Monday, January 26, 2015

heart pancakes

Bobbie says "Aunt Ruby died 16 years ago today" Lulu says she doesn't remember Ruby. Which she wouldn't since she was SORA's but if it was 16 years ago, that means Lulu is like 18 LOL. Nevermind. They have "heart shaped pancakes" to celebrate her. Should have had chili. 

Ava is out roaming the halls in a prison hoodie. LMAO COME ON!! She's in the MALE prison now.  She knows how to break out in the van. I guess they'll all end up in the van.

Franco gets busted for the cell phone. He trades it back for a drawing he did that the guard can "sell".  He calls Nina, she hands the phone to Heather. Heather says to leave Nina alone. Or she'll crush her like a little birdy. 

Jordan sees TJ on the docks-- he's got a little beard goin' there. She might be telling him she's undercover???? NOPE..she does tell him she saved Ric, but only that she was with Shawn and now works for the "other side" (Sonny) not Jeromes. 

Grave--Empty.  Sonny's gonna take care of it himself .
Dante is at graveyard-- Jordan fills him in. Then Fluke walks up behind him. "helloooooo Dante"  Dante asks if Ruby was Bill Eckert's mother. Nope, Ruby is Bill's Dad's sister.

Fluke sees the empty grave. 

Fluke taunting Luke. He wants to blow up the boat and watch everyone snow "down like confetti". 

I think that is Bill Eckert but he doesn't know he's Bill because Helena messed with his brain.
That would give us a 1-2 punch. Helena has been using Bill all these years when Luke leaves town--maybe Fluke hit Jake. 


  1. I'm really nervous that this may go the multiple personality road, dating back to some childhood trauma, just so the writers can say Luke didn't rape Laura, it was an alter that did it! Then Luke can be a true hero and not the anti-hero, altho I'm not sure Geary would go along with that whitewashing. I wouldn't mind Bill Ekart brainwashing tho. But I can't believe that he ran over little Jake (at first I thought you meant Jason/Jake). That story really was a Geary/Guza collaboration...

    Has anyone brought up the idea of Hellena really being Pat Spencer? I keep thinking maybe that's why she hates Luke so much?

  2. I can't imagine..she's way old and wouldn't they have recognized her at the wedding? (L and L's)

    But if it IS Bill and Helena has him convinced he's someone else, could fit

  3. Nightmare on Elm Street home: Fluke wins the line of the day!

    Fluke: Hi cupcake.

    ROFL! The way he said it was so funny! :) Oh oh Fluke wants to blow the haunted Star with the family members to kingdom come! Boy Fluke LOVES that bat!

    Kelly's: Awww Aunt Ruby!! :( Today is the anniversary? :( Oh Lucas why pour all that syrup on the pancakes when you are not even going to eat it? Oh wait you are! Nevermind! ROFL!

    "Karen says Lulu says she doesn't remember Ruby. Which she wouldn't since she was SORA's but if it was 16 years ago, that means Lulu is like 18 LOL."

    Hahahahaha. True!

    Bill Ekhart's grave: OH! The casket is EMPTY!!!!


    Hmmmm. Maybe Fluke isn't Bill, because if it were, Fluke would have admitted it was him as soon as the casket was open. Maybe IT IS Luke with DID.

    "Karen says I think that is Bill Eckert but he doesn't know he's Bill because Helena messed with his brain.That would give us a 1-2 punch. Helena has been using Bill all these years when Luke leaves town-"

    Hmmm.. That is another interesting theory. :)

    Dante and Jordan: They just blah blah blahed the whole time.

    Aunt Ruby's grave: Ohhhhh. Ruby is Bill's Dad's sister. Interesting. Okay. Hey Fluke! What do you want to say to Ruby!?!?!! Or was that a lie? Where were you REALLY going Fluke?! Oh oh he sees his empty grave! ROFL!

    Pier: Awww come on TJ! Forgive your mom! YAY HE DOES! :)


    Shaun and Sonny: They blah blah blahed too. Bill Ekhart this, Bill Ekhart that. Oh oh Jordan is in on the grave digging! It's okay Sonny you can trust her! ;)

    Ava and Julian: Ava is in the women's prison and she walked all the way to the men's. How far is the men and women prison? Ava is paranoid thinking Sonny tried to have her killed with that guard! Oh oh everyone is going to escape!!

    The guard and BobTodd: I thought BobTodd was going to squeal on Sonny, but he actually drew on paper!!! ROFL!

    Shadybrooke: Ohhhhh. So THAT is where Nina and Diana Taylor are!!!! :) Oh oh Diana Taylor wants revenge!!! Oh BobTodd! You better protect Nina from your mommy!!!!! She will squash the little bird into dust!!!

  4. "CareyN said...I'm really nervous that this may go the multiple personality road, dating back to some childhood trauma, just so the writers can say Luke didn't rape Laura, it was an alter that did it! Then Luke can be a true hero and not the anti-hero, altho I'm not sure Geary would go along with that whitewashing."

    Nah Tony Geary wouldn't go along with that! Tony wants Luke to be the anti-hero.

  5. I did have to turn off the TV for a minute after Ava just walks into Julians cell. She's not even at the same prison! I did like the Ruby tribute.

    Is it possible that Fluke is actually Luke and Bobbies Father? Bobbie did mention during the Ruby breakfast that their father ran off after their mother died. And since Disney owns ABC and Star Wars, Fluke could use the line "Luke, I am your Father.".

    Wonder if Fluke, Bill Eckert and Luke will all wind up in the same room and have an explosion and we never know which one really survives.

  6. Oh I forgot to say one other thing. Shaun says this to Sonny.

    Shaun: Let me tell you, digging up Bill Ekhart's body, that was a hell of a job.

    It was?!?!?!! You dug it up pretty quickly Shaun! I don't know what the hell you are talking about! So shut up!

  7. "Ronn Dean said...I did have to turn off the TV for a minute after Ava just walks into Julians cell. She's not even at the same prison!"

    Maybe they are!!! Maybe there is a woman section, and a man section. :)

  8. I think TPTB realized months ago that the ending to Fluke will be anti-climatic to savvy fans (like us) and they are just throwing out as many red herrings as possible to divert us.

    Any time I hear the phrase Red Herring I think of the movie Clue. Dont know why I felt the need to say that, but I did.

  9. Off topic: This is from the Flash episode 11. ( I hope he gets more work. lol)

  10. They are getting the history wrong here. Ruby was from the Spencer side of the family. The connection to the Eckerts was through Luke's mother (Lena Spencer) who was the sister of Fred Eckert ("Bumpa" - Bill and Jenny's father - who passed away later that year).

    This was all covered back when they introduced the Eckerts in '91. Ruby couldn't stand them and wouldn't even talk to Bill. And Fred Eckert made a number of comments on the Spencers and what Tim did to Lena.

    It was Bill and Bobbie that buried the hatchet between the two families.


2 Martini Day

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