Monday, August 28, 2023

Blazer City Today


So Kassie DePaiva (Blair OLTL) Is joining GH for a short time--and I'm GUESSING Blair was Marty's "EX"??? Is she the Deceptor person???? WELP! 

Liz and Finn on the roof, talking about Greg's illness. They are sad. Liz tells him she'll be there with him 'Every step of the way". 

Diane visits Carly in Kelly's. Both have blazers on. Carly wants Drew out of jail. Diane thinks maybe she can look into bias. 

Joss and Trina at Kelly's talking about Curtis and Portia. Cripes, can't these two do some club-crawling? 

Portia is crying to Marshall about Curtis coming home tomorrow and he never told her. They talk about Curtis and he might be avoding Portia (YOU THINK?) THEN Trina comes in and they talk about Curtis. 

Curtis is working out and Stella is talking to him. She tells him it's too soon to leave. Gives him a pep talk about being brave yada yada. She says don't shut Portia out. 

Anna takes Robert for a drink at The Pool. She wants to find out if Valentine's on Pikeman's payroll. She thinks he's still working with him. Then Robert leaves and Valentin comes in. Anna's suspicous. 

Lucy throws a drink in Marty's face and is mad about the wife #3 giving him money every month. Marty wonders how she found that out. She tells him all about Pine Valley. She's also anxious about the hearing tomorrow. 

Marty tells Valentin in the alcove that "it's not good news" whatever that's about. 

Alexis is going to be on the LGBTQIA House board. Then she and Krissy talk about Molly and the surrogate. Alexis likes the surrogate. Kristina leaves. Greg comes in. He says he doesn't know how long he'll be working. He tells her he told Finn and Liz but not Chase. She says she'll be there for him. 


Liz will be there for Finn

Alexis is there for Greg

Valentin tells Martin he has to do something then HE can do something. 

Curtis calls Portia and hells her he's coming home and they'll work out things together. 

Robert bought a new car, wants to take Diane for a 'spin' in it


  1. ---when Donnell was on his Zoom a few weeks ago, he said he places a quarter between his knees so he won't move his legs----------and again he said he needed to be paralyzed for months and make it real------the whole dialogue was weird - and Whiny Portia again
    ----I think Marty is changing something in Valentin's will???? and V knows it's getting dangerous, etc., so he is changing his will?
    -----don't understand Blair being the person who works with Tracy to get back Deceptor at Deception??? WHAT is that connection?
    -----Carly, you would have better luck with SONNY getting a new judge - not ROBERT
    -----Finn and Liz - will they ever kiss?????
    ------today was just not a great day/too broken up with short scenes - ain't even commenting on Alexis, Kristina and Gregory.

  2. forgot - so Gladys is gonna lie about medical expenses and ask Nina for 50,000 but Nina is so stupid she probably won't tell Sonny------------------and on the previews when Carly says 'get outta there' and Dex is running----------bet she is talking to Joss and Dex is racing to help Joss.

  3. Kelly's:

    Carly and Diane: Kelly's needs a Tribbles and then the Tribbles can wear a blazer. :)

    Robert and Diane: Awwwwww. :) #Riane!!!! :)

    The hospital roof:

    Fiz: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

    Portia's office:

    Portia and Mr. Hat man: Whiny Portia. Portia needs a Tribbles in her office. Or maybe green beans.

    Portia and Trina: Trina should have brought Portia green beans in her office.

    Metrocourt pool:


    Mucy: Lucy wins the line of the day.

    Lucy: And you actually believed me? Then you are an idiot!

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love them together so much! :) They are a fun and hysterical couple. I want them to get married. :)

    Marty and V.C.: HUH?! What the heck is going on there?!

    Vanna: Come on V.C. let us in on what is going on!!! Anna doesn't have to know right now, just let US know! :)

    Alexis's office:

    Alexis and Krissy: Zzzzzzz.

    Alexis and Gregory: Awwww they hugged. :) Time to tell Chase though! Come on Gregory!

    The PT room:

    Curtis and Stella: Great scene!!!! I love Stella so much. She is fantastic!! I'm so glad Stella is back! :)

    Sidenote: Ooooo Will Kassie DePavia play Marty's ex wife number 3? :D

  4. Sonya said: Kelly's needs a Tribbles and then the Tribbles can wear a blazer. :)

    Sonya, the Tribbles are too cool to wear blazers. Sunglasses, now are acceptable.

    1. "Gary says, Sonya, the Tribbles are too cool to wear blazers. Sunglasses, now are acceptable."

      Ooooooo! Sunglasses! YES! They need sunglasses!!! :)

  5. There must have been a big sale on blazers. I have yet to see one here in the summer months. Same goes for boots and mega heels. Ugh, another OLTL person we don’t need.

  6. very interesing article in about the GH and Y&R fans are in an uproar on social media with the horrible writing of stories.......and they give examples, etc. so yep LOTS of unhappy fans

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I read that, too! I'm not happy with the Sasha storyline, Trina and fake-daddy Curtis, but it's not all awful!

  7. The Ashford whine saga goes on.
    Blair and Todd. Austin reveals he is really Todd Manning.
    Never thought GH could get worse. What do I know. Not much.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...