Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What Sonny Could Have Said...

Carly: "Sonny why are you letting her take Avery?!!" 

"Why? I'll tell you why. Michael. Plain and simple. I looked at Avery the other day and thought about all the lies that were told to Michael, to AJ, to each other and realized I couldn't do that to her. Her mother may be horrible and I might hate her, but to keep her away would mean denying her the one thing she'd want the most. She'd grow up and find out about what we did and resent us. It might send her straight into Ava's arms for good. Avery would never speak to us again. She'd forget how we loved her and kept her safe; it would all be for nothing. See, I need to learn from what happened. Out of all of that mess of lies and years lost what did we get? Heartache. Michael got the most of it.  AJ lost his life because of a lie I believed due to my blind hate.  We can't let that kind of hate fester anymore.  Ava is Avery's mother  whether we like it or not. Let the future take care of itself." 

Now, this would be written in CONTEXT after Sonny had a few days of "realization" at Avery's side--maybe with some young Michael flashbacks. I also put that line in there "kept her safe" because it would be totally something Sonny would say. (not because I believe it).

Listening to what Sonny said today made me cringe. I don't know what they are thinking with all the power moves that are basically borderline creepy-vile but it's disturbing.  I also wouldn't have had this happen on the day Carly should have been getting her ass to GH to see her mother and brother.

So, there you go. 


  1. That is 100% better, kd. What I listened to today made me sick to my stomach. I just kept thinking about battered women, and Sonny from the Karen days popped up front and center. And then to see him and Carly gently pawing each other like a pair of pretty cats after just sealed the deal.

    In this day and age where treating women like objects seems to becoming the norm we don't need to see this crap on tv. I want to see love in the afternoon, not brutality.

  2. "See, I need to learn from what happened."

    ROFL! Sonny would never say that. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. BRAVO!!! That is exactly what should have been said. The truth. Thank you!
    (Had to edit for grammar.)

  5. I wholeheartedly agree. His speech disgusted me. I can't believe this. I don't watch this show to see women abused like this.

  6. When my doctor asks why my blood pressure is high I'm going to tell him..Sonny Corinthos

  7. Sonya, I know, but I MADE him say it!! LOL

    Nance that's a riot. Maybe I can get some xanax that way!

  8. "kdmask said...Sonya, I know, but I MADE him say it!! LOL"

    ROFL! You are more powerful than Sonny!!!! :)


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...