Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Go FIsh


Olivia tells Carly she's helping Nina plan the wedding. Carly understands that Olivia needs a distraction from Eddie Drama. Olivia says she's sorry for treating Carly so badly (WHAT?!) Carly says they are BFFs and that's that. They have a bunch of Carly/Olivia flashbacks. 

Portia is sad but Trina wants to move back home so she's happy. Spencer comes with her just to help move. Trina goes to set up her room and Portia tells Spencer to dop the boxes and she'll do the rest (not in front of Tri though) . Curtis was shot and that bullet could have been for his OTHER UNCLE Sonny. SO he's still dangerous. Spencer says he's sorry about Curtis and he's not like Victor or Sonny. He wants Trina happy and safe. He says he'll say goodbye to her and leave. Portia says "Just leave, I"ll tell her you had to take off" Oh, that's cold. He leaves. 

Marshall brings Cards for Curtis to play. Curtis is glad his dad is with him now. They play go fish. Try to talk about Curtis' condition. Curtis doesn't want to go to a rehab center because he'll be in a wheelchair. 

Alexis is upset that some senator got off scott free in some trial (it's weird) she wants to throw something. Greg tell her to go ahead. BUT~ They are going Ax throwing. Remember that? She can't throw well. HE CAN then he teaches HER to throw well. And then he has an episode and can't throw. His hand shakes and he says it gets worse by the day. 

Sonny is watching a movie with Donna. She wants to stay up 5 more minutes. He says yes, then she goes to bed. Nina comes home. He tells her about the fight. She changes into sexy PJs and look at her ring and kiss. 

Jordan and Dante. They talk about the shooting. Nothing new. Jordan is wondering why Anna and Sonny are talking so much. Dante covers and says "Robin"?? Then she leaves to and he reads Anna's WSB file. 


Nina and Sonny will pick a wedding date tomorrow

Greg thinks he's going to have to tell his kids about his ALS soon

Carly is worried about Drew


  1. I am totally befuddled as to the new writers ------got excited at first and then it's like they were told 'settle down and don't go anywhere'.......
    --------I thought Trina and Spence agreed to sneak around.............Portia is the worst so I want Sprina to sneak around and by the way IS THERE a Sprina cause they never do anything or spend time together.
    ------I DID enjoy flashbacks that were there to waste time but I liked it.
    -------Nina's lack of nervousness suddenly disappearing gotta mean a big build-up right? That everyone LOVES Nina except Carly and then BOOM she is fallen from grace.....but they just cannot say VALENTINE'S DAY as their wedding date, writers! It must be FALL
    -----I thought Carly was gonna take Olivia ax-throwing but in the previews they are in a bar and Eddie/Ned is there????? SURELY it's not Nixon Falls......
    -------I actually just listened and watched on my phone while I was out running errands----it's just not 'must sit and watch' for me at this time...............and again I am just sad.

  2. A very confusing show today!

    Alexis's office:

    Gregory and Alexis: Who the hell is this senator? Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: This makes me so feakin mad!


    Alexis: This makes me so mad!

    Alexis is very mad you know! :)

    Metrocourt office:

    Carly and Olivia: Wait didn't Olivia apologize to Carly already for yelling at her? I am so confused. Oooo Connie Falcanari talk! :) I'm thinking are they going to show flashbacks? I hope so!!! OH! THEY ARE! :) Love it! :) Although I thought they were going to show Connie flashbacks of Olivia spilling to everyone who Connie is. I mean Olivia was just talking about it. Oh hi Nina! Oh bye Nina.

    Police station:

    Dante and Jordan: Work work work. They should have Tribbles at the police station.

    Dante on the phone with Sonny: Dante should be at Sonny's watching the fight!!!!! :)

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Donna: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Nison: Wait they are going to pick a date tomorrow?!?!! But didn't they already pick a date? For Valentines day!!! I'm so confused.

    Ax throwing club:

    Gregory and Alexis: This is not appropriate for Gregory and very dangerous. Alexis should be throwing the ax while Gregory watches her! Time for you to tell your sons the truth Gregory!!! Awwww Alexis hugs him! :)

    The hospital:

    Mr. Hat man and Curtis: Ooooo playing cards. Strip poker? :) Oh no just go fish. This was a nice scene. So real!!! :) Why is Curtis still in the hospital? I thought he was getting out?

    Jordan and Curtis: Jordan needs to give Curtis some Tribbles at the hospital. Then he can take the Tribbles with him to the rehab center.

    Purtis's home:

    Portia and Sprina: HUH?! I thought Sprina were going to lay low for Portia's sake?! She asked Spencer to help her move?!?! HUH?! I'm so confused.

    Portia and Spencer: Uh Portia? There is no such thing as a person who is a saint.. Hell you are not a saint Portia! So that was an odd scene.

    Portia and Trina: Portia your nose is growing. Trina can't see it.

    Sidenote: Today should have been more of the Cowboy Cody, Brooky, and Sasha scenes!!!! When will they show them next? In 3 weeks?! * Facepalm*

  3. Portia is a bitch.
    As Alexis said: This makes me so freakin mad! That's how I feel about the Sasha story. I wrote to ABC about it today. Not that they care.

    1. I said the same thing about Portia on Twitter and Olivia is a kiss ass

  4. My shows are off by a day? I had to watch Friday on that website daily motion or something cause I guess Trump interrupted it? Then Monday I thought I'd see Friday show but it was a new one and Friday show says it aired on Friday but it didn' tonight after work (which is now Thursday morning) I'm trying to watch Weds show and it's not there. What's up with Hulu??? Anyone else having issues or was GH preempted for some?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...