Thursday, January 29, 2015

Recast Kevin

Jon Linstrom is on True Detective 2, which is a pretty damn good reason to miss an afternoon on GH. So, I thought his replacement looked way familiar, especially his speech patterns.

The Jimmy

ahahahaaha. OMG. I'm dying. 


  1. Jimmy shoes!! I KNEW he was familiar!

  2. The boy who plays Spencer was on Grey's Anatomy tonight

  3. Oh! I should have known!!!! Oh I hope they show him again! :) We could have so much fun with him!!!!

  4. If he played Kevin like he played Jimmy:

    "Kevin has never met this Jake, Carly. Kevin thinks Jake is a figment of your imagination. Kevin doesn't mix up his patients..."

  5. I was SO DISAPPOINTED they couldn't get Jon Lindstrom back and also disappointed the substitute wasn't more like him. I wasn't a Sienfield fan so didn't know this guy and I felt letdown. I don't mean to insult the new actor, but he is nothing like Jon and after all, Jon as Dr Collins was on the show forever, was Mac's best friend, was the lead on Port Charles, played drama and comedy adeptly, and so popular for years and years.

    Oh, well.

  6. I understand why Jon didn't want to take an afternoon to film one scene, it's not like they've had him on AT ALL lately. True Detective is an awesome show.
    I kinda wish they'd gone COMPLETELY against type. LIke the guy that played RJ on OLTL or maybe a really young guy. LOL Just like WTF...If we are going to say WTF..let's say WHAT THE!! lol

    I'm not sure he's a 'recast' btw, he was just a stand in

  7. Great job spotting that, Karen! I never made the connection. I'm usually pretty good at recognizing people from other shows because a voice typically doesn't change very much even if faces do. I love that Seinfeld episode.

  8. According to Jon's twitter, he had no idea they were shooting that. I find it very interesting that they didn't ask him. Also, Jon was on a week/two prior, it's odd they didn't shoot that Carly/Kevin scene then...or did Ron just write it in (seeing as he likes to "wing it" with his writing)??


  9. "RedSoxFaninVA said...If he played Kevin like he played Jimmy:

    "Kevin has never met this Jake, Carly. Kevin thinks Jake is a figment of your imagination. Kevin doesn't mix up his patients..."

    ROFL! Hysterical! :)

    "MatchboxGinny said...According to Jon's twitter, he had no idea they were shooting that. I find it very interesting that they didn't ask him."

    What?!!?! That's crazy!!! Why didn't they ask him?!


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