Sunday, August 20, 2023

Sunday Surgery: EMOTE-Shuns


That's right.. they are just going to make stuff up!! Now pass me another Mai-Tai 

I hear the best part of the week was the Luau at The Metro Pool. I also hear no one knows WHY there was a party but hey, roll with it. Unfortunately for GH this theme was probably not the best given what's happened but they tape in advance and had no idea. Someone on twitter said it would have been good to have a note at the end about contributing to the people of Maui but... 

I'm going to try to figure out some of the photos I stole from @Flutterby on Twitter. Lots of EMOTIONS happening this week: 

Roger looks as TIRED as I feel with all this. Did Mason threaten him again? DID HE? The horror. :eyeorll: I did see Betty got some kind of zip drive. Don't care. 

Sasha looks
SULLEN  because ... she's drugged up 24-7. I honestly thought this was going to be a vehicle to let Sofia have some downtime with her new baby. You know, send her to Shadybrook for a bit.. yada yada. BUT NOPE. :sigh: 

Finn... I take it Gregory finally told him about his ALS? Finn was just talking how Happy he was right? Welp. 

Vanna appears too  CONFLICTED because they are in the Metro Court now and Anna suspects him of...??? I wonder if they'll use the (whiny voice) "they were going to kill Charlotte" excuse again. 

Mr. Maine appears to be... having A BLAST  with not shaving, looking like a schlubb and-- basically enjoying not remembering Olivia. 

Cody is acting FOOLISH because I'm assuming he's trying to get into Shadybrook to be Sashs'a white knight. Am I right? 

Squeakers is EXCITED because she's found a surrogate-- 

Krissy is PISSY because.. she's not the one??? (no idea but her face looks mad lol) 

Spencer is BORED looking at Esme in her bikini. After all...he's seen Trina in hers! 

Ava appears to be just as GLAMOROUS as always. Drinking a martini ...and... giving Nina "the look" -- "Oh honey, Sonny's going to find out soon and he's going back to Carly"... look 

That's all... we're done... just leave! 


  1. "Squeakers"...LOL

    Roger Howarth and Maura West always look incredible and are fun to watch, even with sub-par material. As far as the rest of the show? Meh. The only thing of note is we can see the end in sight for Sonny and Nina.

  2. Thank you Karen for all your hard work. Thank you for pictures and great comment. I still think they need to hire you as a writer to save the show because after watching for 46 years this is only the second time I've wanted to stop watching. I stopped some of the Guza years, but sadly this is worse. I sure hope that Soap Operas are not going the way of shopping malls :(

    1. I've been watching Special Ops: Lioness. I really like it. Didn't recognize Nicole Kidman at first with all the plastic surgery. Good show. I used to want to be a spy when I was young; partly because of Anna and Robert, Luke and Laura etc. lol

    2. I don't get Paramount + ... it's about the only one I don't! I just got Acorn to watch all my British shows. I did hear it was good tho

    3. me too Lindie - I was close during the Pee-Tah years but I just don't even understand my GH anymore.... new writers shoulda ABSOLUTLEY fixed things and not made it worse..
      ------I still think Olivia is gonna fall for Eddie Maine and vice versa and then she won't want Ned.
      ------it's FRANCO - not even remotely Austin anymore - and they have made him have more quips for sure.
      -------editing was horrible this week but I mentioned that Friday or Thursday
      ------ANYONE know where KEVIN and LAURA are?? LOL
      -------no way Valentin is targeting Anna -----too easy - but I am thinking even HE doesn't know the leader of Pikeman
      ------just sad

  3. Karen you prove u don't have to watch to figure it out! Thanks as always! I love, love that you called Molly Squeakers. That says it all. I was wondering what your thoughts were about a 40 year old with a baby voice, since you r a professional. Thanks

  4. Everyone who watches GH should read your blog, or follow on twitter or X or whatever it's called now. Thank you.
    Mostly FF this week. Didn't get the Luau but yes, something could have been said at the end about donating.
    The scene with Finn and Gregory was week's best. I must say that Gregory Harrison looks quite fantastic for 77.

    1. Gregory Harrison is 77. Wow. Thought late 60s or 70 tops.

    2. Yesterday Google said 77. Today 73. I did wonder. Still good and we are almost the same age. Men I see his age look like they could be my grandpa.

  5. I'm enjoying the show, it's entertaining me - I turn my brain off for an hour. As for the Luau, I didn't really need an explanation, I just assumed it's something a hotel would do to bring in business during the week when it might be slow. The Friday show with Anna turning over to Valentin, saying "You lied to Me".. and then giving some other explanation was great. There were a lot of great moments this week.

  6. It's already been said, but I can't let it go. Squeakers! HAHAHAHHAHA! Thank you!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...