Tuesday, August 1, 2023


 Ava, Carly and Avery at the Corinthos. They are baking cookies but Ava interrupted. "WHY YOU here, Ava" asks Carly. Is it about the new nanny? Carly harps on about how mean she was to Josslyn at the pool. LOL She knows Ava's up to something and she's dragging Sonny into it. 

Greg and Alexis. She says someone else knows. She says Tracey noticed his trembling and called her. Alexis didn't tell her but she says he can't cover it up for long. They talk about this illness like they have for about 6-7 other times. It's the EXACT dialog.

TJ and Molly..she shows him her pony. UGH. IT's been 4 days of visits: Sam, Kristina, Alexis and now TJ. BORING. They want a baby NOW and with TJ's DNA. So they need a surrogate. 

Cyrus "dies" goes to hell... Laura taunts him behind the bars. Genie sured pre-taped a bunch of things to insert!! Laura talks to him about his choices and yada yada. Not the best dialog. Cyrus makes a lotta faces. Anyway, Drew ends up saving him and he's back in the jail. 

Dante, Anna and Sonny talk about Stuff. Kristina comes in with Dante and she sits herself down with the 2 of them and asks about the shooting. It's the same old rehash. Shooting, who could have done it? WSB? Pikeman? Did Victor out Anna or someone in WSB? But who fired the bullet? UGHHHHHHHHHHH 

Kristina goes to the ladies room and Trisha finds her there. Says what great work she's going to do with her youth center. Trisha's brother was thrown out of the house at 15 because he was gay. She also says Nina told her about the shelter and she's super proud of Kristina. 

Cyrus goes to GH 

KEVIN is on tomorrow

WEIRD show. 


  1. Didn't Dante and Anna already agree to work together?
    So 1st Kristina got little air time. NuKristina is in almost every scene. And SO much more annoying than her predecessor.
    I love Jeff Kober. Crazy faces and all.

    1. It irritates me to no end that they had an excellent actor in Lexi (old Kristina) and then got rid of her just as Kristina was given a storyline for the first time in years. This would be so much more engaging with Lexi.

    2. I have always been a big fan of Lexi's but I do also like this new actress.

  2. -----I 100% think old writers were going to make Krissy the surrogate and new writers said nope......irritating that Molly and Krissy are on all the time when the BEST ones were not on much....maybe Pilar can be the surrogate. Molly is just - again I just mute when she speaks.....clearly she is much older than TJ
    -----I also think Jeff Kober must have agreed to be on longer---and new writers came up with a 'he has really changed storyine'.
    ----karen is SOOOO right - why all the freakin blazers?
    -----so I think Trish's convo with Kristina is the build-up of 'oh crap what I am doing is a big deal' and then she fails.....again new writers and now I kinda wanna know where is Terry?
    ------finally a theory - I don't think anyone actually saw the new WSB person who took over for Frisco......he didn't want anyone in Greenland and arrested Robert--pretty sure Anna said when she got back that he refused to see her sooooooooooo I think the head guy is after Anna..............and I wonder who it is (and I think new writers gonna change that direction too with all the talk Dante and Anna and Sonny had about WSB after her.,......and Anna - GO INSIDE!
    -----I got all excited the first couple of days and writing and today was bad---lotsa jumbled up stuff which I CAN get past if the newbies are transitioning what they wanna do.

  3. What a boring show today!! All talk talk talk and no action.

    Tolly home:

    Tolly: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. I like Valiant though. Valiant should go visit the Tribbles, Green beans, and Badger Bob! Valiant could be besties with them!!! :) Then all of them can be besties with Mr. Ed! :) Yesterday with NuNuMolly talking to Alexis, didn't NuNuMolly's foot fall asleep?! She was sitting on it for awhile!!!

    Molly: Do you really want to be a father?

    Geez Molly. How many times does he have to say he wants a baby?

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Anna and Sonny: More of the same conversations. Zzzzzzzzz.

    Dante, Krissy, Sonny and Anna: Zzzzzzzzzz.

    Trish and Krissy: Nina brags about Krissy?! HUH?!?!!? I did like Trish's story about her brother.

    Sonny and Krissy: Awww Sonny wants to buy Krissy a car how sweet. :) What a worried dad he is. :) Sonny wins the line of the day.

    Sonny: No I didn't know that.

    BAHAHAHAHA! Sonny didn't even know about Nina bragging!! BAHAHAHAHA! Nobody knew about that either Sonny! Hahahahaha!

    The jail library:

    Cyrus and Ryan Lavery: Oh look Cyrus and his nose hairs ROFL! I don't want Cyrus to die!!!!

    Cyrus's jail hell: Cyrus is in jail hell! HAHAHAHAHA!

    Cyrus and Laura: It was really nice scenes, but it went on too long. Give us more scab writers! Show us satan!

    The guard and Drew: Oh come on guard! Drew was just defending himself.

    Carly's kitchen: The Tribbles!!!! YAY! :D

    Carly, Ava, and Avery: Awww making cookies for Ava and Donna for the movie. Gee no popcorn? Where are the popcorn?! Oh hi Ava! :)

    Carly and Ava: Oh Carly just give it up! Ava is not going to tell you anything. Ava is not doing her old tricks again. Zzzzzzzzzzz.

    Ava and Avery:

    Ava: I love you so much.

    Avery: I love you too.

    Awwwwwww! That saves the scene. :)

    Alexis's office:

    Gregory and Alexis: Zzzzzzzzzzz. Okay the scab writers should have Gregory find out he has been misdiagnosed! Enough is enough!

    1. Thought the same thing about Cyrus's nose hairs, lol!
      I thought Molly and TJ had decent chemistry, but the repeat conversation was killing me. NuNu Molly doesn't bother me as much as she bothers others. :)
      Sick of Valiant. Kill me now please.
      Last time we saw Badger Bob the camera zeroed in on his name plate of Brutus. So wrong, lol!!!!
      I'm really liking Dante right now. And he really has great chem with Anna. :)

    2. "Julie H says, thought the same thing about Cyrus's nose hairs, lol!"


      "the repeat conversation was killing me."

      ME TOO!!! UGH!

      "NuNu Molly doesn't bother me as much as she bothers others. :)"

      Oh! Well that's good. :) Did you like the other one before her?

      "Sick of Valiant. Kill me now please."

      ROFL! Valiant is adorable! He can join the ranks of The Tribbles, Green beans, and Badger Bob! :)

      "Last time we saw Badger Bob the camera zeroed in on his name plate of Brutus. So wrong, lol!!!!"

      OH! THAT is what Karen was talking about on twitter. I thought she meant that someone made a name plate that said Brutus on it. I didn't see the name plate. When did they show that?

      I"'m really liking Dante right now. And he really has great chem with Anna. :)"

      Yes he does have great chem with Anna!!! :D

    3. Sonya, the Brutus name plate was zeroed in on when Ava walked into Sonny's office asking what was going on when Betty took Avery to the pool. I don't know what day that was...they all run together, lol!

  4. Even ghost/angel Laura was wearing a gd blazer...

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Poor Valiant is wondering why his agent talked him into this lousy part.

    1. OMG Wanda Woman....hahahahahah!

    2. ROFL! Valiant, Badger Bob, Tribbles, Green beans, and Mr. Ed can all play together and be besties! I hope Valiant stays and is on the shelf! :)

  7. I had no idea - never occurred to me that Pilar still is Donna's nanny!

  8. Just read that Josh Swickard's wife is joining GH as a nurse at Ferncliff. YAY....more characters.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...