Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Weathering The Storm


Nurse Janice at Fercliff yesterday was Josh Swickard real life wife, Lauren

It's been massive rain here and today is just blah. Gray and went and blah. I have a kid I have to do a make up on today so I won't be in for the show. 

You know what to do!! 


  1. A lot of funny one liners today.

    Q breakfast nook:

    Olivia and Tracy: Oh oh Tracy wants to commit Vampire Eddie Maine to an institution! Olivia hates the idea!

    Tracy: This is not one flew over the cuckoo's nest.

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Vampire Eddie Maine hears their whole conversation!!!

    Olivia and Vampire Eddie Maine: Vampire Eddie Maine thanks Olivia. He thinks Tracy is a bully! Olivia has a good idea for him and Brooky to work together. Brooky writes a song while he sings it.

    Q music room: I forgot what this room is called, so I'll just call it the music room! :)

    Brooky and Cowboy Cody: Ooooo Cowboy Cody needs Brooky's help to get into Ferncliff so he could see Sasha! Awwwwwwww. :)

    Vampire Eddie Maine and Olivia: He is playing Brooky's keyboard and has flashbacks of what Tracy said to Olivia about committing him. HE IS SINGING YAY! :D He wants something to drink! But when Olivia gets tea and then comes back, Vampire Eddie Maine is GONE! DUN DUN DUNNNNNNNNN! Where did he go?!

    The hospital:

    Tracy and Gregory: Tracy is worried about Gregory, but he won't tell her what is wrong with him. She tells him she is going to have Ned committed. Gregory tries to convince her not to. She won't listen. Meanwhile Fiz is overhearing everything.


    Finchy: I'm quite clumsy.

    ROFL! He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Pawtucket Holtster and Mason Jar: WOW! Mason Jar has the power of invisibility! One minute you see him and the next he is there! :) Mason Jar texted Pawtucket Holtster to meet him at his office. He does, and Mason Jar isn't there. Then Pawtucket Holtster leaves the office then comes back and poof Mason Jar is there! :) Their scene today really got me. I'm interested. :)

    Marty and Cyrus: Marty don't believe Cyrus gave away all his money. Cyrus says he did. Meanwhile Pawtucket Holtster is watching them. Hmm does he know Cyrus?

    Pawtucket Holtster and Cyrus: GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Cyrus is smiling an evil smile to Pawtucket Holtster.. THEY DO KNOW EACH OTHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Great scene!

    Chandler Mansion:

    Vanna: Ooooo V.C. is trying to get close to Anna, but she walked away from him. Yeah Anna is not playing!!!! V.C. says he was an intermediary between third party between them and Sonny. He thought his part was over. He was a defense contractor, and the company was Pikeman!!!!!!!!! People who worked for the WSB and left, worked for Pikeman!! She has a feeling there is 1 more piece of the puzzle! She left to go find it! Great scene!

    Ferncliff: Sasha sees Cowboy Cody and he was so angry and mean to her! I thought at first she was having a dream, but no she was just seeing things. Cowboy Cody turned into Cyrus and Cyrus wanted to give her drugs!!!

    Brooky and nurse Janice: Brooky and Cowboy Cody was there, but he hid. Brooky sees Janice's name and talks about the brady bunch, and the look on Cowboy Cody's face! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Nurse Janice: I don't wear lipstick and I hate peach. The color and the fruit.

    BAHAHHAAHAHAHAHA! Oh so Nurse Janice is a HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE Chase and Blaze fan! :) So Brooky has Nurse Janice listen to a new song that nobody has heard of yet. Nurse Janice is distracted by the song, while Cowboy Cody sneaks into Sasha's room! YESSSSSSSSSSS! :) The actress did a great job with Nurse Janice. :)

    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: Sasha is so out of it. She sees Cowboy Cody and screams her bloody head off!!! :(

    Cowboy Cody, Sasha, Brooky, and the guard: Oh no!!!! :( Sasha is still screaming, and it really affects Cowboy Cody and Brooky a lot!!! :(

  2. If I was a writer it would be so obvious that Olivia should dress like a rocker chick and start getting with Neddie's program. At least for a while. If they can find him.
    How can we get them to end the Sasha torture fest. It's one thing when she was an addict but now it's way over the top. It is depressing and not entertaining. Maybe a bit, or more, for a soap opera. IMO.
    Fiz is/are excrutiatingly sickening.

    1. Now that would be a good storyline with Olivia being and dressing like Eddie's groupie zazu.

    2. "zazu says, If I was a writer it would be so obvious that Olivia should dress like a rocker chick and start getting with Neddie's program. At least for a while. If they can find him."

      Ooooo yeah!!!! Then Vampire Eddie Maine will realize that Olivia is not a shrew and then fall in love with her. :)

  3. wonder if Wally Kurth is going on vacation? Surely not back to Sonny's?
    ------okay Cyrus' smile at the end PROVES he's lying and he knows Austin, but I don't think Austin knows him - his facial expression looked weird like 'why are you smiling like that?'
    -------okay WSB and Valentin and him saying EVERYONE who left the WSB could find a job at Pikeman - so WHO is it? We can figure this out----I know we can....I keep thinking Cassandra but it's gotta be someone we know..........
    -----Jackson Montgomery back next week.
    ------I just cannot bear to wear Sasha -----------it's horrible and I hope everyone will tweet Frank and GH and comment on it..........Cody get her outta there....
    -----Josh's wife - that WAS cute that she is a Chase fan.....
    -----Tracy is still on my nerves - and she is staying too long this time for my taste....

    1. I don't 'tweet' but I do hope FV gets lots of them about this wretched story. It got to me today. Not in a good way.

    2. Maybe Olivia Jerome is head of WSB?


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...