Saturday, November 27, 2010

Give Me ONE Thing you are thankful for on GH!!

                                                                    Bubble Lamp

In prep for tomorrow's blog, please write down one thing you are happy about, thankful for or like on our Soap.  It can even be something as fun as the costumes  they wore in "Vegas" --to a couple or character.



  1. I'm thankful for Dante and Lulu's relationship. Don't hurt me for saying that! I know a lot of people are tired of them or never liked them in the first place. BUT I love how their story developed over time and wasn't rushed- it felt natural watching it play out on screen. Very different from the majority of soap couples. Not perfect by any means, but it's been refreshing to watch and quite honestly is what drew me back into GH on an everyday basis after being a casual viewer for awhile.

  2. I am thankful for...the return of Jonathan Jackson. He TG together during the whole Lucky/Liz/Nik fiasco was the only good part of that mess. And it's just great to see original faces amid the throngs of unconnected newbies who can say, "So-and-so knew me as a kid" and it's true!

  3. The return of Brenda Barrett! The scenes between Jason and Brenda have been fabulous. Their relationship rocks!

  4. I am thankful for Kimberly McCullough and Jason Thompson for their portrayal of Patrick and Robin. They keep me watching this dreadful show!!!

  5. Alexis Davis and her girls. But, they're not on enough! What a waste of talent. If every show was like the Thanksgiving show, what a joy to watch! Some days are such a bore. Less mob stuff please, key the stories on families.

  6. Brenda is back and she had a real scene with Sonny.
    Brenda and Jason funny relationship.
    Robin and Jason TALKING about real thing.
    Seeing the Q's thanksgiving!
    Anything with Alexis and Diane I'm in! They are both hilarious.

  7. Oh kdmask I guess you aren't talking about the past. You mean recent. Well, I'm thankful they showed the Q's home!!! :) And Edward wanting to sing that song! :)

  8. I am grateful for The Jason!

  9. I will be grateful when bob guza is gone and his lover sonny too. Or is bumped to recurring status. And will be grateful if the old GH ever resurfaces.

  10. I'm thankful for KIRSTEN STORMS! Love Maxie pour little scene Stealer.

    Johnny's bod is a close 2nd

  11. I'm thankful for brenda's return and that sonny and brenda are together again and also like jason and brenda's love/hate relationship

  12. I am thankful for Jake, the only person that connects my all time favorite couple Liason. Since Guza fails to remember their friendship and loyalty

  13. I am thankful for crazy Lisa, Robin, and Patrick. Especially when they through in Maxie and Matt

    mrs. Goose

  14. I Jax still has a way with Brender the way carly doesn't. Anything that makes Carly squirm is welcome to watch.

    I am thankful for the 2nd year in a row they have sang the gathering Song led by the wonderful Edward.

    I am thankful I am not the only one that thinks Maya is a boring, dull and worthless character.

    I am thankful for Johnny, Jason, Patrick, Jax, and Sonny (all yummy).

    I am thankful that Maxie adores Robin and will do whatever it takes to protect her.

    Most of all, I am thankful for Diane & Alexis's friendship.

  15. I'm thankful for Sam and Jason, who after so many obstacles deserve happiness, and I can't wait to see what their future holds! I'm also thankful for Maxie Jones, whose feisty attitude is fab! Finally, I am thankful for the entire Davis clan (who need much more air time) and the witty one-liners of the ever-brilliant Diane!

  16. I'm enjoying Maya, Ethan, Tracey and Luke. They make me smile.

  17. I am thankful for Jane Elliot and Anthony Geary on GH, and that Luke and Tracy are back together on the show with some killer chemistry.

  18. I'm thankful for Maya and Ethan and Luke and Tracy. They make me laugh and squee all at the same time. Give me more Q's, GH!

  19. I am most thankful for SONNY AND BRENDA, the all-time greatest, most amazing couple I have ever seen in my life.

  20. I agree with Rhonda, I am thankful for Jake being Jason's so someday Liason HAS to speak again!

    I am thankful for Jax, who brings out a nice Carly once a month.

    I am thankful for Alexis and her sweet family of girls. Love when they show Sam having a life outside of Jason.

    I am thankful that the Jasam scene was short on Tuesday and easy to FF thru.

    I am thankful maya's run is coming ot a close soon!

  21. I'm thankful for the return of Vanessa Marcil Giovinazzo. Lots of people are hating on the return, I'm just happy she's back, and hopefully to stay, at least on a recurring basis. She is Sonny's only chance at redemption and he is her fate, good or bad.

    The greatest love story on this show in my lifetime has been Sonny & Brenda. Just the possibility for it to happen again is reason enough to be THANKFUL!

  22. Lante and Carly. Love that woman.

  23. I'm thankful for the cast. Through good storylines or bad, I still am addicted to their characters. Best overall cast on soaps! I'm going to add another one, Brenda Barrett.

  24. Robin Scorpio, Patrick Drake and Emma! They are such a great family! and Kimberly & Jason have the best chemistry that I have ever seen!

  25. I am thankful that the wonderful actors on this show haven't abandoned this sinking ship (although I would not blame them if they did!).

  26. I am thankful for Robin and Patrick and Emma, and Matt and Maxie. The storyline Scrubs are going thru right now is really hard, but Jason Thompson, Kimberly McCullough, the twins who play Emma, Jason Cook, and Kirsten Storms are making GH worth sticking around for. Scrubs, Emma, and M&M, Forever and Always!

  27. I am very thankful for Bradford Anderson. Not only is his an amazing talent, but he is extremely generous with his fans. This guy can pull off anything they throw Spinelli's way...and yet they under use him. It makes me very sad.

    I am also thankful for the return of Jonathan Jackson

    Storyline wise? I currently am thankful for Siobhan/Lucky, Scrubs/Lisa and Spinelli/Carly.

  28. I am thankful for my FWD button to be able to FWD Dante.

  29. I'm thankful it's still on, in light of GL & ATWT both going off in the past year or whatever.

    Also thankful for Maxie! The screen just lights up with her.

  30. Dante & Lulu, Ive watched the show for 28 years, they're the best & hottest couple ever. Love Jonathon Jackson too, great actor. Really enjoy watching Lucky & his irish lady.

  31. I am thankful that Jonathan Jackson is back....he is after all the reason I started watching GH in the first place. He never fails to captivate me...even when his story lines are less than stellar.

  32. I am thankful for Diane! She makes me laugh everytime she's on.

  33. I'm thankful for Luke and Tracy, they're great actors and always fun to watch... And of course I'm grateful for JaSam and Lucky and Siobhan. The return of Jonathan Jackoson was a blessing! And Helena, let's not forget about her... just wish she was on more often!

  34. Brenda and Sonny!!!

  35. I am thankful that as long as Luke lives and breathes, there is hope his beloved Laura will return to rekindle the greatest romance in Daytime history.

  36. I am thankful for this GH blog so I won't have to watch and spend my time on important things like doing laundry:))) Thankful for real they still have Alice on once in a great moon.

  37. i'm thankful for whoever wrote this year's Thanksgiving episode. if more episodes were written like that one, the show might be worth watching more than once in a blue moon.

  38. I am thankful for Luke and Tracy. They are so talented. They can make me laugh one minute and cry the next. I'm so happy that they put them back together and hopefully that will make them show more of the Spencers and the Q's. I know, but we all gotta have a dream. :) If it weren't for them, I would have quit watching GH a long time ago...which stinks. I've been watching it since it first started with my mom. How could they let it get to this? :(

  39. I'm thankful for Spinelli, they need to use him more, and give some back story on him.

  40. I'm thankful for Spinelli because his character is always a ray of sunshine on a usually dark and serious show...I am thankful too that it looks like he might get back with Maxie. Which makes my Spixie heart happy.

  41. I'm thankful for the relationship between Ethan and Kristina and I hope they continue it and build this couple through 2011.

  42. I am thankful for the beautiful, talented addition of Maya on GH she brings color, beauty and class and she has great comedic timing! I enjoy her scenes with the Spencermen and Edward and Tracy. I am thankful for Maya and Ethan, love their unconventional romance, Robin, Patrick, Emma, Lucky and his smackdown of Liz the scene of the year! Love Michael, Molly and Diane, and my viewing would be brighter without the little midget crybaby Kristina and her clown make up!


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...