Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Trouble Tuesday?


Not sure I'll make it today OR tomorrow for the blog because work is starting up and I have open houses. So I'll just open it up to you-- 

I do have some ideas that SHOULD have happened this summer: 

Sante wedding. We needed a nice little fun wedding and I'm diggin' Sam and Dante. Plus, with all the Lulu talk, they'd be hitched when she woke up. No wedding "interruptus" like we usually see. 

Joss/Dex/Trina/Spencer: SHOULD have visited Cam in California. Even if they never actually SAW him, it could have been some kind of mystery sprinkled with Nikolas stuff. 

Maxie and the kids should have had at least 2 days of moving scenes-- it would have been fun. Liz could have helped too-- all the kids could have been in that deal. Sam's...Dante's--yada yada. Spinelli would have been involved as well. I still don't know why he's not on more. 

Wu's Gambling Palace should have been in full swing. Curtis was out of it for most of the summer, being mad then sad--then shot. She could have just taken over until someone noticed. I also say they missed huge opportunities to have guest cameos from guest actors in all genres. They are on strike. Daytime is exempt.. a few poker games could have been done up really well. 


  1. I think it's horrible that Taggart is NOWHERE around - and that Trina is calling Curtis Dad simply because he is paralyzed
    ----still makes NO SENSE that Deception can be sued for an IDEA he/she had years ago and that LUCY made it happen/built it--------intellectual property usually means TANGIBLE something - stupid case-------that is like me suing the people who came up with the Pet Rock that I thought of years ago _ LOL
    ------when will Cyrus open the stupid SIM card? unless he gives it to Drew on purpose cause he knows it is fake and Sonny think DREW is behind Pikeman? Isn't that what Brick is waiting on? I thought Carly was going to figure it out that it was Cyrus that Austin visited
    ----PLEASE for the love of all that is good -KILL GLADYS AND THE DOCTOR AND END this horrible storyline that I can't watch
    ----Did Brick say BETTY already left the country?
    ----Michael's hair looked weird today
    -----Brick is right - I bet Cyrus wants division between Pikeman and Sonny and he is NOT the head of Pikeman

    1. "mufasa says, I think it's horrible that Taggart is NOWHERE around"

      I know. :( I wish I knew where he is!!!

      "Trina is calling Curtis Dad simply because he is paralyzed"

      Haha no no. She is calling him dad because he IS her dad. :)

      "Did Brick say BETTY already left the country?"

      YES!!! TO MEXICO!!!!!!!! :O

      "Michael's hair looked weird today"

      Yeah it did!!!

  2. I really enjoyed today's show but I don't think is the place to discuss it.

  3. Kelly's:

    Carly and Michael: Zzzzzzzz. They talk about how she will get Drew out.

    Spa jail library:

    Cyrus and Drew: They talked about how Sonny has both of them under protection. Oh goodie! Then they can relax and be besties and have a great bromance.

    Purtis home:

    Curtis, Mr. Hat man, Portia, and Trina: Trina is wonderful to Curtis I think. Everything is moved around for Curtis.

    Mr. Hat man and Curtis: They talk alone and Curtis wants to sell the Savoy! I hope he sells it to Ms. Wu! :D

    Portia and Trina: First Portia says that Trina may be making things worse with Curtis, and then she eventually says you are doing nothing wrong. So make up your mind Portia!!! Which is it?! Oy!

    Sonny's office:

    Sonny and Brick: Brick tells Sonny, Betty Sue went to Mexico! Hahahahahhahaha. Is Betty Sue skeered? :) Is she running away from Sonny? Is she afraid that Sonny will get his revenge on her? :)

    Nina's Crimson office:

    Nina and Gladys: Gladys had to tell Nina all the truth!!!! WOW! I did not expect that. Judgemental Nina. No no Nina don't burn that bridge. What if YOUR truth comes out? You are going to need Gladys on your side because everyone will hate you.


    Monty Q and Sasha: Sasha is asleep, but then Monty Q wakes her up to drug her again. Cowboy Cody? HURRY UP!

    Nurse Janice and Sasha: Nurse Janice looks worried about Sasha.

    Nurse Janice and Monty Q: Oh oh Nurse Janice tells Monty Q that Sasha is not getting any better, so she should go to another facility!! Will Monty Q hurt nurse Janice?

    Monty Q calls Gladys: He had to tell her about the rumblings of rumors that Sasha might have to go to another facility!!! Geez they both need to relax and get themselves Tribbles!


    Maxie, Brooky, and Lucy: Love Maxie's hair color! Love Lucy's dress and the blue color! Lucy fired their lawyer Elyse!! RA RO! Lucy got another lawyer that didn't show up, and Maxie rehired Elyse! Oh hello Tracy!! She walks in. :) JACKSON MONTGOMERY WALKS IN! YAY!!!!!

    Jackson Montgomery and Elyse: Oh they had some cute banter. :) Jack wins the line of the day.

    Jack: 20 years ago Elyse, you were a child.

    BAHAHAHAHA! Oh I am so glad Jack is back! We have him for 2 days and I will enjoy him being around.. Too bad he can't just be permanent!!!

    1. I hope Curtis sells to Mrs. Wu too. There will be a lot more interesting things happening there with her in charge.
      I was so glad that Nina forced the truth out of Gladys. She looked so scared when nina sent her packing. lol I think I saw a puddle on the floor. hehe Can't wait for her to tell Sonny about the Doctor because I think that's the next step. (I'm so glad this wasn't dragged out until Nov.)
      Th sneaky doctor keeps timing those shots when Janice is off getting Sasha's meds. The previews show Sasha begging Janice not to leave her alone with the doctor, so tomorrow should be interesting too.

      I can't wait to see what brick and Sonny do next. they clipped tyesterdays previews to make us think Brick was leaving...tsk tsk writers. But you got us good. Love these 2 working together.

      It looks like things are moving fast with the trial now too, which is good. I think we're going to find out that Lucy wasn't the only one milking Martin for his ideas. lol

    2. "Di says, I hope Curtis sells to Mrs. Wu too. There will be a lot more interesting things happening there with her in charge."

      Yes! I agree!!! :)

      "I was so glad that Nina forced the truth out of Gladys. She looked so scared when nina sent her packing. lol I think I saw a puddle on the floor. hehe"

      ROFL! Monty Q might just scare Gladys too! :)

      "Can't wait for her to tell Sonny about the Doctor because I think that's the next step. (I'm so glad this wasn't dragged out until Nov.)"

      You can't wait until Gladys tells Sonny about the doctor? I'm glad it wasn't dragged out until November sweeps either!

      "Th sneaky doctor keeps timing those shots when Janice is off getting Sasha's meds."

      That doctor I tell ya!!!! He is too smart!

      "I can't wait to see what brick and Sonny do next. they clipped tyesterdays previews to make us think Brick was leaving...tsk tsk writers. But you got us good."

      ROFL! They did get us good those sneaky writers!!!

      "It looks like things are moving fast with the trial now too, which is good. I think we're going to find out that Lucy wasn't the only one milking Martin for his ideas. lol"

      I can't wait until we meet the 3rd ex wife!!! :)

    3. I was really shocked Glady's spilled her guts! I loved it! And somebody needs to drop a house on that doctor. He is evil!
      Love the idea of Ms Wu buying the Savoy. And I just loved Karen's idea about a celebrity poker game. That would have and could have been fantastic!

  4. NO lawsuit/trial ever happened this fast.
    Trina is obnoxious.
    Calling Dr. Death sneaky is a huge understatement. This story must end soon. It is painful to watch in so many ways. Not entertainment in any sense.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...