Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Coma Time


Laura sees Cyrus in Lulu's room. She is like Why are YOU HERE? HE says he visits Lulu a lot. He knows Laura is busy with Ace and stuff. He says he visits Lulu about 3x a week and hopes that's ok. Laura says she just wants to talk to the doctor and find out what's happening. Kevin comes in. Cyrus leaves. Doctor has to run more tests. Laura and Kevin talk at Lulu's bedside. Laura says she was hoping they were calling to say Lulu was waking up. Cries on Kevin's shoulder. 

Molly visits TJ, tells him she was in trouble for visiting Ava in jail. She also says she's sorry. She says it's all a slo-motion nightmare. She says that maybe Ava wasn't the aggressor, that it was Krissy. She's not really sure. TJ says he went to see Ava and what she's saying matches up with Ava's story. Molly says if Krissy didn't go see Ava in the first place, their baby would be alive. They tell each other they love each other, they are sorry. Then Molly heads to the courthouse. 

Ava tries to call Scott and can't find him. Throws her phone. Nina walks in. Ava tells her everything that's happened to her and says "I bet you're happy". Nina says wow, that IS a lot. Ava mentions all of it but Sonny's meds. She's afraid she's going to jail and it was an accident what happened to Krissy. She explains it and hopes Nina believes her. Nina says she believes most of it. They both apologize to each other before Nina leaves. Jagger comes in and tells Ava about Kristina being arrested. Nina's like: WTF! Where's Scotty? He says he's probably busy and all Ava needs is him anyway. 

Sam is at home. Dante tells her Kristina was arrested. Sam can't believe it. He also tells her that Laura went to see Lulu after getting a phone call. Sam is sad wonders what they'll tell Rocco. Then Diane calls Sam and tells her to go to the courthouse for the hearing. Sam leaves. Rocco is walking around asking for Pizza. Dante wants to talk to him about Lulu. He says they are running tests to find out what's going on with her. 

PCPD: Alexis still yells at Jagger. Sonny sees Krissy and tells her he'll take care of everything. Alexis says they got the arraignment early. They'll be taking Kristina soon. When Sonny leaves, Kristina remembers that Ava did NOT grab her, she just put her hand out but says to herself: Ava GRABBED ME...

Courtroom: Alexis tells Sonny to behave himself in there and not make a scene. He says Jagger will hate it if he's in there but he will not stir things up. The hearing starts and Alexis tells the judge Kristina just had an emergency C-section and needs to get home. Judge asks FBI lawyer guy where their evidence is and he says Um.. we've been really busy and John Cates hasn't written it up then. Judge gets mad, says Kristina can go. Jagger jumps up and yells: NO!! THIS IS A MISTAKE!! He says Sonny will take her out of the country. Judge says he has 48 hours to produce his report and evidence or He'll BE IN JAIL! The lawyer says it was a dumb case and if he doesn't get it together, he'll take Jagger's badge. Kristina, Sonny and Alexis all smile at each other. 


Jagger tells Ava they have to do her statement and she has to say EXACTLY WHAT HE TELLS HER TO! 

The doctor says Lulu's liver is failing... I bet boots Lucky has to donate part of his to her. 

Nina calls someone and wants to call in a favor. I bet it's RIC. 


  1. --yep Lucky will be the donor thingy but I seem to recall Laura always saying she couldn't find Lucky?
    -----GREAT SHOW I thought: writers are finishing up things we hated: TJ and Molly are now okay and will be mad at Kristina/Ava and Nina friendship rebuilding
    -------Nina asking Ric to come I get BUT it's gotta be more than just asking a dad to come visit his daughter?
    --------GH MUST put this hot lawyer on contract - same lawyer and judge as in Carly's trial - even apologized to her.......
    -----but I find it BIZARRE that not one person actually checks into JohnJag's story - I think he doesn't even HAVE FBI permssion AND I can see the writers changing the storyline and now having JohnJag as the one who recorded that meeting - (no one ever seemed to care WHO did that)
    ------Cyrus popping up was out of nowhere - we knew it was gonna be Cyrus but still...he can't help with the liver can he? LOL
    -----Ava for sure is gonna not do what Cates demands of her so I totally think Sonny will make a deal with her and what Cates is asking of her IS illegal...
    ----I have no point of reference as to when we first saw this Rocco

    1. "Mufasa says, Ava and Nina friendship rebuilding"

      I hope so!

      "GH MUST put this hot lawyer on contract"

      YES WE DO! :D

      "Ava for sure is gonna not do what Cates demands of her so I totally think Sonny will make a deal with her and what Cates is asking of her IS illegal..."

      Ahhhh. So THAT is what the spoiler meant. :)

      "I have no point of reference as to when we first saw this Rocco"

      Oh just google general hospital Rocco 2024. :)

    2. Ava needs to take bathroom break and somehow set up a recording of Cates telling her what to say and threatening her.

    3. "Di says, Ava needs to take bathroom break and somehow set up a recording of Cates telling her what to say and threatening her."

      Ooooo soapy! I like it! :)

    4. OOOO Di that is the best!~!

  2. I forgot-------are they making a big deal out of Scott's disappearance? Wonder where he is? AND JohnJag and Ava don't seem to be concerned WHO has the pharmacist and WHAT he said//

  3. The hospital:


    TJ: I know you are grieving too, and I haven't always been understanding.

    Awwww see? He knows. I'm glad he knows and can admit it! :)

    TJ: I accept your apology, and I love you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwww! :)

    Sante home:

    Sante: Sam comes down the stairs and her bread bounces down the stairs. :) I'm glad Dante can talk to her about Lulu! Hey where is their Tribbles?!

    Dante and Rocco: I was confused about if Rocco is a NuRocco or an old one. Someone on twitter says he is from 2022. I just looked it up and yes he is from 2022! Finn Francis Carr! Man this boy is tall. :) He looks like Dante! Rocco misses his mama! awwwwwwwwwww!

    The courthouse: HA! That judge gave JohnJag a what for! GO JUDGE! :D That lawyer guy we had him before. Man he is hot! :) JohnJag's head is about to explode hahahaha.

    Sam and Molly: Awwwwwwwwww they hug. :) #Sisters.

    Alexis's home:

    Sexis and Krissy: Awwwwwwww! #Family. :)

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Nina: Oh Nina! What are you doing there? You going to harass Ava? Oh she doesn't okay, but Ava is telling you the truth! Don't you dare judge her Nina. Hmmmm no judgment. Can they be friends again? :)

    JohnJag and Ava:

    JohnJag: You don't need him. I'm the one you need. I'm the only hope you have left.

    Uh delusional much? A video of Ava talking exactly what you want her to say? Man JohnJag is a mess! Don't do this Ava!

    Outside the art gallery:

    Nina on the phone: I was wondering who she was talking to.

    "Karen says, Nina calls someone and wants to call in a favor. I bet it's RIC."

    Ooooo I didn't even think about that!!! :) Wait she still has Ric's number? Why?!

    Lulu's hospital room:

    Laura and Cyrus: Cyrus visits Lulu? Awwwwwwwwwwww. :) Uh I didn't think Cyrus needed permission to see his niece. Hmmm.

    Lulu, Doc, and the doctor: Oh no. :( Oh no! :(

    "Karen says I bet boots Lucky has to donate part of his to her."

    Oooooo! YES! :D

    1. Oops I was going to say that the theme song today, is awwwwwwwww. :)

    2. Another oops. I meant the theme for today. Not song. :)

  4. I forgot that Nina And Ric were married once, for a hot second. Or, am I mis-remembering?

    1. Geez. I don't remember that. Was that with Michelle Stafford?

    2. "Chatty says, Geez. I don't remember that. Was that with Michelle Stafford?"

      Yup! It sure was! :)

  5. This is all over the place but I like some of it (nina and Ava friendship was ok for me)

    I like Karen's suggestion about Lucky needing to donate his liver (I forget what NIk donated to Lulu when he came on canvas.... Bone marrow?)

    1. I think you are right that it was bone marrow.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...