Thursday, November 18, 2010

General Hospital: Mini VayKay...

Well, today I had to get fully glammed up (just a touch up) and the only time I could be seen was during GH. Tomorrow going to be networking and digging up all the dirt I can so the show will have to wait until the weekend.

New Spoilers are up...  not that they say much. Sonny and Brenda will start to 'rekindle the flame'-- Carly's still on the warpath-- yada yada. I also read that Kristina's bullying story is moved to spring. But when it does come, we'll know it was moved, just like a ton of other things. *sigh*
There's a giant rumor floating around that both Claire and Brenda are PG by Sonny before long. I'm here to tell you all..if THIS IS TRUE, I will quit GH For GOOD. I can't imagine this is at ALL  true--  but I have seen it at least 3x now, so I'm going to react. 

I will  try to do a Sunday Surgery that is fresh and exciting! LOL...  Let's hope lightning strikes my brain between now and then!!


  1. Just thought FYI a really good skype interview of Rex Balsom is on but if you don't want to peek at spoilers don't go there.....heheheh I looked forgive wubs queen.I noticed also that Sonny's acting has been a little shabby lately too.Another Sonny's baby we don't need.

  2. Luke and Tracy are going to marry on Laura's birthday?

    Man, Guza loves to just torture L&L fans and ruin everything good about the couple, doesn't he?

    Doesn't he realize this show wouldn't even be on today if it wasn't for them? We'd be watching a talk or game show in that time slot.
    I've never seen a soap forsake it's history and legacy the way GH has these past few years.

  3. I agree anon, L&L MADE this show. And L&L2 gave it a kick start after Liz's rape and Lucky's sweet, sweet response to her. Here we have the WTD story and they aren't showing any Liz & Lucky angst whatsoever. No sceens of Lucky seeing Aiden and aching for him to be his, no angst with liz missing lucky (they have some heartwarming old scenes they could flash back to). So here we sit with how many solid couples on the show? I think I count 3. And even they have issues. Jasam (bore), Carjax (not really a marriage since they both run behind each others backs), and Danlu (overdone). As much as I like Jolivia Guza has made it clear this relationship is doomed. Scrubs breaks my heart. And I can't count Ethan & Maya since I ff thru all their scenes. There is abolutely no chemistry. Ethan's white skin was all I could take the other day! Love the actor and am interested in seeing him with kristina since they seem to have something potentially special. Speaking of Kristina, Where the hell is she? The revelation scene with Sonny in the pcpd was so unbelievable after all these months of her saying she practically despise's sonny. Themn one sentence out of his mouth and wella! She's happy? She's forgiven him? No scene with molly or Kristina with Brender? Or brender meeting little Josslyn?

  4. I loathe Kristina I don't think she has anything special with Ethan. She lied on him and didn't give one damn about Sonny shooting him. I haven't missed that whiny little brat at all I can't picture Kristina with Ethan Wrapped in sheets! Like it or not Annie and Nathan visually are hot couple and they have a great comedic, and sexy chemistry. Kristina looks ten Nathan is a full blooded hot male go Mayan!

  5. She lied "on" him? Ok. This is a soap opera, guys and girls do awful things and all is magically forgiven overnight (ala luke and laura). I disagree that Maya & Ethan have chemistry, but not sure about Kristina and him, either. Maya barely has chemistry with the lens much less a character. She can't act, sorry girls. I like the thought of her with the Q's and all and she is super pretty.

  6. I agree with you Mrs. B. I don't think Ethan & Maya have any chemistry at all. However I do think he & Kristina have chemistry and could easily become more than friends.... the writers just need to speed up time a bit & give her a 19th birthday party soon! Maya is undoubtedly lovely, but you either have a spark or you don't - and they don't!
    I'm an old school L&L2 fan, but even I admit that their ship has sailed. Sleeping with his brother (gag) was just the point of no return. For me that ruined the character of Liz. I'd like to see Lucky & Maxie re-visited with Jonathan Jackson's Lucky....their scenes have been cute!

  7. On a positive note, has everyone noticed that just about every episode in the past month or so has brought up some kind of history or mention of a person/incident from the past?

    what's up with THAT?!?!?!

    (and yes it is a good thing)

  8. In the spoilers it has Lucky running an interpol again. Now after the first one happened, and the bad guys found out who he was, nobody said anything about Lucky's family being in danger....If he does this again, wouldn't he first think of his family that could be used as leverage???

  9. Looking at old U Tube videos of L&L2 made me come across this beautiful Liason video. Ahhhh the memories. Andrea I know you'll enjoy it! He even stood up to carly & walked away from Sonny. Love it.

  10. Do you guys know the actress who portrays Maya personally? That you feel entitled to say that's she's just a pretty face? And she can act she's been on Melrose Place and Entourage what acting experience have you had? How many Oscars are on your mantle because it certainly appears that posters are suddenly experts on act8ng these are the soaps aren't they. And that lying whiny brat Kristina did more than lie on Ethan she endangered his life. And what chemistry do they have certainly not sexual Krusty looks ten! I love Maya she a strong beautiful woman of colour which is much needed in Port Charles! I 've told many of my friends about all the hateful comments directed at blacks on the internet rather its Serena or Venus the hate is really appalling are we the United States or Fractered States! Go Annie ignore the HATERS are why I watch GH CERTAINLY NOT FOR THAT WHINY BRAT KRUSTINA!

  11. Yo Anon... you ought to post your city. We will be happy to point you to the nearest phych ward.


2 Martini Day

  We made it to Friday and I didn't miss a DANG DAY!! woot!! It's been an up and down week with a lot of filler so far. Here's h...