Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Another Slow Day

20150127 0640(17)

What do you need to know from today?

Ava gets a visit from Silas -- sees the baby.

Dante goes to break into the basement but Helena says to Fluke she "took care of that". Meaning I guess she moved Luke.
If Luke even exists. 

Actually, she had the house condemned so that could be what she's referring to.  Sloane stopped Dante from going into the basement. 

Luke's still planning on blowing up the yacht. 


  1. has it been mentioned that maybe Bill E had a twin brother and that Fluke is Bill's twin? Come to town to evoke revenge on Luke for killing Bill?

    long lost, of course.

  2. I don't know why Fluke didn't move Luke the first time he almost got caught, especially since he's now given permission for them to demolish the house. To me that's really stupid.

    And Dante is being equally stupid. Why didn't he come back at 2 in the morning, with a friend.

    You could be right, Dave. But he did meet Julian in witness protection. Maybe he is Bill but he suffered brain damage when he was revived.

    This story is so slow it seems to be moving in nanoseconds at times.

  3. Long lost twins, brainwashing, DID...there are so many potentials out there. I just really hope the writers pull out something new and clever as this wraps up. All those other options are so over done on soaps. I'm also crossing my fingers that they really write well for Luke once he's rescued. He's been drugged, held prisoner, tortured, etc., for more than a year. That's gonna leave some scars. He better not come back just his usual happy-go-lucky bad boy/conman self.

  4. Oh meant to also say that yesterday I was getting sort of an Irish-accent vibe in a few scenes, strengthening Karen's thoughts that he keeps changing his voice up. I assume that's just TG trying to throw people off the scent, but the accent and how he said "our family" to Luke when he mentioned blowing them up, made me raise my eyebrows and think: Tim Spencer? (Sure, guy's gotta be 90 yrs old, but that's where my head went.)

  5. There is nothing worse than the week leading up to sweeps.

    why don't they just move Luke?

  6. I came back to GH when Maxie and Johnny had their first scenes together but I'm thisclose to tuning out again. The Fluke thing is dragging out SO much! I'm not sure why I still care. I did however love the Ruby mention yesterday but was disappointed they didn't have flashbacks, they do flashbacks on all the other crap on any given day. Cartini has frustrated me before (on OLTL) but this is ridiculous...

  7. I realize that everyone can do a youtube search for GH videos. But, this is my favorite memory of Norma Connolly aka Ruby. A great scene. This really shows the true Ruby. The Matriarch of not only the Spencer family, but of every single person who came in contact with her on the show. She was one of those "broads" who didn't take any BS from anyone and let you know it. Loved her and her portrayer.


  8. Adding another off topic comment. More good news about an old GH cast member.


  9. DZ said the Luke reveal would be mind-blowing. To whom? We have all the possible scenarios I can think of listed here. CareyN and everyone else has listed everything. Maybe Pat had a sex change? That idea is the only new story on GH.

    On a side note, and as a mom of a 16-year-old son with Type 1 Diabetes, WTF was Lucas doing with all that syrup??

  10. I wonder if the writers even know yet who Fluke is. I was one of the "believers" who watched Lost, and also held out hope (which dwindled as time went by), that the writers would wrap everything up and explain everything in the end as promised. Of course, we know how THAT turned out.

    Bobbie with Lucas and LuLu celebrating Ruby--now THAT I can get into.

  11. Okay, so I thought today was sort of exciting actually. I also thought that there was sort of a big reveal as to who Luke is. Luke is someone who can order Helena around and make her jump when he snaps. He also threatened her. Even when she's cornered, Helena's a fighter. She would never let anyone get away with treating her the way he is. So the question is, who has the power to make Helena jump? Bill E.? I don't think so. All I can think of would be another Cassadine. Either Mikkos or who? Valentin? who?

  12. OK I got it!

    Helena is actually Pat Spencer, who escaped her abusive home when her siblings were still very young so they barely remember her. She reinvented herself as Helena and married into the wealthy and powerful Cassadines. Upset to see her younger brother overcame their terrible childhood and found happiness and totally forget about her, she cursed him on his wedding day and spent the rest of her life tormenting him and the people he loved. Eventually, she reconnected with her criminal father, Tim Spencer. Who, it turns out, Luke is the spitting image of! They vowed to get revenge on the younger Spencer. During the time Bill was in PC, Tim was sick and Helena had him cryo-vacced until a cure was found, so he and Luke became the same age. Cured, he went undercover to begin infiltrating the PC mob to further his and Pat/Helena's plans to ruin Luke. Even after all these years of being so powerful, Pat/Helena still carries around her childhood fear of her psycho father, but also the need to continually prove herself to him!

    (Of course this scenario would make the Bobbie/Stefan relationship, and most likely others, totally incestuous!)

  13. Now that is some soapy goodness CareyN! Still, I've never seen anyone order Helena around and her absolute compliance.

  14. The haunted Star: Oh Lulu are you REALLY angry at Johnny? Come on give me a break. So Lulu when are you going to kiss Johnny? :) Come on hurry up! :) Johnny wins the line of the day!

    Johnny: So what do you suggest? Dante and I go off in the woods together, take a hike, build a fire, sing kumbaya? We could go to couples therapy together.

    ROFL! I want to see that!!!! :)

    Helena and Fluke:

    Helena: Well he'll find nothing. Because we both know there is nothing down there.

    OH?!!?!?!?! So Luke DOES have DID?!!?!!

    Helena: I've seen to the matter.

    Oh so she moved Luke?

    Nightmare on Elm street house: Wow Michael is always there!!!! :) Well hello Mr. Yum Yum! :) Ohhhh so Helena got Mayor Lomax to condemn the place I see. Yes good idea to condemn, although it doesn't matter, because Freddie Kruger can get in your dreams!!! DON'T... FALL.... ASLEEP...!!! Damn Dante was so close twice almost opening the basement door!!!

    Doc's office: Where oh where is Doc? Oh where oh where can he be?!!? Oh look a phone! Oh look the voice that Jake Doe is remembering in his head, is distorted! ROFL! Oh look Carly goes to find Doc, and NOW Jake Doe gets a phone call!:) Carly is back! I guess you couldn't find Doc Carly?


    Visiting center: Why didn't the guard tell her that she has a visitor? Why frighten her? So stupid. Ava is shocked to see McSilas and so was I!!!! :) Hello McSilas! Where the hell have you been?! Awww poor Starki is not feeling well. Great scene with Mcsilas and Ava! Can they get back together? :) Awwww he brought A.L! (Avery Lavery) Love those big eyes. Love how Ava is talking to her! Great scene!!!

    Sonny and Julian: Sonny didn't try to kill Ava! Time for all of them to escape!!!! I bet Sonny and Julian are gonna go to the Haunted Star party!!!!! Sonny there is gonna be a KABOOOOOOOOOOOOM! :)

  15. "Julie Langley said...On a side note, and as a mom of a 16-year-old son with Type 1 Diabetes, WTF was Lucas doing with all that syrup??"

    Oh I forgot Lucas has diabetes!!! Yeah what the hell Lucas?!?! I guess he wanted to caution to the wind!

    "AntJoan said.. I was one of the "believers" who watched Lost, and also held out hope (which dwindled as time went by), that the writers would wrap everything up and explain everything in the end as promised. Of course, we know how THAT turned out.'"

    Yeah I had hope too!!! UGH! Hate the ending of Lost! UGH!

    "Michelle Latta said...I did however love the Ruby mention yesterday but was disappointed they didn't have flashbacks,"

    Yeah I was waiting for flashbacks too. :(

    "CareyN said...OK I got it!"

    My head just exploded! ROFL!

    "(Of course this scenario would make the Bobbie/Stefan relationship, and most likely others, totally incestuous!)"

    Yeah so let's think of something else! Hahahaha.

  16. Julie, I wonder if the writers even know that Lucas has diabetes.

    And Sonya, when Helena said "Well he'll find nothing. Because we both know there is nothing down there. " I thought. Oh no! They're going to go with the DID story line AGAIN! And didn't someone say those same writers used it in their last soap too? Can't they think of anything original?

    And I absolutely hated the ending of Lost.

  17. Di, I am with you! Lost lost me. If Fluke is BE, he could have been in Witness Protection after Frank Smith shot him and then Helena found him and either programmed him to hate PC or encouraged it.

  18. "Di said...I wonder if the writers even know that Lucas has diabetes."

    Maybe even the actor forgot.

    "And Sonya, when Helena said "Well he'll find nothing. Because we both know there is nothing down there. " I thought. Oh no! They're going to go with the DID story line AGAIN!"

    I hope it's more than that! We already had DID with Connie! I think we had our fill!

  19. Finally just finished todays show...we keep speaking of Flukes speech...what was that at the end when he caught Dante, lol!! Was that even an accent?

  20. Uh, Carey, Tim Spencer would surely be dead by now. An alcoholic, bum, and general bully, his life would be shortened by such stuff. And Geary is what? in his 60s, maybe early 70s. I thought of Tim the other day, but figured he couldn't look that good, not after years of dissipation and living rough.

    Note how carefully both Fluke and Helena were in not mentioning Luke today. They talked about the basement, the house, but he never said, 'what did you do with Spencer?' It was more what WAS in the basement, not who.

  21. Soaplover's right. I got a feeling Luke snapped and dug up Bill's corpse.

    Last time- Fluke does NOT have an accent, Irish or otherwise.

    He changed his TONE, not accent, for God's sake.

  22. I love reading everyone's theories on who Fluke is. They are all very interesting and some things I'd never come up with! I don't think it's Bill. This is supposed to be shocking, and to have Sonny "figure out" it's Bill, the show is basically showing its hand and telling us what we want to know. I don't think they'd do that so soon. They are giving us time to maybe think it really is Bill so we're already used to the idea, and if they reveal it IS Bill then we already sort of knew. It's got to be something else, but what, I don't know!

    One thing from last week, I thought how nice it was to hear "Dr. Jones" at GH again. I hope they actually use Lucas in the hospital setting now that he works there as a doctor. Keep the Spencers as part of the action on the show. We need those core families.

  23. I'm going with the mind control theory again. That old house couldn't been very soundproof so if Luke was there he could have made a lot of noise and been heard by someone. No one ever feeds him or lets him go to the bathroom, not that there is one in that basement. Fluke brought food and left it on the table. By now Luke would be starving, probably unconscious, etc. I think Fluke is being mind controlled by Helena. Everything mentioned between Fluke and Helena is just too ambiguous.

  24. COSMO...disagree. I think Geary has changed ACCENTS now and again in this story. Seriously. I know the difference and I get what you're saying but I personally hear accents.

  25. I agree with the fact that FLUKE does have an accent from time to time as well as changes his tone. I don't agree with Helena being Pat because than that would mean she was incestuously pining after her brother Luke for ages. There have been many times over the years that he's been somewhat sexual with her. Also remember the half naked painting he had of her? So I'm pretty sure she's not Pat.


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