Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Jason Morgan: CIty Council?

This was taken by Wubber Cami in Kentucky!! 
who knew what Jason was doing!!? 
This is the last Tues/Wed I'm out for GH. My son's SAT is Saturday, ergo tutoring is ovah. I hate those nasty exams. Glad  I am DONE with them!! Please let me know if I should watch the show today as it will be on DVR.  Yesterday, I wasn't angry at all!! Wow! Like I said, I loved the Sam Stink-eye to Brenda. I also liked Dante's eyes all tearing up when he was thinking Brenda was losing it and thinking of the wrong shooting:

If you want great HD screen shots of any GH show, go to General Hospital HD Screen Caps

Other fun news: Guess who's coming back to OLTL? Check it out on SID!! 
My Big Friggin' Wedding on VH1 is Awesome FUN. LOL... it's a joyous MESS!! 

BTW, Rumors of  Genie Francis' return looks like just that: Rumors.  I think they surfaced from  last year again. Strange how that happens!! I HOPE she comes back --sooner rather than later but I don't think it will be in 2010.


  1. YES!!! Vickers! Can OLTL be any more awesome!

  2. Regarding Genie Francis, some pretty reliable folks are reporting that Jonathan Frakes confirmed her return at a recent personal appearance!!! I have everything crossed on my body!!!

  3. I read the same thing that Genie's husband said she was coming back to GH....

  4. I'm with you Ari OLTL rules and loving David coming back hope he whups Clints butt and I don't think Genie Francis would join a sinking ship but thats just me

  5. David Vickers may return and kick some bootay (hopefully Clint's), but I'm afraid it won't be for long. The actor's role in Desperate Housewives has been expanded and that will surely bite into our time with him. Rats!

    As for Genie, if they brought her back, Guza would find a way to ruin it for us. We can't have Luke and Laura back, that bridge has been burned long ago. He loves Tracey now. So that means a new attraction for her? Ok, I'll buy it with some fabulous hunky new character to be cast opposite her. Maybe she could get her kids to straighten up and fly right, lolol. who knows?

  6. I think if they brought her back make Mac her love interest that way he could pay Luke back for taking Felicia away from him.I like it:)))) Too bad David won't stay long but when Vicki finds out Clint had a child with Echo look out Clint


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...