Monday, August 5, 2024

Vacay Delay


Well, it's storming at my brother's house badly today and tomorrow so I'll be going Wed-Thurs! 

GH: Molly arrives. Is all upset. "She's in labor, she's not due yet". TJ says Kristina had an accident. I guess he didn't tell Molly on the phone. Alexis tells Molly about Ava falling from the "north tower". She was in Ava's room. Molly says she knows why she was there and looks right at Sonny. 

In the room, Kristina wakes up. Doctor tells her the baby didn't make it. She wants Molly. He goes out to the hallways and tells Molly to go see Kristina. Then TJ asks about the baby.  Dorctor says the baby died. It was a girl. 

Kristina tells Molly the baby was a girl and she died. They cry. 

Sonny sees Dante. He asks if Ava had anything to do with it. He says Jagger and her were trying to get Avery away from him and now Kristina. THEY WILL PAY. 

Molly comes out. Alexis goes in. Krissy and she cry. Molly won't let Sonny go in the room.  She says it's all his fault because he beat up Dex and Ava wanted Krissy to testify and it's HIS FAULT he's a violent THUG. 

Natalia tells Blaze they are leaving because it's only Kristina's 'blood' relatives there and they've only gone out for 6 months. Blaze lets her drag her out of GH. That is dumb. They go to a restaurant and Mom makes her eat chicken soup because her 'blood sugar dropped'.  OMG then Blaze tells the ENTIRE STORY of meeting Kristina!! WHAT? TODAY?  JFC. Get back to the damn story. Natalia 'accepts' the gay thing..and I can't write anymore because it was terrible dialog. 

PCPD: Ava's getting questioned by Dante but Anna makes him go to GH and replaces him with Chase. Ava tells the story again, with flashbacks. Yada yada. 

Anna interviews Trina. Trina is telling Anna she looked up and saw Ava standing at the broken window. Then saw Ava draw the curtains closed. 

Then they are done and Trina tells Ava she saw her at the window. Ava says she'll buy her coffee but Anna says she can't go. 

Joss goes to Dex's house, all upset. She talks about her trauma saving Kristina. OH! She wants to have sex, because why not! He doesn't want to take advantage of her trauma. Then they have sex. 


Sonny's on the roof of GH thinking and flashing back to when everyone was yelling at him. Joss, Krissy, Dante--Molly ..Anna. 

ALexis is in with Kristina and she codes. Bleep Bleep Bleep 

TOMORROW: Looks like Brick turns in the photos to the PCPD ...Sonny's up on the roof ledge. 

So this whole baby story seems to be about destroying Ava's character, Giving Sonny painful terrible angst and... TJ and Molly's anger. Wow. Okay. Talk about wasting YEARS of material. 


  1. -----I am so frustrated I can't think....
    -----NINE freakin months of a horrible storyline that NO ONE cared about and it finished today when the baby DIED???? RU kidding me???
    -----Ric must be coming back to get even with SONNY - not his daughter - Molly who repeatedly calls Kristina a hot-head and impulsive now BLAMES SONNY?
    -----No Michael mention? JOSS is having sex?
    ------Natalia says 'and you didn't think you could be honest with me" to Blaze made me scream out loud...
    ------Trina shoulda told Anna about JohnJag but AT LEAST the pics show up tomorrow......but the writers have destroyed Ava - she KNOWS not to speak without a lawyer plus she CALLED Scott....
    ------Morgan must appear to Sonny and Kristina tomorrow.......
    -----baby storyline now all about Sonny: Molly is gonna wanna get him too......SURELY the pill storyline is about to wrap up? Previews show Jason at hospital?
    -----No Liz either.....and TJ is trying to be all gansta - Sonny PAID for his medical school....
    ------Bye Ava - so so sorry that the writers have destroyed you too....
    -----I am just so frustrated right now....

    1. Brick's pics may show it was indeed an accident.

    2. It was an accident - I think Anna saying 'it's not like you portrayed it' is the part where Ava claims she didn't touch her. I TOTALLY thought Brick would only show to Sonny---and the wild card is whether or not Kristina lies during her statement!

    3. Sonny needs a formidable foe, and not just another mob boss. I like the idea of his half-brother out to get him.

  2. Thanks KD.

    I thought the next step with Sonny would be depression. Maybe he's the one who "sees" Morgan.

    I FF'd through all of Blaze and her mother. I know they tick a box and have to have screen time, but in the middle of all the stuff going on right now I just don't G a D either.
    Loved that Molly didn't blame Kristina and they had a good sister moment because now they have us worried that Kristina may not make it.

    I really want to see what Brick shows the police tomorrow.

    And I hope someone takes Sonny to the hospital and they check his meds. Then Ava will have even more "splaining to do.)

  3. GH really killing the baby was the best you could come up with? You may as well just done the same to Ava as you ruined her 4+ years of growth and somewhat redemption. Maura deserved better.

  4. So, I don't watch the show anymore. I just read this blog to catch up.

    From your recap, the year-long surrogacy story ends with a dead baby. The best female antoginst (and actress) on the show (Ava ) has been written into an unbelievably tight corner, where no other character even likes her and now she has "killed" an unborn baby, a HOMOPHOBIC stage-mother has taken Ava's place as someone we should not judge, but empathize with and we are to believe that Super-Sonny is about to jump off a roof, because he is just so heartlessly misunderstood (because SOMEONE ELSE meddled with his medication).

    Tomorrow I hope that I read that Ava is obsolved of all wrong-doing. That Molly finds out that she is pregnant herself. And that Sonny took the plunge off the roof and goes away into a coma for a while.

    1. We can only hope that Sonny jumps. That would be a breath of fresh air for the show.

  5. I am still standing by the surrogate never lost that first baby and TJ and Molly will have a baby.....TJ never once saw the surrogateAmy ?? or the medical records.

    1. Yes, I'm thinking if they want a baby in the story either one is good, but I'm thinking the writers decided they don't want any more "unwanted" chilren in the show. The Q's are running out of room.

    2. "mufasa says, I am still standing by the surrogate never lost that first baby and TJ and Molly will have a baby.....TJ never once saw the surrogateAmy ?? or the medical records."

      Yes!!!! I stand by that too!!!

      "Di says, The Q's are running out of room."

      BAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! Nah the Q mansion has a lot of rooms. :)

    3. There really are too many kids on the show. I agree with Tracy.

    4. Thing is... this would have been a baby for TJ's family -- and again EIGHT MONTHS of angst on this for what? I'm still shocked they killed the baby--and the way they did it. I did think maybe they'd have a medical crisis and have to save Kristina OR the baby or.. I don't know. But.. hell, we never see Bailey or Amelia. I just think it was a bad way to end a bad story

    5. I was hoping that too mufasa, that's the only way that makes this remotely ok

  6. Dex's home:

    Jex: Ooooo Dex shirtless. :) No honey don't put your shirt back on! Uh they really shouldn't be having zex since she she just saw something so traumatic!

    Police station:

    Ava and Dante: Oh Ava just stop! Just tell the whole truth!

    Ava and Chase: ENOUGH AVA!

    Ava and Anna: You see Ava? You lie and now you can't leave. Oy!

    Chase and Trina: Ava and Trina friends? Yeah Chase I don't really think they are friends anymore, and that's so sad. :(

    The hospital:

    Mami Natalia and Blaze: WHAT?! Blaze can stay!!! What the hell are you talking about Natalia?!?!

    Krissy's room:

    Krissy and the doctor: At first I'm thinking wait did the doctor just say the baby didn't make it? OH! The baby didn't make it!!! No no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY?!?!!! I didn't think the baby was going to die!!! The baby was a girl?! My heart is breaking. Why are they doing this?! After trying to have a baby, 2 babies are gone! WHY?!?!!?! :( Then I started thinking that the baby is alive and it was kidnapped!!! Today it made me cry. :(

    TJ and Jordan: Great scene. He is so angry now. This might change him.

    Tolly: So sad. :( I hope they don't rush again to try to have another baby. I'm not ready for this! I'm in mourning! :(

    Sonny and Molly: GREAT SCENE!!!!

    Sexis: Hugging! Love it!

    The roof: When I saw legs I'm thinking Sonny? Yup! Oh oh. Tomorrow's previews he is talking to someone.. Ghost Morgan?

    Cafe Cheri:

    Mama Natalia and Blaze: In December Kraze got together. So not 6 months. It's 8 months. Blaze's sugar is low? Is she a diabetic or something? Soup? What about giving her orange juice.

    1. Oh and I was trying to get to twitter to read Karen's live blog about GH, but I was signed off, which was weird, and then I tried to sign on, but it wouldn't let me.

    2. Her mother gave her orange juice first Sonya.

    3. "Di says, Her mother gave her orange juice first Sonya."

      She did?! Oh okay. The scene felt like Blaze is a diabetic.

    4. I agree with most everyone here. Ruining Ava just ticks me off. Natalia yanking Blaze away and their entire conversation, yawn. I really didn't need to see Joss and Dex going at it either. Molly and Alexis were the saving graces today and Molly's rant at Sonny was very enjoyable for me. I watched it twice. :)

      The odds of Sonny jumping are nonexistent but a girl can dream.

  7. Oh oh. Bob Guza!

    REPORT: Bob Guza and Julie Carruthers Named Executive Producers of ‘The Gates’

  8. I would bet money that this was not the original ending of the surrogacy storyline. I truly think all the writers saw the negative reaction across the Internet and decided to cut bait.

    1. perhaps but the execution?????? WHY. Just... WHY. Now it's mostly going to be about Sonny's angst, Ava's destruction and yada yada.

    2. Interesting. Fans influence story line.

    3. I still think Ava will be cleared.

    4. I agree. I don't think that this was the plan for the surrogacy storyline. I think that They saw the ratings decline and they changed the ending.

  9. Happening in Ava's suite where she was not invited hopefully will help clear Ava too. Kristina going there made no sense.

  10. OMG - the new Taylor Hayes on B&B is Rebecca Buddig!!

  11. Emme Rylan said on Instagram they've decided to recast Lulu. Casting call is out now


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...