Thursday, August 17, 2023



So, I'm knee deep in watching Schitt$ Creek (again) and decided to tune into GH for a few minutes!

What did I see? 

Cody being all bitchy at the PCPD (obviously trying to get into Shadybrook)

Esme taking off her cover up in front of Spencer :eyeoll:

Curtis AND Marshall dissing Empress Wu 

Mason threatening Austin AGAIN while Betty held some zip drive. 

Okayyyyy. So.. nothing has changed. OH! I did see a minute of Curtis' new PT guy. Nice lookin' for sure. 


  1. "Cody being all bitchy at the PCPD (obviously trying to get into Shadybrook)"

    Actually it was a great scene I thought. I can't wait until he becomes a patient to be near Sasha!!! :)

    "Curtis AND Marshall dissing Empress Wu"

    I KNOW! I couldn't believe it!!!! Now I just want Mr. Hat man and Empress Wu to have a one night stand! :)

    1. OMG...Are you kidding? MS Wu can do so much better than a n old man who's 26 years older than her! If she has an itch that has to be scratched that badly she has some very appealing bodyguards.

    2. "Di say OMG...Are you kidding? MS Wu can do so much better than a n old man who's 26 years older than her! "

      BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well I wanted Curtis and Ms. Wu to have a little thing, but that isn't going to happen now.

      "If she has an itch that has to be scratched that badly she has some very appealing bodyguards."

      Oh like Helena had? :) Her bodyguards scratched Helena's itches! :D

  2. I think I would care more if they had built Sasha and Cody up more previously.

    1. They did! :) They were in scenes a lot and then they became friends. :) He almost got naked for her to save her! :)

    2. For me it wasn't enough. there's potential for sure

    3. "Linda says, For me it wasn't enough."

      Looks like he will save her from Ferncliff!!! I can't wait until he busts Monty Q!!!

      "there's potential for sure"

      Yes! :) Very big potential!

  3. Just watching and I said it before and I'll say it again they r terrible to Kristina

  4. ---one spoiler said Gladys would be killed and Cody arrested, which he DID threaten her----although he's faking being all crazy-----but I could see the psychiatrist killing Gladys - WHY is NO ONE asking about Sasha's doctors? Cody SAW the guy with Gladys IN the game!
    ------writers have dropped the Scott/Cody storyline of getting his inheritance and I HATE Cody acting like this-----maybe he will end up at Spring Ridge - I wanted him to bust Sasha out!
    ------ I thought drunk Tracy was gonna tell Brook Lynn her plan
    ------HATE HATE Molly-----recast ------ plus she looks like Esme
    ------Finally Gregory gonna tell Finn
    ------I am befuddled that Finn and Liz are still acting like - not teenagers - but KIDS - ugh.....
    ------Mac and Felicia are just precious-----but their conversation was outta the blue.....what Felicia wants to do? What does 'make a difference' even mean?
    -------still not a great show again today

    1. "I thought drunk Tracy was gonna tell Brook Lynn her plan"

      So did I!!!!

  5. Liz/Finn are just so happy. Happy, happy, happy.
    However it does, the Sasha story must end soon. And going more Sasha torture.
    NuNuMolly is such a b*t*h. Even the temp writers seem to hate women.
    GH is a mess. Not a hot one.

  6. So many funny one liners today! :)

    Police station/interrogation room:

    Cowboy Cody, Dante and Mac: Hysterical!!!!

    Cowboy Cody and Dante: I am so glad Dante figured out Cowboy Cody's plan! Come on Cowboy Cody! Tell him he is right!!! :)

    Finchy's home:

    Finchy, Liz, and little V: Fiz have a date and little V is confused that Liz went to pick HIM up! :)

    Little V: Girl power!

    Awwww. :)

    Little V and grandpa: They were making necklaces and then when little V left the room Gregory's hand was shaking then he fell! :( Little V saw him on the ground and was worried. She is such a sweetheart!!!

    Metrocourt pool/Hawaiian party: A Hawaiian party! Cool!

    Brooky and Tracy: Tracy is complaining! Hahaha. There was a fire eater too! WOW! :) Tracy was talking about Luke and then she got drunk! ROFL!

    MacLecia: Felicia wants to do more than what she is doing. She was thinking about working at the police station to help people, but Mac thinks she would be perfect for the hospital! :)

    MacLecia, Brooky, and Tracy: Tracy is so wasted! Hahahahahahaha!

    Brooky and Tracy: Drunk Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Mac is a bore!

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh and then the fruit Tracy was holding on to, she put it into some stranger's drink! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Fiz: They are on a date! *Facepalm*

    The hospital:

    TJ and Krissy: Krissy has a meeting and told TJ all about it and after the meeting she told him all about it.

    Tolly home:

    Molly, Jordan, Alexis, and Sam: They had a meal! Molly told them all about what is happening. Alexis and Jordan don't seem very happy. Jordan looks good in that dress and love her hair.

    Sam and Molly: Molly goes on and on and on and on about how Sam is a good mother.

    Sam, Molly, and Krissy: WOW! Krissy knocked on the door! I'm surprised she didn't just walk right in!

    Finchy's home part 2:

    Finchy and Little V: Little V was in bed and when Finchy came home she told him that grandpa fell! :(

    Finchy and Gregory: I think Gregory is going to tell Finchy what is happening!!! Good!

    Central Perk:

    Jordan and Alexis: They think it's too fast that Tolly found a surrogate. I guess they will have a bad feeling about this and then they would be right? :)

    Sidnote: Krissy again with the same conversation with Molly about the surrogacy. UGH!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to January 30th 2014* Little Cam and little Spencer. Awwww. :)

    1. obviously yes the surrogate is too fast and they loved too much so she will either back out on her own or she will be liar and Kristina will be the surrogate

    2. "mufasa says, obviously yes the surrogate is too fast and they loved too much so she will either back out on her own or she will be liar and Kristina will be the surrogate"

      Yup sounds about right. Especially in the previews, Krissy will not let it go!

  7. Yesterday ended with Sam outside Sasha’s room and today she was having sushi. Can’t stand NuNuMolly. Tracy was hysterical and Brooke and Liz looked so pretty.

  8. I too was sceaming HOW is SAM there and we don't go back to Ferncliff and whatever she did?

    1. Yeah I know!!!! Maybe she only watched and then left! *Shrug*


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...