Friday, January 23, 2015


YEP...Daytime Confidential has all the details. Some chick from YR coming to GH. I'm telling you what... 
My reaction? Pretty shocked. I get we may need a girl this "age" on GH but there are TOO MANY CHARACTERS ON THE SHOW. Ergo, I was kind of like "ONE DOWN!! 10 to go"!!!!!!!!! Kill her off, murder mystery style :) 

Nope  Kiki Lives.
And you know me. Grumpy PANTS when it comes to having to get used to new people. 



  1. They were also advertising for:

    ABC soap opera General Hospital has sent out a casting call for a new, male contract role set to begin shooting in February. The character is described as, "Caucasian, late 20s. Handsome, dynamic, sexy. A charming bad boy who gets in and out of trouble."

    Can they be recasting someone else because we certainly don't need more people.

  2. I was surprised by this news too. As long as they stop writing her as Diet Star, I'm okay with it. Now they just need to switch her dad back to Franco...

  3. I'm ok with this. I was bummed when they didn't recast Britt. I wasn't attached to the actress at all, but I liked her relationships with Dr. O and Nathan, as well as all the shenanigans at Wyndemere. She was a pretty complex character with some good history, even tho she'd been on a short time.

    Kiki's a good foil for the Corinthos bros. And she ties Silas (whom I actually like) into more story lines. I LOVE LOVE KA, but only as STARR MANNING!!!! Not as, SaveOurSuds says, "Diet Star". :P LOL.

  4. Oh crap!!! No! :( Now I can't call her Starki anymore! Why couldn't they just have her move away or kill her off? Now I will just have to find another nickname for her. *sigh*

  5. "SaveOurSuds said...I was surprised by this news too. As long as they stop writing her as Diet Star,"

    Diet Star? What do you mean?

  6. I wondered about KIki leaving because she has family ties in PC and with both brothers, and in a sense, they need the character. I much preferred her as Starr, but then I preferred all 3 OLTL stars as their old selves.

    Someone said there were too many cra cras on the show and I agree. I just wish they didn't play such prominent parts. Obrecdt needs to be limited to less time, and certainly should not be Chief of Staff. That makes no sense. I don't mind BobTodd at all, but wish he wasn't Franco, Heather should be a year between visits. And Nina is plain annoying.
    It is high time someone discovered Luke and saved him--someone who is trying to discover the fake Luke and will keep Luke under wraps until Fluke is stopped.

  7. "sonya said Diet Star? What do you mean?"

    A watered down version of Starr Manning.

  8. "SaveOurSuds said...A watered down version of Starr Manning."

    Ahhhh. Yeah you are right about that!


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...