Tuesday, November 16, 2010

29 Years Ago SOAP History Was Made!!

Where were you? I was in college-- no VCRs even. Sigh..we watched in the dorm lounge!! It was a magical day...sigh. The entire cast was there, on location at the "Mayor's Mansion". 30 million watched.  IN REAL TV time!! No taping!! 

Genie cried so pretty for this ceremony. Don't laugh at the lavish dress/headpiece --everyone was doing it back then, even Princess Di!! Of course, they 'remarried' for their 25th reunion....only Luke was really married to Tracy. Now we find out that Tracy and he were never married, so I'm not sure what that means for these two. I think the writers forgot that point. Oh well. All I can say is it's too dang bad Genie hasn't been around all these years. We know she's regretted leaving, has said how much she wants to be on the show for more than "guest stints". *sigh*....


  1. my friend and I took off work to watch the wedding! we had a reception and all kinds of people came over... a lot of people got 'headaches' that day and left work early.....I lived the closest which is why they were all at my house.....

  2. I watched the Luke and Laura wedding in my dorm lounge as well. What an EVENT! Keep hearing rumors about Genie Francis' return.. even on Jonathan Frakes' facebook. Hope it's true!

  3. I was one of those 30 millions too! My heart beat like a jack hammer I was so afraid something would go wrong and ruin that ceremony, lol! I used to write down in long hand the plotlines of the day for my daughter starting about Lhasa fever time...they were too good to miss....sigh

  4. I was in junior high. I got home at 3:15 each day, so I'd always miss the first 15 min until we got a VCR in 1984. I have so many scenes from those years permanently imprinted in my mind.

  5. I was pretty young, but I remember watching with my mom. Time stood still back then when GH was on! Genie looks so young!! No daytime actress can cry on queue like she can!

  6. I loved Luke and Laura so did my daddy he watched GH faithfully every day.My ex husband looked just like Luke so when my dad would see him he called him Luke lol.Thats when television was at its best.Too bad the old writers left.

  7. Watched in the dorm parlor. My dorm adjoined another dorm and we could keep the doors open (by senior year we couldn't) and the scream of "SCOTTTTTTTTTTYYYYYYYYYYY!!!" reveberated as we all shouted Scotty when he caught the bouquet. Ah, nothing like an old-fashioned soap wedding, when everyone in town was there plus many extras.

  8. Luke and Laura is my all time favorite. Geary and Francis have an magic between them!!! She needs to be back on GH!!!

  9. If only we had a Pat Falken Smith today!
    She was a writer who made waves, but boy, she understood character. I suspect it was Gloria who focused on adventure and Pat who kept the characters true eiyhin the adventures. The stories might have been fantasy but the characters were very real, with much depth and originality. We got to know them all so well. As a teen Laura was pretty close to passive/aggressive, and often aggravating in the way she just would not tell what she was feeling, kept her secrets when it would have been better for her (but not story) if she would just open up. Luke was finally able to pull her out of that--something Scotty or Laura's mother could never do. And we could see it happening as they went on the run. Pat also gave up a thorough picture of Luke, this boy from the slums, hard yet hungry, cunning yet yearning, cynical yet a romantic...

    I bought my first VCR mostly to record L&L...and would sit there recording only their story and things that pertained to it. Tape after tape after tape..still have them. And now and then I take out a favorite and watch just for awhile. I was writing a series of pieces on their romance for a magazine and was on the last chapter for that issue, but my deadline was a few days before the wedding--so I took it so far as I could and someone at the mag had to write up the wedding. Still bothers me--after devoting so much to telling their story I missed getting to describe and recount that beautiful wedding!

  10. I remember exactly where I was. It was my senior year in high school and I remembered I stayed home that day because I didn't want to miss any of it! They were so magical back in those days. I truly miss Luke and Laura.

  11. One of my friends was about to have surgery and was in the hospital, but had the surgery sceduled really early so she would be awake and in her room by 2PM!
    She was determined not to miss a moment of Luke and Laura!

    I remember hearing of people who scheduled doctor appointments around the show, who did all their errands in the AM so they could be home in the PM. One lady put off her vacation because she was afraid they would hit the sheets while she was gone. It was L&L mania.

    And looking back, I recall writing to a whole nework of L&L fans who became snail mail friends for several years, all because of our devotion to this couple and their story. It was before computers, but we still communicated, reviewed and analysed the show, discussing every turn of events, every nuence of the relationship. As soon as the show was over at 3, the phone would ring and a big discussion would take place.

    Crazy. But much like the internet today--only we were more apt to be cheering than complaining.


Let's Try this AGAIN!

  I'm going in a bit blind today because I've only seen online recaps of yesterday's show. Didn't feel like turning it on to...