Thursday, June 16, 2016

Kristin Storms is Back..

in August..even before we've seen her temp replacement!! 

SOD is reporting she's fine and taping in August. 


Photo published for EXCLUSIVE: James Patrick Stuart To GH

Soap Opera Digest has learned that James Patrick Stuart, who memorably played ALL MY CHILDREN baddie Will Cortlandt from 1989-92, is headed to GH. Since exiting Pine Valley, the prolific actor has appeared in prime-time projects ranging from SEINFELD and CSI to ANDY RICHTER CONTROLS THE UNIVERSE and SUPERNATURAL and feature films including It’s Complicated. According to setsiders, Stuart is already shooting, and will debut on-screen in July.




  1. Wow, haven't thought of him in a long time. While I agree with, why more characters, He could be interesting.
    On AMC he was Will Cooney Cortlandt, Dixie's brother, he married teenaged Haley Vaughn and bludgeoned to death on the same day. (And I believe his killer was Janet Green aka Heather Webber!) I'll never forget my shock at his horrific abuse of Gloria Marsh.
    Also the guy who was mesmerized by the Eagles, "Desperado" on Seinfeld.
    And the son of "Chad" from the British 69s duet "Chad and Jeremy."
    Very happy Kristin Storms is back! Thanks for the info.

  2. Yet another new character and none of the old storylines have even been finished yet. Tell us again how there's no bonus for new characters.

    Glad Kristin is better.

  3. has it been 30 days already?

  4. Ooooh, KS is back, soooo happy, we love you, hope you are all better!!

  5. it looks like they are trying to create a brand new GH with an entire new cast. They will eventually get rid of all the vets and have all new stories with new characters.

  6. I think you're right, David. That's the direction they've been going for years now. I think they're hoping that all the original GH fans either go away or just die already. We may all just do that before some of these dropped storylines are completed.

  7. DEAR GH:STOP THE MADNESS!!! *bangs head repeatedly against the wall*

    1. I am however beyond happy that Kirsten is headed back. :)

    2. I am however beyond happy that Kirsten is headed back. :)

  8. DEAR GH:STOP THE MADNESS!!! *bangs head repeatedly against the wall*

  9. I know there are too many characters, but I'm stuck a Supernatural fan, I can't help but squee, just a little. He made an amazing Dick Roman

  10. I know there are too many characters, but I'm stuck a Supernatural fan, I can't help but squee, just a little. He made an amazing Dick Roman

  11. Hmmmmm I wonder who he will be playing. It would be great seeing him again.

    "helkatmat said...On AMC he was Will Cooney Cortlandt, Dixie's brother, he married teenaged Haley Vaughn and bludgeoned to death on the same day. (And I believe his killer was Janet Green aka Heather Webber!) I'll never forget my shock at his horrific abuse of Gloria Marsh."

    Ahhhh memories!!!!! Yes it WAS Janet Green!!!! :)

    "Also the guy who was mesmerized by the Eagles, "Desperado" on Seinfeld."

    I loved him in Seinfeld!!!! :)


House Hunting

  So, nothing of note happened last Friday on GH so I'm watching Beyond the Gates for the first 15 min because it was HELLA GREAT (a gun...