddie Maine. :) Then I bet he will fall for her, then Ned comes back!!! Soapy goodness. :)

    Olivia on the phone with Monica: MONICA YAY! Glad we can hear her voice! Will Monica come back? :(

    Spa jail library:

    Drew and Cyrus: More bonding from them. Well hey, Drew saved his life, so.. :)

    1. My favorite line was when Carly told Diane to tell her what was wrong and Diane said..."You're going to charge me, aren't you?" lol

    2. "Di says, My favorite line was when Carly told Diane to tell her what was wrong and Diane said..."You're going to charge me, aren't you?" lol"

      Hahaha that was good too! :)

  3. If they split up VAnna then I am DONE DONE. They are like the only reason I watch at all anymore.

    1. PS. Anders Hove looks so different. Wow

    2. Robert is Anna's BFF and he just finds out now her house burnt?

    3. "lindie says, Robert is Anna's BFF and he just finds out now her house burnt?"

      Was Robert out of town? Then he wouldn't of heard anything about it. Especially not from Anna because she is in shock!

    4. Um, a townhouse is attached to other townhouses so I guess the neighbors didn't come out to see what was going on or didn't get any smoke/fire damage. Dante knew about the fire so how did Robert not know. I wish Eddie would shave but Olivia seems to be falling for him. Nice to hear Monica!

  4. Other than Faison, Anderson Move will always be the nasty vampire in the Subspecies vampire movie series. His vampire is so evil.

  5. So Anna and Valentin are acting like strangers. The way he said "What can I do for you?" was just SO awkward. And then there was Robert. No boundaries or fakeness. Just warmth, love and trust. Even though Anna is not the Anna we once knew.
    Thanks for the Anders Hove tip. I will check that out.
    Could be that the writers haven't decided who the Pikeman boss is yet.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...