Thursday, June 30, 2016


Anna and Sonny discussing Alexis. Why do I wish it was Diane and Anna? Alexis is stalling and Jules is holding the pee stick.  She takes the test. She faked it somehow and he bought it. BUT didn't confess.

Carly bitching at Kiki in the park. She's such a hypocrite. Kiki explained the whole Dillon thing. 
Later, Kiki takes Dillon back. 

Nina over hears Liz and Franco talking and she gets the wrong idea of course. She's gonna go all Heather on Liz. 

Hammy Finn is withdrawing. Can't get his meds, they are illegal. Hayden is going to get them. 

CarSon: Blabber Blabber. 


  1. People we can lose... Ava, if she doesn't get with Tyler's Nik, Julian, Morgan, Kiki, Val, Amy. Just so.sick.of.Morgan. So how in 5he heck did Alexis fake that test? Sharper? Haha! No way is she really pregnant. As for 5he wire, no way is that going to work, calling Brenda....only thing I liked about today was Friz, I actually caught myself smiling, and of course Finn, Michael did a great job today.

  2. Morgan is a total loser. Hopefully Jax can work on him when he gets back.

  3. The REAL park: Carly is protecting her son. I get it. She is right tho! Listen to her Kiwi!!!

    Carson's home:

    Anna and Sonny: Geez Sonny. Why are you so worried about Alexis!?!?! She is dead to you isn't she?! I'm confused.

    Carly and Sonny: You should bring her in on the Julian plan Sonny! Carly would be smiling from ear to ear. :)

    Metrocourt hotel: So basically,

    Morgan: I have a bigger Johnson than you buddy! Kiki is mine!!! I will hit her with my caveman bat and take her in my cave!

    For crying out loud Morgan! Listen to Dillon! He is right!!!! Oh hi Kiwi.. What?! You don't have time for Dillon anymore?! There it is again! The hugging Morgan and her not smiling!!!!! She don't love Morgan anymore! She just thinks she has to help him! Come on Kiwi!!! You may think you are doing the right thing but you really aren't! You are sacrificing your own happiness!!!

    Julexis's home:

    Julian and Alexis: Sure take the pregnancy test Alexis! Do you have a pen? :) Oh she DOES have a pen! Well I assume she has a pen since the test says she is "pregnant." :)

    Alexis and Anna: A wire Anna?!!?! Oh I don't think that is a good idea.. Very dangerous!!!!

    McFinn's jail cell: McFinn is turning into a werewolf!!!! RayRay you gotta help him! He is suffering! I hate watching him suffer!!!! A package?!!?! GREAT! RayRay go get it!!!! I don't care if the meds are illegal just get it!!!! Poor McFinn!!! :(

    The hospital:

    Friz: Liz thinking about that kiss hehehe. At first I thought BobTodd got his hair done.. Nah he used jell. Which is fine. If he wants to grow his hair out, great!!! Just keep using jell to get the hair out of your face. :) Oh oh green eyed monster Nina!!!!

    Nico: :'(

    BobTodd wins the lines of the day.

    BobTodd: I don't know anything about Elizabeth's milkshake.. No I did not have sexual relations with that woman.


    Amy and Liz: Oh! Amy is back?! Karen you said she was gone. Can the writers give her a storyline? Even our Amy from back then had storylines.

    RayRay: Oh she is dressed as a doctor!! Me likey!!! SOAPY GOODNESS!! Come on hurry RayRay! Get that package! Find it! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS YOU FOUND IT! :)

    Liz: Excuse me? What are you doing?

    Oh crap! RayRay don't show your face! RUN! McFinn just passed out!!!! HURRY!!! MCFINN NEEDS YOU!!!!


    RayRay stop talking to Liz!!!! HURRY!!!!!

    Sidenote: RoHo looks really hot with long hair.. He had long hair on OLTL. See.

    I wonder if he is trying to grow his hair like that again.. That would be awesome! :) Just keep using jell RoHo as you are growing your hair. :)

    Throwback Thursday: The birth of BJ Jones in 1986

  4. "Michelle Latta said...Michael did a great job today."

    YES HE DID!!! ME did fantastic job! So glad he is back! :)

  5. I was disgusted with the Morgan/Kiki scenes today. Stupid girl. I remember thinking that at least they won't have to wonder what Kiki will wear to this fall's Halloween party. She can just tuck herself under Morgan's arm and go as a crutch! Every girl's dream. *barf*

    I think Alexis probably had a positive test stashed somewhere in the bathroom. With all the conections Sonny and Anna have getting one shouldn't be hard. If all else failed Sonny could walk up to some pregnant woman, throw some money and a test at her and say, "Pee on da stick!" lol

    Ok. Ladies. I'll give it to you. Michael was fantastic today.

    1. LMAO! "Pee on da stick!" That is funny as Hell! I was disgusted with their scenes too and hey great idea for a costume. I wonder if the writers read Karen's blog. Haha!

  6. "Di said..If all else failed Sonny could walk up to some pregnant woman, throw some money and a test at her and say, "Pee on da stick!" lol"

    ROFL! I can see that happen! :)

    "Ok. Ladies. I'll give it to you. Michael was fantastic today."

    See! We told you! :) He is an awesome actor. I don't know what he was doing with McSilas! Maybe he wasn't happy with how he was being written. *shrug*

    1. I agree, granted Silas wasn't all that great but I loved Michael and was glad he was there at GH so I gave it a chance but he knocking it outta the park as Finn. ♡

  7. sonya said...See! We told you! :) He is an awesome actor. I don't know what he was doing with McSilas!

    I think the problem was that they were still writing him as a character from another show with a diferent name, trying to pull in the fans from that show, no doubt. he is playing Finn as a completely different character.

  8. "Di said...I think the problem was that they were still writing him as a character from another show with a diferent name, trying to pull in the fans from that show, no doubt."

    So he rebelled and that is where the dead pan staring came from! ROFL! But yeah they did try to pull in fans from OLTL.

    "he is playing Finn as a completely different character."

    So glad he is!!!! So glad you get to see his acting skills!!! :)

  9. I can see Kiki taking Morgan back, LOTS of folks, young and old, make REALLY BAD decisions again and again. And her mother is Ava, what a role model!!

  10. Totally agree with everyone about ME knocking it out of the park. Great performance!

  11. ME was wonderful in those scenes. Soooo glad they caved and brought him back. I really can't stand Morgan back again :(:( When they first started talking about this other Cassidine didn't they mention Brian from AMC (can't remember his name) ??

  12. About the Sonny comment that Alexis is dead to him, don't y'all think that he said that to her in front of JuliantheCoward so that JuliantheCoward would think that Alexis had no ally in Sonny? I do.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...