Thursday, August 29, 2024

A Q For You


Watched yesterday's show and I'M DYING that Kevlar are going to SOMALIA :EYEROLL: Good lord. And poor Tracey 

Kristina is in handcuffs at the PCPD. Jagger is adding the manslaughter of Irene to her charges. Dex is all @@ !!  Alexis comes in. Tells Kristina to NOT TALK. Alexis says that this has nothing to do with Kristina and everything to do with Sonny. She says she has to go do something. Has Dex go into the room with Krissy and tells her not to talk. Of course, Kristina blabs her face off once Jagger tells Dex to leave LOL. 

Drew "A Q FOR YOU" is doing some stumping for office. He thanks Willow. Crowd claps. Drew comes down to talk to people. Michael walks away and Willow is left gazing up at him. UGH. Drew gets a call that the congressman died. He's so upset. Willow's so upset and they have to go 'somewhere else to talk". They go to his office and talk about how great "Larry" was.  Drew tells Willow to go to the Quartermaine dinner without him but she won't leave him alone. 

Portia phones the hospital to see if Heather's labs are back. Curtis wants to know why. Portia can't tell him about that but does tell him that Ric is Heathers' new attorney. Curtis tries to call Drew but it goes to voicemail. 

Brook and Chase are worried about Violet. She's mopey. Violet wants to know when her dad is coming home. They can't tell her that but they love having her live with them. Violet wants to know when Brook is having a baby. They say they want children at some point. 

Carly and Sonny talk about his meds being ok now and he's sorry for being such a meanie. He should have listened to people. Carly tells him Lulu needs a liver. He's concerned. She wonders why Dante didn't tell her. He's like: Um, we're not talking much. Carly leaves. 

Alexis storms into Sonny's and asks if he's clear headed and if his meds are ok. She wants him to give Cates what he wants to save Kristina. Sonny's like: MEH. Jury won't convict her. Alexis pleads with him to go and turn himself in and go to jail so Krissy can go home. Sonny says no. 

Olivia and Dante talk about his PTSD just like he talked to Tracey before. :eyeroll: It's the same old story.  Carly comes in. Dante's pissed at her. Carly's like what's up? Dante says: since when do you care about Lulu? Carly's aghast. He says um, you PAID SOMEONE TO BREAK US UP! Remember? YOU PAID BROOK LYN? Carly says it was years ago and she's sorry. Dante says it really hurt Brook Lyn. 


  1. Alexis wouldn't think of making a call to the FBI but runs off to persuade Sonny to cowtow to the JohnJag maniac? I would not be surprised if he is not even an agent. Loved the way Kristina snapped out of it so quickly.
    It was nice to see Olivia and sweet Violet.

  2. "Larry" was such a great congressman that we saw him for a total of like 2 episodes. Hard not to laugh at how Drew was so overcome with emotion over a character we've barely seen on screen. Just an excuse for Willow and Drew to make googoo eyes at each other. Blech.
    All this talk about how Carly paid Brook Lynn all those years ago...there has to be some reason they're bringing all of this up now. I do think it was important point that was just dropped over the years. Brook Lynn was a lot more entertaining to watch back then.
    Adam Herrington is doing a great job playing such an unlikable character. But as I said before, it's hard to see this as Jagger. All these years we're being made to believe he's harbored this grudge and is just now doing something about it??? Like I said before, this is like the Rick Webber, Jeff Webber rewrites into completely unlikable characters.

  3. ----okay I perked up when Kristina CORINTHOS snapped out of pity and became her father's daughter - LOVED it....
    ------Alexis is so stupid and outta line thinking Sonny can confess and that is it and WHY wouldn't she be confident that SHE can get Kristina OFF????? I may have missed but did Sonny EVER tell Alexis that JohnJag took Ava?????
    ------I think it is pointless to retrace what happened years ago - Dante is certainly acting like he is still in love with Lulu - but my gosh every character has done horrible things -----
    --------Drew thanking Willow in front of people? WHERE was Nina? I thought the big family dinner was gonna involve James blurting out what he knows about Willow and Drew......still wondering where is this horrible opponent they kept talking about

  4. Police station:

    Alexis and cop: Hey look! Its Norm from Cheers again!!!! :)


    Norman! :)

    Krissy, Alexis, and JohnJag: Again JohnJag? Again?! You are nuts! ROFL!

    Alexis: Cut the crap.

    Hahahaha. She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Carly, and Donna:

    Donna: I miss you daddy.


    Sonny and Alexis: Whoa whoa! Calm down Alexis!!! Go call Molly! The green beans gives Alexis the side eye.

    Police station:

    Krissy and Dex: I don't care that Dex is a cadet, stop talking Krissy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Krissy and JohnJag: JohnJag wins the line of the day.

    JohnJag: Awwwwwwww Kristina.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously JohnJag? :) Oh my! Does Krissy have multiple personality disorder? That was a quick turn around from her.

    Krissy and Alexis: Yeah Alexis looks suspicious. ROFL!

    The park:

    Drew and Mildew: Michael is taking Monica for her yearly check up? I hope she is okay!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: More eye zex! I really want them to have zex so badly and I want Michael to walk in on them. :) OH! Makonky died. Does Willow know that he had cancer? Wait Willow leaves with him? Does she even tell Michael she is leaving?!

    Purtis: Portia and her Heather talk makes her a little crazy. Wait Laura doesn't care?!?!?! WHAT?! Portia cut that out.

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Ryan Lavery and Willow: Why isn't he telling her that Mcconky had cancer? This is odd. Okay you two kiss! Come oooooooooonnnnnnn! :) Let's see you on the floor with rug burn. :)

    Q mansion:

    Brase and little V: Poor little V. I feel so bad for her. :( I want to hug her!! :( Oh very good question little V. When ARE they going to have a baybay? :)

    Dante and Olivia: OLIVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been?! Poor Dante struggling. I want to hug him.

    Dante and Carly: WHAT THE?! Damn Dante that was a million years ago! No reason to bring it up now!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to August 17th 2010* This is when teenage Brooky drugged Dante and almost raped him. Luckily Lulu walked in and caught her. This was 14 years ago. There are 2 parts to it.

  5. I recently moved and we treated ourselves to a new tv. I also happened to be home and watched live today. The color on the screen was crystal sharp and bright, the actor's heads were gigantic. I could clearly see the flecks of color/grey in Drew's (CM's) beard as he and Willow were slippery sloping themselves into bad decision Thursday. Frolicking Friday to come???? BUT
    I totally agree the best part was when Kristina did her 180. The crying into the table top turned into the perfect posture HEAR ME ROAR WOMAN. She was not only her mother's daughter with some nifty legalese but her father's as well with some death glare eye staring. Man, her head rising from the table was right up there with Superman spinning out of the phone booth. Gotta work no live Friday episode for me.

  6. Loved Kristina swearing to get John/Jagger. I totally want to see Dark Kristina evolve on our screens.

    Dante bringing up the background on his PTSD and the ancient history between Brook Lynn and Carly must factor into Lulu's return somehow.

    I saw someone on X/Twitter speculate about what if Kristina tries to kill Ava and accidentally kills Sam instead? That blew my mind. Would be interesting to watch but I am not confident the writers would be able to handle it well.

    Let's see: The Qs are having a big family dinner and John/Jagger is meeting Sonny at the estate to arrest him. Sure looks like John/Jagger will be killed Friday at the Qs, kicking off a whodunnit.

    1. i want him dead but I kinda want them to go into court the next day (WAY PASY 48 hours) and Ava proudly walks in and declares, "I know exactly what to do" and she proceeds to tell how he threatened her to lie/that he kinapped her/that her body guard isn't FBI at all, etc etc and he yells and screams "I WILL KILL YOU".....etc etc and he is gone gone!

  7. Geez my comments are gone. I'll try this again.

    Police station:

    Alexis and cop: Hey look! Its Norm from Cheers again!!!! :)


    Norman! :)

    Krissy, Alexis, and JohnJag: Again JohnJag? Again?! You are nuts! ROFL!

    Alexis: Cut the crap.

    Hahahaha. She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny, Carly, and Donna:

    Donna: I miss you daddy.


    Sonny and Alexis: Whoa whoa! Calm down Alexis!!! Go call Molly! The green beans gives Alexis the side eye.

    Police station:

    Krissy and Dex: I don't care that Dex is a cadet, stop talking Krissy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Krissy and JohnJag: JohnJag wins the line of the day.

    JohnJag: Awwwwwwww Kristina.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Seriously JohnJag? :) Oh my! Does Krissy have multiple personality disorder? That was a quick turn around from her.

    Krissy and Alexis: Yeah Alexis looks suspicious. ROFL!

    The park: Or wherever they are. Drew Q for you! Hahahahahaha. That is so goofy! :)

    Drew and Mildew: Michael is taking Monica for her yearly check up? I hope she is okay!

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: More eye zex! I really want them to have zex so badly and I want Michael to walk in on them. :) OH! Makonky died. Does Willow know that he had cancer? Wait Willow leaves with him? Does she even tell Michael she is leaving?!

    Purtis: Portia and her Heather talk makes her a little crazy. Wait Laura doesn't care?!?!?! WHAT?! Portia cut that out.

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Ryan Lavery and Willow: Why isn't he telling her that Mcconky had cancer? This is odd. Okay you two kiss! Come oooooooooonnnnnnn! :) Let's see you on the floor with rug burn. :)

    Q mansion:

    Brase and little V: Poor little V. I feel so bad for her. :( I want to hug her!! :( Oh very good question little V. When ARE they going to have a baybay? :)

    Dante and Olivia: OLIVIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been?! Poor Dante struggling. I want to hug him.

    Dante and Carly: WHAT THE?! Damn Dante that was a million years ago! No reason to bring it up now!

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to August 17th 2010* This is when teenage Brooky drugged Dante and almost raped him. Luckily Lulu walked in and caught her. This was 14 years ago. There are 2 parts to it.

  8. Jaggar was NOTHING like this character. Blows my mind how they destroy so many characters on this show

    1. Completely agree. They should've just made this guy a brand new character but I guess he wouldn't have had a reason for the vendetta.

    2. Y'know, maybe John/Jagger had a hip replacement and has cobalt poisoning.

    3. "Kevin says, Y'know, maybe John/Jagger had a hip replacement and has cobalt poisoning."

      Or a Tumah!!!! ROFL!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...