Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Airport Drinks

I'm actually able to watch again today!! :)  After yesterday though, not sure how excited I'll be LOL. 

I've been eating SO much since my SIL came here Sunday. Good LORD...the Jazz Fest in town has the best Food Trucks ever!! Tonight is our Wine Patio Party at the local winery. I'm gonna need stretch pants soon. ;) 
(aren't you glad you're reading the blog now?!) 

Aaron walking around with no shirt in the park. Wants to know "who Parker is"-- . I might like him IF he wasn't only on 2x per every other month!! 

Lante..drinking (well, not Lulu because of her hormones). She's sad about Nikolas. 

Nikolas and Ava going to Greece. Nik has reconsidered. That so doesn't look like Gatwick or Heathrow but..whatever.  Nikolas tells Ava "he HAD to leave Port Charles". Um, why? WHY did you have to leave and make people think you were dead and probably never see Spencer again? This makes NO sense. If he was maybe going to frame Hayden in the short term?? Or?? UGGGH

Ava's totally seducing Nikolas ...or trying to. 

Alexis Natasha Cassadine would NOT have taken a bath alone with Jules in the house --but then HERO Sonny couldn't come along at the right time. They can't even write him consistent from week to damn week!! He was just telling her to go to hell and now he's all "WE are Kristina's parents"!! WTF!! 

Alexis hair: WET ....then DRY....

Sonny: HE HAS NO CODE! At least I have a code! I don't hide behind women and children!

Only you do-- about a zillion times.  You wanted to kill Ava !! Remember? You totally killed AJ after you said you wouldn't ! But hey. 

Alexis and Krissy really don't know about Nikolas, do they? 

Oh, Jason's at the shed looking for Ava and Nikolas..and some guard got him. He pulls a gun on Jason..they tussle... goes off....

AND SUPPOSEDLY Alexis is pregnant? Maybe it's a ploy? but it looks real, especially if she tells Krissy that tomorrow??? 
she's PREGNANT? ahahhhaa. OMG she had a menopause story!! WELP


  1. kd said...she's PREGNANT? ahahhhaa. OMG she had a menopause story!! WELP

    Yet more proof that the writers don't know the history of these characters. Having to read those histories and come up with new story lines for them would take too much imagination. It's much easier to rehash old ones from GH or other shows.

    And so many darn babies. Can they think of nothing else for female characters? We already have a huge cast of kids and babies that we never see.

  2. How realistic is it that someone in their 50s is PG? Especially if she already had a menopause story? Who will be pregnant next: Bobbie? Audrey? Maybe Monica, after all, she is dating the judge . . .

    I didn't watch today's show yet, but I saw in the promos that Alexis's hair was dry, and it looked like she maybe had make-up on, while at the end of yesterday's show, as you said, her hair was soaking wet (and didn't see much make-up, either).

  3. Me thinks she's saying that cause would Jules really wanna kill the mother of his child? My jaw did drop though when she said it. Not sure how I feel about Kristina and Aaron, and the loud noise as they walked in the park was distracting. Sick of the storylines.

  4. Me thinks she's saying that cause would Jules really wanna kill the mother of his child? My jaw did drop though when she said it. Not sure how I feel about Kristina and Aaron, and the loud noise as they walked in the park was distracting. Sick of the storylines.

  5. London:

    Nava's hideaway shack: Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos is that you?!!?! Oh wait it's not. It's a guy that looks like he is under a disguise.. His beard looks fake, his nose looks fake and his hair too! Although the scene is pretty dark! ROFL! Why won't bully Jason shoot the guy?! How odd. He just leaves him there sitting on the chair? Weird scene.

    Airport: Ava is SKEERED of going home! I love the story that she told for Nik and how he can come back to Port Chuckles! :) Awww come on Fake Nik! Let her go to Cassadine island with you! It could be fun! :)

    Fake Nik: Are you coming?


    Julexis's home: Alexis!!!! Listen to Sonny!!!! Julian wants to KILL you!!!!!!! Damn no Ghost Caaaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos today! :'( Change the damn locks on the house!!!!!

    Alexis: What do you think he was going to do drown me?

    Sonny: Yes!

    Me: DUH!

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Sonny and Julian: Wow!!! Julian's hands are shaking?! Give me a break!!! Come on Sonny! Ban him from the restaurant, then break his legs!!!!

    Sonny: Alexis is pregnant you son of a bitch!

    HUH?! How the hell do you know that Sonny! Do you have x ray vision!? Or is this a lie? Hmmmm..

    Lante table: I want to see their new house!!!!!! Oh come on you two!!!! Aren't you suspicious of how you all of a sudden got the house you lost?!!?! Dante you are a detective!!!! Lulu you are a Spencer!!!! COME ON NOW!

    The REAL park: Oh the ground does not look very good. Port Chuckles needs more rain!

    Aaron and Krissy: Krissy leaves a message to Parker again.

    Krissy's thought bubble: WHY AREN'T YOU CONTACTING ME BACK?!!? I NEED YOU! PLEASE CONTACT ME!!!!!!

    Hmmm Aaron looks like he is ready to be in the pool. Does the Port Chuckles park have a pool?!!!! Geez the ground is so crunchy.. So distracting.. Crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch. Oh good they are sitting down! Wow! Aaron's story about his ex girlfriend sucked me in! I want to know more about him.. Still suspicious of him though.

    Lante: Crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch. Crunch crunch crunch crunch. *Lante sits down* WHEW! Oh Lulu!!!!! Don't cry!!!! :( Nik is alive!!!!! :(


    Alexis: I'm pregnant:

    Uhhhhhh.. I looked it up.. Now I remember her having menopause!!!! It was 4 years ago!!


  6. "Michelle Latta said.. and the loud noise as they walked in the park was distracting."

    You heard it too?!!?! YAY! :) Crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch crunch. :)

  7. I just can't! I love that they're filing outside but that park looks so trashy. I thought Kristina was going to break an ankle in those shoes at the park. And yes Alexis's hair totally was wet.

    1. Did you notice the fence in the background at the beginning of the scene with Krissy & Aaron? It's looked like it fell down and was just leaning against another part of the fence. It's not a very attractive looking park.

    2. I didn't notice the trashy park or the fence, I guess I was too distracted by the crunchy noises as they walked. Then again I don't notice things like that. I'd make a lousy detective....hey I could work for the PCPD. Haha!

  8. I just can't! I love that they're filing outside but that park looks so trashy. I thought Kristina was going to break an ankle in those shoes at the park. And yes Alexis's hair totally was wet.

  9. OK, I looked up NLG, she is 58! First, I have to say, she is AGELESS!! Yes, Port Charles is full of beautiful, ageless women (just look at our Liz!), but, c'mon, Alexis looks AMAZING for 58, she looks like she hasn't had any work done, yet she hasn't aged in the 20 years she's been on the show!! WHAT is her secret, please, we all need to know . . .

    WHY can't Nik go back to PC, and WHY did he leave, really unclear on this one . ..

    For some reason, I also was focusing on Krissy's shoes . . .

    And Ava, travelling the world in one outfit and just a clutch purse . . . I need 4 suitcases just to take an overnight trip!!

    And now Lucky "is helping refugees in Africa"? When did that happen? Anything, I guess, to explain away why a legacy character can't show up when his family is in crisis. They gave up on Liz's parents and sister, I guess . . .

  10. According to IMDB Nancy es 60 - born in April , 1956!

  11. That is a mangey and pathetic "park". Who would want to go there?

  12. Maybe Alexis said that so Sonny wouldn't kill Julian. The whole scenario is so ridiculous. The Park looks like it is behind some apartments or buildings. AntJoan, Nancy admitted to doing Botox on Twitter. At the time her face looked really puffy. I like Ava with TempNik who is actually a good recast, but looking forward to RealNik with her.

  13. "LSV422 said...Maybe Alexis said that so Sonny wouldn't kill Julian."

    That's a possibility.. Or maybe she wanted Julian to believe it so Julian wouldn't kill her. She did tell Sonny that she wanted to tell him something, but we didn't get to hear it! So maybe she wanted Sonny to lie to Julian and then she will lie to him too. We shall see! :)

  14. I DO think that it's a ploy for Julian I don't think she's really PG.

  15. Maybe Helena tested her immortality serum on Alexis' uterus and it secretly worked!

  16. Antjoan said...And now Lucky "is helping refugees in Africa"?

    When Lulu said that Lucky took after his father, following the urge to travel and help people I just about gagged. Luke was a con man. The only thing he did was help himself to other people's money. lol

    The park looks like the area of town I'd stay away from...lol And that gravel was crunchy.

    Alexis being pregnant is beyond ridiculous. It had better be a ploy.

    I like Krissy with Aaron. He seems like the type of person she needs in her life. They need to drop the Parker story line and let her move forward with him for a while. ( I heard rumors about who he might be and that would make him part of a legacy family too.)

  17. "Di said...When Lulu said that Lucky took after his father, following the urge to travel and help people I just about gagged."

    I thought they were going to say he was in Nashville! ROFL!

    "The park looks like the area of town I'd stay away from...lol And that gravel was crunchy"

    Crunchy gravel.



Light A Wubsy Candle

  It's FINALLY the end of January. This stupid month has lasted a year, I swear!! Today I'm in a class with 20 Four Year Olds!! FOR ...