Friday, August 2, 2024

Splish Splash


THE DAY AFTER THE GIANT SOAPY DAY!! This is from the GH Twitter account "behind the scenes" at the studio! 

They show the whole fall again. Joss finally jumps in to 'save' Kristina. Ava freaks out. Blaze freaks out and yells: KRISSSSSSSTAAAAAAAINNNNNNAA. Joss and Gio get her on a board to get out of the water. The EMTs come. Trina tells Gio to call Kristina's parents. Dante and Chase show up. Dante learns it was Krissy that fell.  Trina goes up to them to tell them what she saw in the window. Oh! But then they don't show that!! They jump to her talking to Gio about how brave he was :eyeroll: 

Krissy goes in the ambulance with Joss and the EMTs. She wakes up and asks about the baby. Joss tells her what happened. Krissy is scared and wants her parents. Then I think...she codes? 

Ava calls Scotty "I need you"! She talks to herself and replays the fall over and over in her head. She tells herself that she has to convince people it was an accident. She hides the bag. Throws stuff all over the room. Dante comes to the door.  She says that Kristina was irate and lunged at her and tripped over her shoes and fell out the window. Or crashed through it. Dante says someone saw the curtains were open so she's lying. 

Sonny and Lois. Lois talks Sonny into showing her that the money he's putting into the record label is clean. He says his accountant will call her. She leaves. Sonny gets a call from Gio to tell him what happened at the pool.

TJ and Alexis. He says that courts usually give rights to the bio mom. He's mad because Alexis isn't on "their side". Alexis is WAY to calm for this. She told them all this would happen. OH wow, TJ tells her she's a coward for not choosing to help him and Molly. She's like "the law is the law'.  He says Kristina wouldn't BE pregnant if it wasn't for them. She's just like her father, this is theft!  He keeps on saying Molly will never forgive Alexis if she doesn't talk to Kristina. 

Kristina is in the hospital. The placenta separated from the wall and Krissy is hemorrhaging. Alexis and TJ flip out. Joss tells them what happened. Then Sonny comes. TJ has to call Molly. Blaze goes with him. Sonny and Alexis hug... Doctor comes out. 


Dante arrests Ava

Kristina is going in for an emergency C-Section 


  1. They will both be fine most likely, however the baby grab will go on and on...
    We did get to see the fall again and again. And probably more to come.
    We all know that Ava is actually telling the truth, kind of. Modified truth is what she does best.
    The funniest thing is that there is a severe storm warning up and the crawl along the bottom of my screen repeatedly says stay away from windows. LOL

  2. -----the dialogue was stupid - Dante and Chase sounded like Keystone Cops - they didn't RUN TO THE FREAKIN ROOM? Ava had ALL THAT time to do stuff in her room?
    -----did Trina NOT tell them what she saw?
    -----TJ calling Alexis a coward - ugh his character
    -----Lois and Brook Lynn talking about Sonny and the label when 2 minutes prior Brook Lynn couldn't move?????
    ------LOVED Joss today -------and Alexis hugging Sonny
    ------Liz? Portia?
    ------I think now that Morgan appears to Kristina while she is in surgery. and I think people on social media are right : Kristina won't be able to have more children. I thought that they would have to choose who lives, but that seems more plausible.
    ----Previews are weird - Anna asking Trina what she saw like Trina hadn't told Dante about Ava? and then Sonny saying 'they will pay' so he doesn't know about Ava? I think Brick gives Sonny pics and he doesn't show the police...maybe he blackmails her? maybe it's against the law to take pics?
    -----no way Dante shoulda been with Ava - shoulda been Chase - and not sure he could arrest her....and Ava called Scott so she knows she was in trouble.
    --------JohnJag gonna be shocked when he returns to the room and his luggage is moved
    and and WHERE are co=owners Carly and Olivia????

  3. Ava's metrocourt hotel room: Oh Ava! You are just going to make things worse for yourself. Don't stage a mess!!! Come on! You know better than this!

    Ava and Dante: Ava! Lying is not a good idea! You are going to make things so worse! Dante wins the line of the day.

    Dante: You're telling me she flew out this window with such force, breaking a hotel window, from a pair of shoes?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Dante IS a detective Ava! So lying to him is a waste of time. And see there? He is arresting you. Now your credibility is shot!

    The metrocourt rooftop pool: Oh look it's the EMT'S! I'm so glad the EMT lady who took care of Finchy wasn't there. She would say it's not an emergency. Hey! Vernandra (Vern and Cassandara from yesterday) are there!! They are talking! :) Good good. Bond over this horrible thing! Krissy's arm looks so purple! Must be the lighting.

    Trina and Gio: Ava is still your friend Trina? Really? Doesn't feel like it.


    Joss and Krissy: Man Krissy's cheeks look so sunkin in! Krissy stop nodding your head! Are you nuts? Why didn't Joss say anything!?

    Sonny and Lois: Why is Lois so worried about Sonny and the money all of a sudden? That's odd.

    The hospital:

    Alexis and TJ: They both make good points. Ric! Come home now!!!!!

    Alexis, TJ, Joss, the EMT's and the doctor: Great scene! I love the Sexis hug. I want both the baby and Krissy to be okay!

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to the hospital* Monica rips Amy a new one!

    1. Oops forgot something.

      Metrocourt bathroom:

      Brooky and Lois: I like the scene where Lois is worried about Brooky, but the conversation about Sonny and the money is odd.

  4. Can we go back to the sexy attorney in court who was for the Attorney General and yet nice and complimented Diane?????
    still wondering where is Robert Scorpio.

  5. I am thinking the baby will be born early, it will be a boy and -- after her ghostly encounter -- Kristina will want to name him "Morgan."

  6. Brook Lynn’s totally unflattering dress and boots were a distraction. I guess her modesty clause includes showing her arms. Kristina is so unlikable that I didn’t really care what happened to her, but it was well done. I don’t think Kristina has a say in the baby's name.

  7. I saw the clip from Thursday's ending and was able to watch Friday live.
    Evil Ava.
    Must have been fun to film the stunt.
    Random, random.....the wall treatment in Ava's hotel room. Is that tile? Wall paper??
    Molly would never prosecute Sonny=conflict of interest. Dante would never investigate Ava=conflict of interest BUT it is a soapy soap opera and you can't get around how everyone is related on the canvas.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...