Friday, June 24, 2016

OH wow, Ghost shocking

Image result for carlos on GH

NOT! WTF...LOL he gets so much more airtime as a ghost than as himself. Jules and Anna have the same visions. BHAHAHAAA. I think he's trying to get Julian to kill Alexis 

Thank GOD For Diane. She's just great. And Alexis face cracked for a min there.
Anna is trying to get Alexis to find some other evidence against Julian. "You can

CarSon is so repetitive. Carly, shut up. She is mad Michael might raise Teddy? When Sonny raised Michael? WTF. UGH I hate her. 

Felix and Sabrina. I like Felix. That's about it. 

Finn and Tracy-- Jane looks so GOOD with her hair cut and decent clothes on!! Hammy says she's made a 'complete recovery". Something is wrong with Baby Teddy though. They take him to the hospital. (that baby just laughed and giggled thru that scene LOL!!! ) Sabrina is all "What's the matter with my baby"?
Maybe this will be when he finds out the baby is his? 

Welp, Mayor Lomax is still on the show. 


  1. I'm glad I wasn't the only one wanting that hypocrite Carly to shut the hell up. She was describing herself not Sabrina.

    I also made a comment that Carlos is getting more screen time since he died than many of our GH favorites.

    The ghost thing is getting waaay overdone lately. I know that sonya appreciates seeing her Caaarrrrrlos though so I overlooked it. lol Stop salivating, sonya!! lol

    I love Diane and I loved seeing more of Felix.

    I wish someone would charge Mayor Lomax with election fraud and get her out of office. THAT'S FELICIA'S JOB!!!

    And I'm wondering if blood tests are going to reveal anything about Teddy's paternity too. I think you're bang on there.

    P.S. I love Finn and Tracy together. And she did look great today. I wish they'd dress her like that all the time.

  2. P.S. again. I still think Paul is the one pretending to be a doctor.

  3. Why does Anna keep checking in with Sonny? That is making me crazy. I hate every storyline today except for Michael, Sabrina, and baby.

  4. "Karen says OH wow, Ghost shocking NOT!"

    ROFL! Well it was shocking to me! I wasn't expecting it! :) Oh and thanks for the picture. :)

    McFinny's hotel room: Hey! Has RayRay given him his dinner or is he still waiting? I LOVE that McFinny is worried about his patients!!!

    The police station:

    Mayor Lomax: When is Felicia going to find out she is really mayor?!!?!!

    Paul and Anna: I am starting to think Paul is Sawyer!!! :)

    Diane and Alexis: Awwwww! Love that Diane is helping her!! Wait!!! We didn't get to see the courthouse scenes?!!?! THAT SUCKS! :( So much drama and fun could have been had!!! Well, glad that Alexis is out on bail. :)

    Anna and Alexis: Alexis!!! Listen to Anna!!!!!!! Throw Julian under the bus, run him over with it five or six times, and stick a fork in his eye ball. Hmmm too much? ROFL!

    The metrocourt restaurant:

    Sonny and Julian:

    Sonny: You are a coward.

    Me: YES HE IS!!! Julian you are a cowardly coward that cowards!!!!

    Carson table: Great scene!!! I love that Carly is a mama bear protecting her son! I get it! She doesn't want him hurt.. Carly even brought up HER past!

    Q home: Awwww McFinny and Tracy. :) Love love love! Oh oh Monica!!! McFinny busted!!! Hahahaha. When she said fancy meeting you here, the smile on his face!! Hahahahaha! McFinny wins the line of the day!

    McFinny: Tell me. Have you ever thought about getting your own place?

    ROFL! And I just love Tracy and McFinny's banter. :) Oh no!!! What's wrong with baby Eduaaaaaaaaaaaaaardo!?!?!! :(

    The hospital:

    Felix: For once I would like someone to right my day.

    *Sabrina walks in*

    There ya go Felix!!!! You got someone! :)

    Felix and Sabrina: Awww love seeing them together!!! Great scene! And I am glad Felix is still dating that reporter guy.

    McFinny and the gang: What is wrong with my Eduaaaaaaaaaaaaaardo!?!?!?!! :(

    Julexis's home: Ghost Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos!!!! :) SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :) Hmmm why is he not wearing the clothes he was wearing when he died? He is wearing different clothes! ROFL! How strange. Ghost Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is Julian's conscience, so why is he thinking of him with different clothes? And let me get this straight!!!! Julian is fighting his conscience because he doesn't want to kill Alexis, but he is thinking about it?! WOW WOW WOW!!!! BAH! Oh poof Conscience ghost Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is gone. :( Oh hi Alexis! OH HI GHOST CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARLOS! :) It was great seeing Caaaaaaaaarlos, but bring him back writers!!!!! I don't want him as a ghost!!!! :( Bring him back as a twin brother!!!!

    Previews: Ghost Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is still there! YAY! Ava asking what happened last night!!! Awww did you two get drunk and have sex? HAHAHAHAHAHA!

    Flashback Friday: Liz's first day on GH. Aug 1st 1997

    Glad she has quit smoking! :)

  5. "Di said.. the ghost thing is getting waaay overdone lately. I know that sonya appreciates seeing her Caaarrrrrlos though so I overlooked it."

    Oh thanks! ROFL! Well I want him alive as Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos or a twin brother!!! I hate that he is a ghost!!!

    "lol Stop salivating, sonya!! lol"

    Oh sorry. ROFL!

    "JPink said...Why does Anna keep checking in with Sonny? That is making me crazy."

    I have no idea!!! Good question!

  6. A small preview of Monday's GH!

    GH Spoiler: Will Julian Kill Alexis?

  7. Becky smoked? I quit 18 years ago. Does Kelly M. still smoke? Funny lines this week, in London and at the Q's! Tracy has such gorgeous hair!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. "Julie Langley said...Becky smoked?"

    I don't know.. I was talking about Liz. :) When she first came on the show, Liz was a teenager who smoked.

  10. Oh, yes she did, Sonya! Liz the Teenage Rebel! I'd forgotten!

  11. "Julie Langley said...Oh, yes she did, Sonya! Liz the Teenage Rebel! I'd forgotten!"

    Hahaha. Yeah!!! She sure was a teenage rebel! :)

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. We see dead people on GH more than Cam & Aiden and Lucas & Brad.

    I expect to find out that they've been banished to a Kryptonian Phantom Zone with Big Alice, Mac, and Felicia.

  14. We see dead people on GH more than Cam & Aiden and Lucas & Brad.

    I expect to find out that they've been banished to a Kryptonian Phantom Zone with Big Alice, Mac, and Felicia.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...