Thursday, August 24, 2023



Jordan meets hottie PT Guy. Then tells Curtis about Anna's house burning down. She leaves then some guy is on the treadmill that has artificial legs and they talk. 

Ava and Portia talk about Curtis. 

Carly and her Blazer are running Kelly's. Sonny and she talk about Dex, Drew...the jail. 

Dante and Sam talk about Cody. Then Sam goes to the horse barn. Valentin comes in to get Charlotte from Dante. 

Cody and Mac talk about Dominique and Sasha. Then Sam comes in. Mac leaves. That NuHorse is sticking his tongue out and being VERY LOUD LMAO. 

Sprina are going to get out the art for the Gallery. Esme wants him home for dinner. 

Deception is being sued and the stocks are frozen. Someone is saying the Deceptor idea was stolen. They don't know who. 


  1. Deception offices:

    Lucy, Maxie, Gladys, and Brooky: Maxie changed her hair color again! Love it!!!! Looks so great! :) Oh oh a desperate Gladys is a scary Gladys. I love Lucy's dress! Lucy wins the line of the day.

    Lucy. Frozen. Let it go.


    Sante home:

    Sante: Don't let Dante fool you Sam. He is horny. :)

    Dante and V.C.: Dante is trying to get the truth out of him. Good job! :) But alas Charlie had to come downstairs. Great to see her!!!! :)

    V.C. and Charlie: Awwww. :) It's been awhile since they were in a scene together.. And hey look Tribbles! I could have sworn I saw a fly flying around the Tribbles. Did anybody else see that?!

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Cowboy Cody and black beauty: Feeding the horse carrots. Awwwww. :)

    Cowboy Cody and Mac: Awwww Mac wants to help you cowboy Cody! Let him! Let him in on your plan! And tell him he is your daddy!!!

    Cowboy Cody and Sam: Come ooonnnnnnn Sam! HELP HIM!!!!


    Sonny and Carly:

    "Karen says, Carly and her Blazer are running Kelly's."

    ROFL! I bet nobody wears blazers in the winter! :)

    The hospital:

    Ava and Portia: Listen to Ava's advice Portia!

    Ava's art gallery:

    Sprina: Wait Spencer! You don't need to go home to dinner just because Vampira says so! Just text Vampira that you are going to have dinner with Trina! :)

    Portia and Trina: Portia and her fake smiles for Spencer. ROFL!

    Physical therapy room:

    PT guy and Curtis: Thank you PT guy for helping Curtis!!!! :)

    PT guy and Jordan: Hmmm. Is something going to happen between them? :) Hey where is Portia's brother? :(

    PT guy and Curtis: OH! PT guy likes Jordan. I hope Jordan comes back so that the PT guy can ask her out on a date, or maybe they will see each other again at the metrocourt pool! :) Then he can ask her out on a date then. I guess Portia's brother is gone?

    Treadmill guy and Curtis: Great scene! I'll call the guy treadmill guy. If I call him artificial leg guy then I will feel really bad. I like the guy. I wonder if we are going to see him again. I wonder if Curtis is going to think that he should have his legs cut off and then get artificial legs. Hmmmm.

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to Wyndemere* Stefan thinks Katherine is his sister, so he breaks up with her and not tell her the real reason why, to protect her.

  2. ----I actually moaned in frustration that WHINY PORTIA continues to forget she has no marriage - Feb 14th was her wedding/Curtis left - no marriage/no sex - she is beyond annoying -
    -------I thought Ava got to Portia but guess not since her first words were 'how is Ace'
    -------I feel we missed some episodes - Deception is being sued? WHEN did Tracy and her partner have time to do that? I know Jackson comes back next week----plus can you sue and not give a name????????????????? Shouldn't VALENTIN be at the meeting
    -------I like Sonny and Carly being civil but Cyrus was in the hospital for days and SONNY didn't know????? He sent Dex to tell Book not to bother Drew and didn't know the rest of the story of Cyrus???/ #someonemissedtheboatonthatone
    ------Where is Portia's brother?
    ------if I was Trina NO WAY would I tell Spence to go home and eat - no way -
    ------thinking Lulu is coming back
    ------Cody and Sam have sparks too I think

  3. Talk about missing episodes...remember Sam lurking outside of Sasha's door for a minute ?
    Maybe not entire episodes but scenes do seem to be missing.
    Maxie does look better with the lighter hair.
    Yesterday was so good having scenes with RoHo and JK together. Hope we don't have to wait a month to see them together again.

  4. Sprina magic is gone. It's been dragged out too long. I was hoping Spencer would get Trina out of that Hefty bag dress, but Esme whistled and Spencer ran home.
    Portia SQUEEEing about everything (it's a takeout dinner; calm down) makes me twitchy.

    1. yep - they have never been together to be apart!

  5. I know I sound like a broken record, but Josh Kelly cannot act. #RecastCody

    1. He is terrible, especially with the constant side eyes. Obviously got to where he is solely by looks.

    2. Constant side eyes? Are you kiding me/ have you never watched Roger H? He's the king of side eyes. PMSL

    3. Roger has so many other expressions as a good actor that it isn’t as noticeable as JK.

  6. Wasn't there a preview a few days ago where Mason was talking to someone. Did I miss that happening on the actual show?

    1. Yes, there was a preview with Mason that didn’t happen. This show is just all over the place. And the Deception lawsuit came out of nowhere.

    2. yep and ANOTHER horrible editing OR they did it on purpose but it was SUCH a big moment - TJ had just said he recognized Mason------------


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...