Wednesday, August 2, 2023



So, Josh Swickland's wife Lauren will be on GH as a nurse at Ferncliff. Kin Shriner's girlfriend even got some lines yesterday, so who knows. 

Martin visits Cyrus at GH. Cyrus talking about god is getting old. Cyrus wants to give all his money away. He wants to help people in Pentonville.  Later, Austin comes in.. he thinks Cyrus looks great for having a heart attack. 

Chase questions Austin about the Dead Alley Guy. Austin said he treated him and then the guy came after him about the bill when he was in the PC Grille. 

Sonny had Frank do some job and they have to deliver it. (Sonny goes to Kelly's) 

Ned slept over at the Q Mansion last night. Leo says he snores. Later, Olivia tells Ned he's too old to be out in dive bars all night. Ned calls Olivia a shrew. 

Maxie tells Brook it's hard to be involved with a cop.  Tracey barges in and wants to talk about Ned.  BUT It's a ruse to get Maxie out and she really just wants to talk to Brook Lyn about The Deceptor. 

Carly (in a silver blazer) pours coffee for Sam in Kelly's. They talk. Then Sonny comes in to make Carly an "offer she can't refuse". It's a giant bag of coffee, thanking her for having Avery over. Then Chase comes and has to talk to Sonny. Asks him about Dex. 

Maxie comes to get donuts for Deception. Tells Carly that Nina told her Carly owns Kelly's now. 

Laura and Kevin don't want Valentin to come with them on the rest of the Nikolas Quest. Laura appreciates him and cares about him and thinks he needs to go back to Port Charles. He leaves for the airport. 

Laura and Kevin are going to Cassadine Island where she was held so many years ago. 

Sam tells Carly that Drew is in isolation for fighting. 


  1. Boring, boring show again but I think that was a coffee bag full of money

  2. Just reading the tweets and recaps - boring - but I think this Kevin thing as Sonya said AGAIN are new writers trying to think of new storylines (and not finishing old story lines) but I still don't know if new writers are given permission by Frank to finish old stories - SURELY they do cause the strike might go through December and I ain't gonna lie - I CANNOT go 6 months with this Nina thing and Deceptor thing and Eddie Maine not ending......

  3. "So, Josh Swickland's wife Lauren will be on GH as a nurse at Ferncliff."

    Yeah that's awesome. :D

    "Kin Shriner's girlfriend even got some lines yesterday, so who knows."

    Yeah!!! Loved that she got lines. :) Now Kin just needs to come back!!!!

    Today's show was very frustrating and confusing!!!!! So many funny one liners though.

    The hospital:

    Cyrus and Marty: Why is Cyrus acting like he was in heaven?! Marty, Laura, and their Mom brought him out? NOT! ROFL! Laura's aura!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Pawtucket Holtster and Cyrus: Does Pawtucket Holtster think Cyrus was faking the heart attack? Hmmmm.

    Q breakfast nook:

    Olivia and Vampire Eddie Maine: WHAT?! AN UPTIGHT SHREW?!?!! I gasped and my jaw dropped. I don't like this Vampire Eddie Maine! He is so mean and rude! He was never like that!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Olivia and young uncle Leo: Awww young uncle Leo is so sweet! Oh Leo you are VERY smart! :) Leo talking about Eddie Maine's snoring! ROFL!

    Young uncle Leo and Vampire Eddie Maine: YEAH! YOU TELL HIM LEO! I can't believe Vampire Eddie Maine asked where Olivia is! He has some nerve!

    Olivia, young uncle Leo and Vampire Eddie Maine: Vampire Eddie Maine you better apologize to Olivia!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRR!

    Deception offices:

    Maxie and Brooky: Yeah I would never date a cop or a doctor.

    Maxie, Brooky, and Tracy: AH HA! Nice way to get rid of Maxie Tracy! By asking if she thinks Ned is faking! BAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!

    Tracy and Brooky:

    Brooky: Did you see this granny? Or do you need your glasses?


    Kelly's: Hmm Carly didn't change Kelly's.

    Carly and Zebra Sam: Sam reminds me of a zebra with her black and white outfit! ROFL! Wait the place is closed and there is a line outside? If the place is closed why are there customers inside? I am so confused! *Facepalm*

    Carly and Sonny: Oh come on!!! Carly keeps looking at him like she is in wuv with him! Did Carly forget Drew?

    Sonny and Chase: Man Chase looks really hot today in that outfit. :)

    Chase: You know this guy. He works for you right?

    Sonny: You know he does.


    Chechy hotel room:

    Kevlar and V.C.: Huh? Doc hates V.C.? Since when? I'm so confused.

    Laura and V.C.: Awwwwwwww they care about each other. :) Wait Charlie was at the metrocourt shooting? I don't remember her being there.

    Kevlar: What?!?!! Doc NOW is worried about Laura and her trauma?! Why is he acting like her therapist?!?! He has never done that before. What a strange scene!!! Maybe he is really Ryan!!!

    Laura on the phone with Marty: Marty wins the line of the day.

    Marty: Apparently your aura helped him connect with God.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And then Laura's eye rolling made me laugh too! Hahahahaha!

    1. Errrrrr....Olivia can be a shrew. I snorted! But yeah, Eddie was being mean.
      Carly and her blazers, give me strength. And just a big fat NO to a Carly/Sonny hookup. Blech.
      Marty and Laura are all that and a bag of chips. Oh how I laughed! :)
      Your question about the Brutus name plate, they zeroed in on it when Ava came into Sonny's office asking what was going on when Betty took Avery to the pool. I don't know what day that was, they all run together, lol!

    2. I agree Julie on S&C. As some have suggested Ava & Sonny would be soapy goodness.

    3. Linda, totally agree about Sonny and Ava. Be still my heart!

  4. "Marty: Apparently your aura helped him connect with God." ....Aura you kidding?! lol

    Austin looked mad and very upset when Cyrus grabbed him. He knows who he is. he and his family gang are probably running that prison and causing all the problems.

    1. "Di says, Aura you kidding?! lol


      "Austin looked mad and very upset when Cyrus grabbed him. He knows who he is. he and his family gang are probably running that prison and causing all the problems."

      Oooooo delicious theory! :)

    2. Hopefully Austin will be gone soon. I love Roger as much as the rest of us, but they have portrayed him 4 different ways. Pick one and stick with it or good riddance.

  5. also writers changing Ned living with Sonny and not falling in love with Nina and more time with Leo - I am all in
    -----Cyrus knows Austin for sure ---glad the guard stayed there
    ---Sonny and Carly's locking eyes - yep it's still there

    1. "mufasa says,also writers changing Ned living with Sonny and not falling in love with Nina"

      Yeah I like that. I didn't want Ned to fall in love with Nina!

      "and more time with Leo - I am all in"

      I love that!!!! :) I'm all in too! Now they just need to have Ned get his memory back and apologize to how he treated Olivia!

  6. Little Uncle Leo is everything.
    I'm actually looking forward to Sonny and Carly again.

    1. Oh Zazu! Really? I realize he can't be with Nina after all they have done to her character. I just think Mo (and in turn Sonny) is happier without Carly.

    2. Mostly to put Nina in her place. She has become too much. But an Ava/Sonny match up would be as good or better being that they, Nina/Ava are 'besties'.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...