Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Interview with William deVry of GH!

GO to TV Watercooler for a great interview by Jeevan B!! 


You’re about to head to the fan event and meet members of the “Julexis army.” Are you nervous? Things haven’t been so great for the couple the past couple of weeks.I know that a lot of them have sided with Alexis (Nancy Lee Grahn). Soon Julian will be trying to fix things and make her see things his way. He’ll tell her all the right things like “I love you,” and “We can work through this,” so soon the fans will wonder what’s wrong with Alexis and why she can’t just take him back. But then of course, some worst stuff will be coming up for them very shortly and then they’ll go back to her side again very soon.


  1. Worst stuff? You mean because he wants to kill her? THAT worst stuff? Well after he killed Caaaaaaaaaaaaaarlos I wasn't on his side anymore.

  2. I can't imagine anyone going to his side except maybe some hormonal youngsters who see everything in terms of ships and consider nothing should keep them apart, not even murder.

  3. I agree, Di. Who the heck would go to his side? I will say this for the actor: he does creepy really well. I never liked this couple, or the character of Julian, and now the hatred is set in stone. I wish Alexis has used that knife to run him through.
    It is interesting to see that he said things will get worse. Yikes.

  4. He gave a very honest, thoughtful interview, but Julian did kill Carlos in cold blood. I don't know how he can get around that. Very nice guy, though - met him last year.

  5. It was a great interview but even William said Julian is a sociopath and dangerous person.


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...