Friday, August 25, 2023

Not A Friday Show


Finn and Tracey playing backgammon at the Qs. They talk about their families. Finn doesn't want to talk about Greg's condition. Tracey doesn't want to talk about Ned. Finn wants to talk about Luke. Brook comes in and tells Tracey she's furious and throws their game on the floor.  She asks why Tracey is messing with her friends and Tracey says there are no friends in business. She says the company she's working behind is after the Deceptor and wants to crush Deception. 

Sam and Drew still talk about him getting committed. He wants her to have power of attorney so she can commit him. Um..?? They keep going round and round and round. 

Willow wants to get back to nursing, asks Liz if she has a spot for her. Liz says she has to get clearance first from her doctors. That's what she's going to do! (her hair looks too good for being a stage 4 cancer patient for sure)

Alexis and Molly meet at the pool and Andrea the surrogate comes in. Krissy sees it all from afar. I think she wasn't invited? Nope, she leaves and Alexis sees her go. Alexis asks the surrogate why she's doing it. She has a young son, RANDY and her husband is a plumber and she wants to be a stay at home mom.  Alexis says she seems great. I hope they vet her. That was a lame interview. 

Kristina goes to GH to see Dr. Randolph. Willow tells her he was called out on an emergency. Krissy asks how Willow is....yada yada. Then Krissy says she feels left out of her sister's life. OMG She tells Willow the ENTIRE STORY of her sister, infertility and TJ and the surrogate! GEESSSSSSSSSSH

Sonny visits Nina at Crimson. HE gives her a huge diamond necklace. He's happy. Weird scene kind of.. he doesn't want to let her in with the business stuff.  It's the same old thing EVERY woman says to him. UGH. She wants a winter wedding. 

Greg comes in to talk to Elizabeth. He tells her he fell in front of Violet and he has ALS. Oh he told her before Chase!! 


Brook tells Tracey that No wonder NED didn't want to be her son! 

Sam agrees to have Cody committed (not sure how) to 'save' Sasha

PS. Charlotte and Valentin never had their burgers at the Metro Pool. 

This was a lame show for a Friday 


  1. -----I am repeating myself but I cannot deal with a winter wedding - HOWEVER she didn't give a date plus she said the January magazine would be their wedding - which is NOT how magazines work - it would be fall...
    ------I mentioned it before and then another blog said it - does Ava crack and tell Sonny cause Ava and Nina's convo at Kellys and Ava's face when Nina said my BFF wouldn't tell anyone???????
    ------still unhappy with nu-Molly and Kristina - wish these storylines coulda been with Lexi.
    ------maybe Sam has Cody committed and visits him as a conjugal visit - I STILL think they have sparks - so stupid they wouldn't do background work SAM and find out her doctor SAM
    -------okay if we don't learn SOON about Tracy and her partner and her reasons for Deception, then I am SO ready for Tracy to go away ------ she also keeps mentioning Luke alot??????????? We need a gigantic reveal and surprise for this storyline.
    ----where the heck is Spinelli????????????
    ------GH is like real life - I get so excited about like Wednesday's show and then real world shows up like Friday's show.............

    1. I guess I am one of the only ones that thank God Tracy is on our screens. She makes me laugh and scream all at the same time (which is what Tracy always does).

      I agree that the old actresses would portray the Surrogate story better, but we have what we have. I like the new Kristina but no one is as good as Lexi for me.

    2. I like Tracy for sure but I'm ready for the next reveal to happen so I can decide if it's a good reason for what she is doing!!!!!!!! It's getting a little boring

  2. Tracy and Finn have nice chemistry. Not the romantic kind but better than a few couples on GH.
    NuMolly is just wrong. Everything about her.
    Either the surrogate backs out or decides to keep the baby, lord please don't make us go through all 9 mos. if this happens, and Kristina wins.
    Agree, not a Friday show. And there haven't been any interruptions in quite a while. Something else they don't pay attention to anymore.

  3. Great shot at the hospital building outside in the beginning of the show!! :)

    Metrocourt pool:

    Surrogate lady, Alexis, and Molly: Geez Krissy has to stand there like an idiot. Oh great Alexis had to notice her there. That means we are going to have to watch an Alexis and Krissy scene oy!

    Alexis and Molly: Awwww they hug. :)

    The hospital:

    Liz and Willow: Willow the Pollyanna wants to still work as a nurse? UGH! WHY?! That is so boring!

    Krissy and Willow: Of course Krissy is whining to Willow! Oy! *Facepalm* Krissy I think you should still apologize to Molly with that stupid comment you said to her.

    Liz and Gregory: Awwww I'm glad he told her. Now he has to tell Chase.

    Gregory: I'm going to die.

    Well, we are all going to die eventually, and you don't even know when you are going to die. You may not die. Maybe you have been misdiagnosed!!! I hope!

    Q Salarium music room:

    Finchy and Tracy: YAY! A scene with them! :)

    Finchy: I'm going to need to ask you not to pursue that line of questioning.

    Tracy: Why?

    Finchy: I prefer not to lie to you.

    Awwwwwwww! :) And I love when she says that to him too!!!! :) They don't want to lie to each other awwwwwwwwww. :)

    Finchy: You kept that all this time? I was winning!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Damn Brooky! Having a temper tantrum and acting like a child!

    Brooky and Tracy: Tracy who are you working with? Marty's ex wife number 3?!!?

    Crimson offices:

    Nison: Uh geez is Sonny trying to get rid of Nina?! Nina needs some Tribbles in her office.

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Sam and Cowboy Cody: Oh come on Sam!!! Help Cowboy Cody!!!!!!!!!!!! Awww Cowboy Cody feeding a carrot to Black Beauty the horse. Awwwwwww. :) FINALLY Sam will help! It's about time Sam!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to the hospital* BobTodd and Nina's first kiss. Awwww! :)

  4. Should we talk about how great today's show was?
    I prefer not to lie.

  5. I'm sorry but this thing with the horse is so lame. When Lucy had a duck at least the show was good


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...