Friday, January 9, 2015

Waiting ....

Waiting for Gadot...
Waiting for Guffman...


Come ON already. For GOD Sakes...JUST COME ON. 

This could be my Sunday Surgery. You know. Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. This is seriously getting to the point of no return for a lot of people. Probably some are already gone. 
I'm having a scotch. 


  1. If I could stand Scotch, I would join you. Who thinks Michael and Bobbie will discover Luke and Fluke? Anyone? Anyone?? I didn't think so.
    My daughter gave me the most interesting book for Christmas . . . (refer to my identifier)

  2. I don't drink and I'm considering joining you.

    No one in their right mind thinks they'll find Luke and Fluke, ishouldreadmore. Public health will discover Luke in a few months when the stench reaches the street and someone calls in a complaint.

  3. What a great image of this overlong storyline. Just horrible

  4. Di, you got it exactly right. Thank you. : )

  5. Soap Operas were invented to test patience!

  6. The Fluke tale is less than a year old. Jesus, you folks are so ADD it's ridiculous.

  7. So we keep waiting
    Waiting on the world to change
    We keep on waiting
    Waiting on the world to change

    It's hard to beat the system
    When we're standing at a distance
    So we keep waiting
    Waiting on the world to change

    Sorry the song popped in my head when I saw the word waiting ROFL!

  8. ITA, Bobbie is great in her scenes, and looks a lot more like her regular self.

  9. I second that, AntJoan. I actually enjoy seeing her again. I hope they use her much more often, and not just as a Scotty doll.

  10. When I said SOs were invented to test patience, I also meant to say most of you had failed the test. The speed on soaps today is a veritable race compared to what it used to be. It used to take a full week for Jesse and Steve to have a cup of coffee and a little chat in his office at GH in the old days. Weeks could go by without much at all happening. But look what has happened in just this past week!! I was practically getting whiplash.

    Personally, I like to have time to mull over developments. I like to check out history and see where the clues are. I like to anticipate abit. I like to see who is going to get clues next. I was sure Bobbie, who knows Luke almost better than anyone (Laura being his one true soulmate), would notice some difference in him. Since Fluke looks exactly like Luke, there really isn't a reason anyone would tumble, even if they noticed some changes in his behavior, but they might notice he isn't himself after being in the padded room so long. They might even think he needed Kevin Collins. (I DO wish we could have Kevin back...GH so needs a shrink.)

  11. Just to clarify...

    This basement where Luke is--in the house where they once lived??! I always thought they grew up in an apartment. Luke tells Laura the story of how his mother was ill (appendicitis) but couldn't afford to go to the doctor and she died, and his drunken, abusive father looked at her body 'like she'd disappointed him', tossed his empty booze bottle in a corner and walked out, leaving the kids to deal with it. Luke and Bobbie hid from authorities (social workers), he stole food for them and finally got them to Florida to Aunt Ruby. Luke mentioned how older sister Pat was being abused so she left home early and they never heard from her again. All this came out in one scene between Tony and Genie (Laura) in the disco one night. It was back story, not seen.

    I have it on tape somewhere...


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...