Friday, June 10, 2016

For A Dog...

Kildare Gustov Elvis Blue 

You all know my dog Gus...he's been on Periscope many times when I live broadcast GH openings. He's the "star" of #gusdaily on instagram. Gus sadly went peacefully today to start his other journey in doggie heaven. Gus was diagnosed with lymphoma early last week. It came on suddenly and spread fast.
He was the light of my life for almost 11 years. We got him 3 weeks after our first Tibetan Terrier, Frankie had passed. He was a joyful puppy and filled our days (and sometimes my nights) with love and cuddles. 

The loss of a pet can't be measured in words. He will be missed so much.  RIP my furry baby. 


  1. There are no words. Sorry is not enough for the magnitude of your loss. I'm grateful he did not suffer. 😔😔😔😔😔

  2. Yes, sorry is not enough, I have a beloved cat, so I understand how much we love the furry members of our families. He was so fortunate to be a member of your family, as you were fortunate to find him, he has gone to his reward, and is not suffering . . .

  3. My deepest sympathy for the loss of your beloved Gus. Seeing pictures of him frolicking in the snow or curled up in the sunny spots were often the highlights of my day. Such a cutie! Clearly he was loved and loved you in return. So sorry for your loss.

  4. Oh no!!!!!! :'( That's awful. I know how that feels. I am so sorry! Yeah sorry isn't enough. :( *BEARHUGS* to Karen and the family!

    Rainbow bridge.

  5. My heart breaks for you Karen. I became a blubbering mess when you text me the pic of Gus saying you two were taking one last "nap" I grabbed my girl and laid down with her to watch Little House too. Will miss seeing Gus pics but know crossing the Rainbow Bridge is exactly what he needs to do. I know he was greatly loved by you and your family and he loved you all right back :) ♥♥♥

  6. Deepest condolences on your loss.

  7. My deepest sympathies, Karen. We are currently going through something similar with our Murphy. He's been going through treatments for lymphoma. We know it will end his life eventually. We're trying to keep him comfy and happy through the summer. It's really a difficult thing to go through.

    RIP Gus. You were an internet star.

  8. Karen,
    I know that pain, only time will ease it. Thanks for sharing the pix for those of us who hadn't seen them. He was loved and cared for every day of his life and I know he returned that love tenfold to you.
    Sincerely, Kathy

  9. I'm so sad to hear about your beloved dog. As a lifelong dog owner I sympathize with your loss. They are our babies and it is devastating to lose them. Gus was so cute, I know you will keep him in your heart forever.

  10. Karen, so very sorry for your loss. Been through that too many times and the loss is heartbreaking. At least he didn't have to suffer long and he was very loved. They are indeed members of the family..

  11. I am so very sorry for the loss of your beloved friend, our pets are family, they're always missed...

  12. I have 4 cats and many others now dead. All of them were loved and gave me and my wife love. Pets are one of the great things in life. RIP to Gus. Be well, Karen.

  13. I am sorry.. This is pain that no one wants to bear.. In the pictures I can see what a lovable friend he must have been....

  14. So sorry to hear this Karen. We all know how hard it is to lose a pet,,,they are like our children

  15. Thank you everyone. The house is very quiet now. Gus was my GH watching buddy and then we'd go up and nap for about an hour watching Little House. He was my shadow. I appreciate all your words.

    Note: No Sunday Surgery tomorrow for obvious reasons.

  16. Dogs are so special. Unconditional love always.

  17. I'm so sorry for your loss Karen. :(

  18. I'm so sorry or your loss. :(.. We lost our Lab 3 yrs ago to a very sudden illness.. I think she will like to meet your Gus.

  19. My heart cries with you...I know the feeling all to well. My deepest sympathy for you and yours.

  20. "kdmask said...Thank you everyone. The house is very quiet now. Gus was my GH watching buddy and then we'd go up and nap for about an hour watching Little House. He was my shadow. I appreciate all your words."

    Awwww Karen! :( Yeah I know the feeling. The house feels so empty without him. :( Took a nap watching little house? Awww! :) Sweet.. I love little house!

  21. I'm crying for you and remembering my shadow, Mann. I know the feeling well and I am very sorry for your loss but very happy you had him in your life.

  22. So sorry for your loss. People who don't have animals do not understand how they become part of your family. They are just like children. My heart goes out to you and your family.

  23. So sorry that you lost Gus. My folks just lost their bulldog so they are grieving too. As Scremingeagle said people who don't have pets don't realize how much our animal friends become part of the family. Sending big internet hugs your way

  24. Karen,

    I've been reading lately and not posting. So sorry to hear about your sweet Gus. The dog lifespan is such a bad design!


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