Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Open House For Wubsy



Today is the day I welcome the cherubs back to speech!! Sorry I'll miss it again. I don't think I missed much yesterday? Twitter was NOT IMPRESSED. 


Wu goes to Sonny to ask him to help her get the poker game back into The Savoy. She looks fabulous. Sonny tells her not to bother Marshall or Curtis. PERIOD. She apologizes. 

Gladys tells Nina all about Dr. Mean and his blackmail. Nina thinks they should go to the cops. Gladys is like: NO we can't. Nina insists on calling the doctor. Gladys dials the phone. He doesn't pick up. Nina says she's going to go tell Sonny but Gladys grabs her arm hard. 

Sam and Cody go ahead with their plan. They are going to a doctor to get him 'evaluated". He is saying he has su*cidal impulses. He's really selling it! WOW

Sam "bumps into" The Dr. Mean Monteque. She sees Gladys trying to call him

Dante goes to visit Sasha in Ferncliff to ask some questions. She's all passed out. He can't wake her up.


Tracey comes into court to get her hands on the Deceptor. Lucy wonders why she would do this. ALAN MENTION! Tracey looks ICE COLD.  Jackson says they are suing for intellectual property. Anyway, the judge says YEP, it can go forward and the trial is set in 6 months. Lucy says they can't wait that long, they'll be ruined! Tracey tells Lucy that she can get out of a trial for 75% of Deception. 

NEWS INTERRUPTION: Hurricane and Fire update from Biden 

SO that's it!! 


  1. Twitter is drinking from the glass of the haters and jumping on the "I agree" bandwagon which is so popular these days. Yesterday had some scenes you'd really like and which have us waiting anxiously for today.

    1. You are so right, Di -- thanks for speaking that truth!

  2. TILLIE!!!! My sweet sweet baby!!!! *BEARHUGS TO TILLIE* :D

  3. Hi sweet Tillie!

    Things I like:
    Ava & Sonny scenes, yes please!
    Eddie/Olivia (they get more screen time so what the heck and I love the actors)
    Seeing Martin & Cyrus (I wish they did a deception or Crimson makeover on men in prison that would have been fun to show Cyrus's new look instead of us supposedly believing he got that GQ look himself, lol).
    Tracy & Brookie shenanigans
    Things I don't like:
    Sasha saga
    Where the heck is Liesel?
    Curtis storyline (except I do love me some Stella)
    Carly at Kelly's (missing a big opportunity as others have mentioned. Show her struggling, show her in a t shirt with her hair up not fancy blazers). Have Cam come home and rescue her and show her the ropes.
    You would think they would show Willow with a shorter do at the very least instead of long locks.
    Destroying Vanna
    Anything with Drew (he is not Drew for me)

    1. Agree with everything you said, Linda. Liesel should be hovering over Willow driving both her and Michael crazy making sure Willow doesn't overdo. Where is that?

      If not shorter hair for Willow, at least have her wear hats. I wore hats everyday when I lost my hair during chemo. C'mon people get it right.

      I don't know what character Cam is playing but it ain't Drew Cain. This is just another character with the same name.

    2. Kind of the antithesis of RoHo. lol

  4. LOVE Tillie! It's not a great show right now except for the day YOU watched !!! LOL
    -----Blair is supposed to show up next week so I am wondering if just Tracy will be at the hearing - which is DUMB - you can't sue for something you thought of and never did anything cause the word 'patent' hasnt been mentioned once.

  5. I don't think Sam bumped into him on purpose but she DID recognize him from her time of spying on the poker games/Cody so HOPEFULLY she will start figuring it out.
    -----can you be committed to Ferncliff in one visit? Cody talking about jumping out of planes was actually very realistic.
    -----LOVE SELINA and when Sonny said, "women like you have other deals on the side' - hmmmmm Pikeman?
    ------If Nina doesn't tell Sonny, then she is an idiot...
    ------I guess Sasha didn't wake up while Dante was there?
    -------Tracy's motives are all over the place - she would take 75 percent of Deception? that was outta the blue/what about her partner ----and isn't Valentin still the main stockholder and shouldn't he be there?
    ----I never understood where Lucy said Martin went - I like her lawyer and I know Martin doesn't wanna be in the courtroom about Deceptor, but did he go somewhere?

  6. I'm lucky I got to see the last 15 minutes here so you should be able to get it online from your usual sources. It gives more info on the Gladys stoy and I loved the ending with Maxie and Lucy and their lawyer. Don't miss it.

    Sneaky Sam. She has his name. hehe

    I always like Selina and Sonny. That relationship should start getting more interesting soon methinks.

    Ohhh Cody made the depression look very real. Great job there. The manic act was a bit over the top for me, but this sealed it.

    I am frightened for Sasha now. I hope Dr. Evil isn't going to do something drastic.

    If I Dr. Thinks you're suicidal, mufasa, you can be commited right away.

  7. Off Topic but important news for this Thursday, August 31st ...

  8. I just saw the end of the episode!

    The hospital:

    Sam, Cowboy Cody, and hospital doctor: Or whoever this person is. Sam wins the line of the day.

    Sam: He walks into traffic.


    Cowboy Cody and hospital doctor: What a great scene! Even though the doctor looks at him suspiciously Cowboy Cody is selling it!!!! :)

    Sam and Monty Q: Did Sam bump into Monty Q on purpose? :) I think so. Geez I guess the coffee was cold. It didn't hurt Monty Q one bit. The flirting from Sam! ;)

    Crimson/Nina's office:

    Nina and Gladys: Great scene!!! The tea was spilled all over the place! No Nina tell Sonny don't listen to Gladys!!!

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Ms. Wu: Ooooo Ms. Wu sauntered in with that flirty walk, and then tried to play Sonny like a fiddle! :) Ooooo she sauntered out. :) She must have long term evil plans. :)

    Sonny and Dante: Yeah Sonny should know about what is going on with Sasha! TELL HIM NINA!


    Nurse Janice and Sasha: LISTEN TO SASHA NURSE JANICE!

    Sam and a nurse: Well well well. Cowboy Cody's plan worked!!! YAY! :D WOOT WOOT! Now get Sasha out of there!

    Sam and Cowboy Cody: Oh oh his plan better work, or Sam will kill him!

    Nurse Janice and Monty Q: NO NO NO! Don't tell him what Sasha told you nurse Janice!!!! DAMMIT!!! Drastic measures? Oh no! Like what?!

    Monty Q and Sasha: OH NO! WHAT IS HE GOING TO DO TO HER?!?!!?! GAHHHHHHH!

    Courthouse: That judge looks like Gene Simmons!!! Now why is Tracy sitting with Jack? That should be the person who is actually suing deception!! Jack gives Tracy a high five?!?!!?!?! WHAT?! Jack would never give someone a high five in the courtroom! He is always professional! The scab writers don't know anything about Jackson Montgomery! Well I'm glad Brooky, Maxie, and Lucy are figuring it all out! 75% Tracy?! DAMN! Wait 6 months? We had enough of 6 months!!! Chase not being able to be a cop for 6 months! UGH! Wasn't Maxie not being able to see her daughter for 6 months? Or was that a year?

    1. I don't know why Janice told the Dr. what Sasha said. She should have told another doctor. dum de dum dum. Now I'm afraid he going to do ECT- Electroconvulsive therapy on poor Sasha..

      And at least Maxie and Lucy have figured out where Tracy got the info.

    2. Sauntering Ms. Wu. Perfect description! That woman knows how to enter and exit a room! :)
      Cody was pretty good, he usually gets on my nerves but not yesterday. And really if Nina doesn't tell Sonny all, she is a dope. I need the Sasha story over soon, very soon.
      I know some are excited about Jackson Montgomery and Blair, but I would prefer Scotty and Dr. O to come back. And where is Brad? And what the heck happened to Mason Jar? Asking for a friend, lol!

    3. "Di says, I don't know why Janice told the Dr. what Sasha said. She should have told another doctor."

      Yes! She should have told another doctor!!!

      "dum de dum dum."


      "Now I'm afraid he going to do ECT- Electroconvulsive therapy on poor Sasha.."

      Oh oh!!! I hope not! Or maybe he will do that to Cowboy Cody! Or both of them! YIKES!

      "And at least Maxie and Lucy have figured out where Tracy got the info."

      I'm so glad! :)

      "Julie H says, Sauntering Ms. Wu. Perfect description!"

      YES! :) That's not my word though. That's Karen's! :)

      "That woman knows how to enter and exit a room! :)"

      Yes she does and I love it! :)

      "Cody was pretty good, he usually gets on my nerves but not yesterday. And really if Nina doesn't tell Sonny all, she is a dope."

      Yeah Nina has to tell Sonny! Another secret she has kept from him.

      "I know some are excited about Jackson Montgomery and Blair, but I would prefer Scotty and Dr. O to come back."

      Both can happen! We can have Jack and Blair and also Scotty and Dr. O! :)

      "And where is Brad?"

      I have no idea!!!! I want him back too!

      "And what the heck happened to Mason Jar? Asking for a friend, lol!"

      ROFL! Well, he was there today! YAY! :D

  9. TILLIE is perfectly adorable!
    Cody was his best today. I'd believe him. Sam was good too. Hope the plan works and this story ends. I'm sure they will find another way to torture Sasha eventually.
    I saw nothing on yesterday's show that had me anxious to see today's. Nada.

    1. That's fine but some people might want to see them as it leads into today's show. How does it benefit anyone to tell them not to watch?

    2. I did not tell anyone not to watch. Would never do that. It was just IMO.

  10. Karen, I forgot to say that Tillie is absolutely adorable.

  11. Does any AMC fan know what Jackson did 20 years ago? In Tuesday's show, the lawyer for Deception briefly referenced something Jackson did that was despicable?

  12. He covered up a crime and got disbarred...but he's still a lawyer? Take note lawyers. Get Alexis back in the courtroom!!!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...