Monday, August 7, 2023

New Car?


Anna and Robert talk about the workings of the WSB in his office. Anna flashes back to her being debriefed in London and she saw a PIKEMAN folder in there. I'm starting to suspect Valentin is Pikeman. YEP!! Anna goes away to figure things out on a whiteboard and connects everything to Valentin. 

Valentin comes to tell Spencer (and Esme) that Kevin and Laura are still looking for Nikolas. He says they can't find him anywhere. Esme says: Maybe he's dead. Valentin doesn't think so.  Valentin says that Esme and Spencer are doing a good job raising Ace. Gross. They talk about Family and making the Cassadines a "good" name. Valentin leaves and then.. oh boy. Spencer and Esme have a PHOTO SHOOT and selfie fest with Ace to send photos to Grandmother. 

Gladys is being bitchy by the pool. Sam and Scout are there. Sam tells her to shut up or she'll push her in the pool. Sam says she thinks something happened to Sasha before she stabbed Cody. They bicker... Gladys tells her to be a better friend to Sasha. Sam is suspicious. Gladys leaves. 

Sasha is in Ferncliff feeling scared and alone. Asks the nurse to call Gladys. Gladys doesn't answer so she says to call Cody Bell but Dr. Doom is in the doorway. The nurse leaves after the restraints are off. Dr asks why she'd want to call Cody when she tried to kill him. She says they are friends. He shows her pills they found in her purse (which he planted there) says that's why she went crazy. He gives her a shot. 

Diane is getting her nails done and Cody pops in to tell her he's not pressing charges against Sasha. He wants to see her. Only Gladys can get him in there. 

Diane goes to visit Robert and tells him to drop the charges against Sasha and he's going to talk to the ADA. She invites him to the car show this weekend because he needs a new car. 

Nina is trying to plan her wedding and Olivia says to shut up because of her situation with Ned. Sonny fell in love with NINA when HE lost his memory so maybe Ned will do the same with some rando lady. OH! Olivia and Nina are friends now! Olivia wants to plan Nina' wedding HAHHAHAHA.  Nina wonders what Carly will say. Olivia isn't bothered, they are BFFs and Carly wants Sonny to be happy. They aren't getting along right now though because she still thinks Ned got Drew put in jail. Nina just gives a side eye. Olivia is all excited to plan the event, it will be at The Metro.

Brick has information for Sonny.  Betty was a nanny but also worked in a trucking company in PAWTUCK !! you know, CRIMINAL CENTER PAWTUCK. OH! Austin went to UB BUFFALO!! :Clapping: Now he talks about dead alley guy. He also worked for Pawtuck Trucking. SO Did Mason!! And the trucking CO was bought 2 years ago by an LLC. Brick wants to kill them all but Sonny says they can't because Ava killed Nikolas and they have the body. They can get the body back then kill them. 


The Nurse Janice won't let Cody in to see Sasha even though he pretends to be Dante

Valentin comes in and sees Anna's writing. She says she thinks she knows who shot her and she thinks he knows too. 


  1. -----Cassandra Pierce????? the guy in the hospital who chained Robert? CLEARLY whoever the writers are changing the direction..............we all thought Victor was behind Pikeman as he threatened Sonny he HAD to accommodate Pikeman to keep 'him' happy.
    ------I just can't -------- from fall to VALENTINE'S DAY? I will stop watching if I have to watch Nina 7 MONTHS! She ain't even nervous anymore - rewrite
    ---------really liked Val and Spence! those pics gonna go to Trina 'by mistake'
    ------I like Janice being a nice nurse
    --------it's hard to watch Sasha's storyline.............Gladys is the worst - PLEASE go away.
    --------SO glad Anna finally realized Valentin is the common goal (SURELY not Helena?)
    ----------so just interesting - I participated in Zoom last night with Donnell and Tabayna (Curtis and Trina) - it was fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!! all Coastal Entertainments are great BUT BUT I got to ask my question to Donnell: CAN the new writers end stories or start stories?
    He had already stated that new writers don't have background and they often tell him about the history of characters for reference......
    He answered, "I'll will answer in vague terms. The new writers have the ability to prolong storylines (INSERT THE LOOK ON MY FACE) and they can change a story or end a story but if they end or start a new story, it has to be approved by the powers that be."
    ------I answered "well I hope they do stop some storylines and create new ones.
    TODAY when Nina said Valentine's Day I wondered if this is one of the prolonged stories.
    ------My other question about filming out of sequence ----------- yes ALL THE TIME and Trina talked about losing her voice and she knew people noticed.........sometimes filming now for something 2 weeks away..............that is tough I am sure
    great zoom - I learned alot.

  2. How many times can I say enough already with the Sasha torture fest. This story has been prolonged for years. Dreadful doc must die a wicked death.
    Esme and Spencer are a good couple. And they probably will be. I don't feel him and Trina so much.
    Will Valentin be the bad guy? Hope not.
    Kept expecting Kristina to barge in somewhere.

    1. "Zazu says, Will Valentin be the bad guy? Hope not."

      You mean be the bad guy who tried to shoot Anna? Why would he? Unless he was brainwashed.

      "Kept expecting Kristina to barge in somewhere."


    2. Agree Zazu. When I see Sasha now I turn it off. It is awful and not entertaining at all.

    3. The Sasha storyline is beyond disgustiing. It's not bad enough that they're torturing her and impairing her mental health, that psychotic Doctor is going to turn her into an addict again. And this is their idea of entertainment? Not mine. The show came off the PVR today. Nothing else is moving fast enough that it can't be caught up on in November...if the show's still on the air.

    4. Agree Di. I took mine off the DVR a while back. It's just so awful and there's so many other choices these days with streaming. I keep hoping the stories get better because I want to support the show. But my time is valuable, so I'm taking a break.

  3. Beauty parlor:

    Diane and Cowboy Cody: Awww Cowboy Cody cares about Sasha! Let's have them as a couple. :)

    Metrocourt pool:

    Sam and Scout: Swimming lessons yay! Wait where is the swimming teacher?

    Gladys, Sam, and Scout: What was the point of Gladys harassing Scout?

    Gladys and Sam: What's the point of this scene? We already know Sam is suspicious of Gladys and we know that Gladys won't spill any hot tea!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Nina and Olivia: Awwww new besties. :) Nina touching Olivia's hand.. They are in wuv. :)

    Brick and Sonny: Oooo Pawtucket Holtster is 48 years old!!! :) I was waiting for a picture of Mason Jar and Brick telling us how old Mason Jar is! :) Oh rats he didn't say. Probably 48 also. Ooooo evil Betty Lou from Pawtuck!!! :)

    Brick, Sonny, Nina, and Olivia: Awwww Brick is all flirty with Nina and Olivia! *Snicker* :D


    Nurse, Doctor Monty Q, and Sasha: I thought the actress was going to be on maternity leave!!! I don't want to see Sasha all tied up!

    Monty Q and Sasha: I like evil Monty Q, but I also want Cowboy Cody to catch evil Monty Q and stop him!!!! :)

    Cowboy Cody, Nurse, and Nurse Janice: Hahahaha. I love nurse Janice!!! :) Are Janice and Betty Lou besties? :) GO COWBOY CODY GO! :D

    Cowboy Cody and Nurse Janice:

    Nurse Janice: The only way you are getting in here, is if you have an ID, or you're a patient.

    Patient Cowboy Cody time!!!! :D

    Kevlar home:

    Vampira, Ace, Spencer, and V.C.: Why does Spencer have a vacant face? I really really REALLY hope Spencer is playing Vampira!! V.C. holding Ace awwww. :)

    Vampira, Ace, and Spencer: Ace don't look very happy having his picture taken! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Selfies?!?!!? Oh come on! Please Spencer bring us in on what your plan is!! Vampira moving Spencer's hair! She is in wuv with him!!!!

    Robert's office:

    RnA: Love that Anna is figuring things out with flashbacks. Robert wins the line of the day.

    Robert: I didn't do anything.


    Robert and Diane: I love Diane's comparison to keeping old things to keeping new things.. She is right Robert!! :) Go to the car show with her. :) Get a new car, and kiss her during the car show. :)

    Chandler Mansion:

    Anna and the whiteboard: Ooooooo. Everything and everyone one connected to Pikeman. :)

    Vanna: V.C. if you know who tried to shoot Anna, tell her!!! WHO IS IT?!

    1. Oh forgot to mention! Diane told Robert to drop the charges for Sasha! But Diane! Robert said before he was helping Sasha because Maxie asked for his help! Come on Scab writers!! Get on the ball here!

  4. I guess they want us to witness Willow bonding with Nina before they expose her lies.

    At least last weeks blazer that Nina had on was summer like. Red again today, I just don't get it.

    It was nice to see Billy Miller on an old Suits eppy I watched yesterday.

    1. still enjoying old episodes of Mike starting Alzheimers and seeing Billy Miller

    2. They are definitely playing up Nina bonding with different people -- Olivia, Kristina, Willow -- before the big reveal.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...