Thursday, August 10, 2023

A Night Out

Olivia and Carly go to a big old dive-bar and Eddie is there. Olivia goes to the restroom and Eddie tries to hit on Carly. And then Mason hits on Olivia. He gets handsy-- and she pushes him away. Eddie steps in, decks Mason-- then they get in a fight. 

Kristina is watching "How to Catch a Killer" and has a facial mask on. Ha ha. Her internet went out and is watching TV at Alexis' house. I guess she has her own place? Since when? What? Anyway, they talk and Alexis sees books that Sam let Kristina borrow on finance. Then Alexis realizes that she was going to BURN THEM. BUT NO! Kristina wasn't. Then they talk about Sam trying to apologize by giving Krissy the books. 

Marshall goes home and is sad. Portia goes to get Trina. Trina left a note...she's gone to see Curtis. Marshall thinks he should move out when Curtis comes home after rehab. Portia says they all need him. Then they talk about Curtis not walking and get all sad. 

Curtis is sad in the hospital. He talks to Liz about having to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair. 

Trina goes to the hospital and begs Finn to see Curtis. Finn goes to Curtis' room and lets Trina in. Curtis has a puss-face on when she walks in. She says she just wants to see him before he goes to rehab. 

Dante is at Anna's house and someone is skulking outside.  Anna asks Dante if he's ever heard of Pikeman. She says that it's a company dealing in arms and they recruit old WSB agents to work for them. They recruited Valentin. He worked with them LONG ago as a contractor. NOT NOW though. 

Sam goes over to Maxie's and brings ice cream and wine. The kids are fighting. UGH WE GET IT, the apartment is too small!! OK!! geesh! Sam gives James ice cream and he asks why she has a boy's name. Maxie sends him to bed. Says it's so hard to get a house in this market. Sam says she might have a solution. Maxie could move into Lulu's house. Then they talk about Lulu. It's been almost 3 years. Then they talk about Sasha's breakdown. 


Dante leaves Anna's....someone is skulking outside her house

Carly knocks Mason out with a scotch bottle


  1. Well I ff'd today and checked the length of the scenes which ranged from about 30 seconds to a minute or less. I'm thinking they may soon have to have a warning sign posted on the screen that states:
    " Due to the rapidity of the flashing images, this program may induce an epilyptic seizure!"

  2. -I truly thought Eddie would wake up as Ned - I got all excited that new writers were gonna END this storyline and Nina, etc. woulda been PERFECT!
    -----maybe GREG tried to drive home and had a wreck
    -----I still see no reason for Molly/Kristina/Alexis/Sam convos at all.
    -----IF Carly is arrested and IF Sonny finds out MASON was bothering Olivia, he will kill Mason.....I think there is a reason it was MASON in this scene and not a random jerk.
    ------going back to Zoom with Donnell and Tabayna ------ Donnell said when he was told about the paralysis (months ago), he insisted that it not have a quick remedy----that it should last there you go..............
    -----as I have been annoying people by screaming "THIS HEAD OF WSB IS BEHIND ALL OF THIS and because NO ONE has seen the person, it's obvious it's someone we know...
    -------I think whoever is watching Anna's house must be the one who sets fire to her house (previews show her house on fire)

    1. I had the same thought/hope about Eddie's konk on the head.

  3. True Di. Except for the everlasting Ashford scenes. Portia doing what she does best. Whining and crying.
    The bar scenes saved the show today. A bit of fun. Still think Olivia should adapt to being a rocker chick all googly over Neddie.
    Masonjar has to go. Creepiest creep.

    1. zazu, I have started to loath Portia almost as much as I do Carly. And I love the idea of Olivia playing rocker chick.

  4. Kristina was living with Amy, it's been awhile since we had any references to that.

  5. A lot of funny one liners today! :)

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Alien Krissy: Yeah Alien Krissy you really should have given your mom a heads up before coming over! Like a text.. Krissy never liked any gifts Sam gave her?! HUH?!

    Dive bar:

    Carly and Olivia: Ewww what was that on Olivia's hand? Yuck!!! Looked like mustard?

    Carly and Vampire Eddie Maine: Vampire Eddie Maine hits on Carly! BAHAHAHAHA! Yeah you deserve that stomp on your foot for disparaging Olivia like that. You have no right!!! There was no reason! Vampire Eddie Maine wins the line of the day.

    Vampire Eddie Maine: Oh Carly! The night is young and, what rhymes with Carly? Gnarly!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh great now I want Vampire Eddie Maine to kiss Carly! Is that wrong? ROFL!

    Mason Jar and Olivia: Oh wow!!!! I'm thinking is Vampire Eddie Maine going to be a hero?! :)

    Mason Jar and Vampire Eddie Maine: YUP! ROFL! YEAHHHHH FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!! Why can't Carly and Nina fight like this?! Great scene!!!! :) I thought maybe after he got knocked out he would get his memory back. Nope.

    Maxie's home:

    Maxie, Sam, Georgie, and James: Georgie and James comes out of the bedroom with folded arms hahahaha! Too funny!

    Sam and James:

    James: Why do you have a boy's name?

    ROFL! Uh Sam should tell him to not talk with ice cream in his mouth..

    Sam, Maxie, and James: One minute Maxie is catching James sneaking ice cream, then the next scene he is sleeping on her lap. What happened in between?

    Chandler Mansion:

    Dante and Anna: Oh my! Who is watching Anna?! Pikeman? The Tribbles? Is the person going to try to shoot Anna again?

    Purtis's home:

    Portia and Mr. Hat man: Ohhhhh! So that is why Mr. Hat man is still living there. Portia doesn't want him to. :) Awwwww. :) #Family. :)

    The hospital:

    Curtis alone: He was dreaming and when he woke up, I thought he was going to be able to move his legs because he was still dreaming.. Nope.

    Finchy and Trina: Geez Trina is so melodramatic today! Calm down Trina.

    Curtis and Finchy: New besties! :) I thought Finchy was going to show Curtis puppies. No just Trina.. Too bad it wasn't puppies.

    Trina and Curtis: Great scene!!!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to June 3rd 1997* Lucy tells Doc she is preggers! :)

    1. Oh I forgot to mention, why was there scotch tape on Portia's boob or wherever it was when she was talking to Mr. Hat man?

  6. I still think the head of WSB is someone like Olivia Jerome the OG. Wishful thinking on my part. Should be an old enemy of Anna's. (or Robert lol). Just kidding about Robert. I've loved him forever, so that would be VERY TERRIBLE


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...