Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sunday Surgery: Up In Flames


As you can see, I decided to take some time off from GH-- and I'm sticking to that. Some people are really liking the show now. The little talks with characters that don't usually interact-- the slow moments. Me? I can't. While I appreciated things like Alexis and Krissy together, the stories are just not there. I don't want to watch Curtis wallow. I'm not even that interested in the Anna fire.

Even the fun-fight didn't grab me. I was happy Mason got decked though. This Austin/Mason thing is taking forever. It will dovetail onto the Anna story for sure but...meh. 

So... drink up and have some ice cream --Maxie will be moving into Lulu's and those kids will stop fighting and we won't see them again. 


Amy or Deanna should apply for surrogate. They are hiring a new chick to play the woman vying for it. (As of now, Gregory Harrison's daughter is playing that role See Michael Fairman for details) 

Get rid of Glady/Sasha/MeanDoc etc and bring back Spinelli for Maxie 

Get Selina Wu and Brad doing things. Li is a good character too. Show some poker games with guest cameos. It's not 'scabbing' if it's on a soap. There are tons to choose from right now. 

We all know Curtis is eventually going to walk again. Just cure him. PS Why hasn't N'neka visited? Wouldn't she be running his club? 

Finn/Liz didn't work the first how many times. Cut bait on this. 

As much as I don't like Willow, huge beats were missed not having Liesl O at least speak to her afterwards. She got used for her bone marrow then nothing. I could see her absolutely being a Auntie-Hen hovering over Willow. 

More Davis Girls. I loved Lexi as Kristina but the new actress is doing great. Molly? Not my cup of tea but I like seeing my fave family interact. 

The Summer should have been Sprina Centered with Jex on the side --think old Luke/Laura/Tiff/Robert 

I can go on and on but you know most of my ideas already!! 

Have a great Sunday! Let me know what you're thinking about everything. Like I said A LOT of people are really enjoying the show. 



  1. "Maxie will be moving into Lulu's and those kids will stop fighting and we won't see them again." LOL... so true!

    I like most of your ideas better then the current show, for sure. I am one of those fans, however, who thinks the dialogue is better with the new writers.

    If I had to use two words to describe "GH" lately, it would be "messy" and "boring." That is a sad state of affairs for any show, but especially a soap.

    1. I think the DIALOG is good and more "real" in some areas but --borrrrig.

  2. Thank you Karen. I miss our good GH 😞

  3. How you squeeze out a good SS is beyond me. Thank you.
    I too agree 1000%. Details bother me. Anna running at night etc.
    Liz/Fin....NO. Waste of time.
    Ashford stories always go too long. Portia whining makes it worse.
    Yes, Dr. O.
    I do like NuKristina but not when she is over the top annoying. Hope they calm her down and give her focus for her project...if it happens. NuNuMolly should be recast again.
    There is no Sprina. Esme and Spence have a sparkle. Trina is depressing lately.

  4. Great ideas! And I agree with you: Finn and Liz are a bust! Let it go already!

  5. It IS the worst writing in years but there is potential - I feel like the writers ARE trying to go back to romance BUT I feel that Frank and the Powers That Be ARE SLOWING down dialogue. If I was a writer, I would be begging to make storylines go faster and better.
    -------Nina -----what a whiny baby and so THANKS to Ava for reminding her that SHE chose this life................
    -------It's gotta be Alex or Cassandra --------------
    -----I cannot with nu-Molly at all and I like Abigail/Kristina but I'm mad daily that LEXI shoulda been in these stories...
    ------I just can't believe adult writers wrote that Mason SNEAKED OUT THE BACK BLEEDING and NO ONE CAUGHT HIM? and then the writers left that day saying 'I'm good with that.'
    -----repeating what Donnell said on zoom -------he will be paralyzed for a long time.....
    ----- there are days I wanna throw things when Sasha is on screen and Gladys = WORST ever.
    -----there is SO much potential ------- just too choppy and too much repeat oh and I DO think LULU is coming back soon-------------

    1. I wonder if Emme would come back

    2. I wish Julie Marie Berman would come back but that won't happen



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...