Sunday, August 4, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Anatomy of a Fall


The show was just so meh all week then BOOM!! This happens!! Not much else to discuss other than the epic fall from a obviously defective window into that tiny pool!  All of this while I was switching on and off to the gymnastics portion of the Olympics! How fitting. 

Let's talk about it, shall we? Grab it and let's go! 

"And yet, the conditioner and blow-outs at the PCPD remain some of the best in town"! 

SO!! Stuff happened during the week about the custody between Ava and Sonny... Blaze found out about the new record label and ...Carly got off Scott-Free (ha ha) from her RICO charges after the tape was erased. It was a 'mystery' to her because she couldn't figure out who did it!! We all know it was Brennan, the back to the WSB guy. Is a romance a 'brewin? You betcha. Was there anyone on the soap planet that thought she'd actually GO TO JAIL? :laughing hysterically: 
So now, Jagger is going to have to go after Sonny--which we all know will end in stunning defeat and humiliation. For Jagger--not Sonny. 

THE MAIN EVENT:  Now, you have to realize I was watching live---no spoilers were out about this and I hadn't seen anything involving Kristina or the pool and didn't have time to think. It was a HUGE surprise. I mean...I just wasn't ready! PLUS the fact that yeah, she and Ava were fighting but the ENTIRE HOTEL WINDOW GIVING WAY??? Um.. wait, what? Yes, I was shook. I didn't even bother to look at the character's reactions down at pool-side because I was still shocked. Of course, I did in the aftermath and ...well... that's when things start to get a bit funny. 

Thank goodness Sonny had Brick taking photos of the whole thing, right?? Because now they can't miss that Ava pushed Kristina. Only..nope. She grabbed her, Kristina pulled away, tripped over Jagger's duffle bag and went flying out the window.  Like broke the METAL BAR THINGS EVEN!  Now, that's soapy. Did Nina use Bob's Discount Windows during her tenure at The Metro? I feel like somehow, she'll have blame in this as usual! LOL  So, after the fall, Ava closes the drapes but not after Trina sees her. Does she call 911? NO!! She 'stages' the room to look like a fight and that Krissy tripped over Ava's tiny little leopard print pumps. Bring on that lather! 

Different characters certainly had different reactions. Blaze screamed KRISSSSSSTINAAAAA all Stella syle. Gio looked like... I'm not sure. Maybe terrified mixed with "is this how you act shocked"??   Natalia was like: MEH... come on, let's go to the hospital. Joss stepped up as "Kristina's sister" real fast and got in the ambulance with her. I actually think Joss was the only level-headed one there. She did take an age to turn Krissy over BUT... was the only one IN the pool with her. You would have thought others would be in there to assist but...well, it's not Baywatch, right? 

Now we get to Trina. *sigh* First she sees Jagger in a towel at Ava's and runs to tell Josslyn.  She's not sure how she feels about Ava at that point. THEN she witnesses Ava in the window, closing the drapes. Trina tells Dante (off camera) and then in a strange AF scene, talks to Gio about the whole thing. Lets him know that Ava's not perfect but she's stood by Tri in times of trouble and she thought there was good 'under there'. Now she's not so sure--and maybe she's not who she thought she was--or WORSE.  The Tina/Ava friendship was a treasure on this show and it's just been bashed around lately.  

Bringing us to Ava. Oh, Ava-- Ava, Ava.  I'm telling you, it's hard for me to fathom how this shakes out for her character. Yes, Ava's been a baddie in the past and done horrible things. This story arc has been so destructive that I'm not sure where it can lead. Not only did she mess with Sonny's meds, she now staged the scene and is blaming Kristina. Ava's smart. Telling the truth would have been better imo. Would anyone believe it? Not sure but Kristina tripping over those pumps and then taking a dive out the window is laughable too. Dante promptly arrested Ava which was a knee-jerk reaction at best. Why he was up there in the first place when it's his SISTER who's been injured is beyond me. I guess it's soapy.  I'll say this: I've loved Ava Jerome in all her forms since Day One. Maura is a consummate actress and never phones in anything. Ava was evolving. She was a rare character that showed growth and change through the years. Now? Well, that's all thrown out the window. 

NLG consistently gives moment of grief a great believable. Sonny coming over and her hugging him was genuine and had me in all the feels. At this point, we find out what happened to Krissy and the baby since being brought into GH. There's a placenta abruption and it's coming off of the wall of the uterus. Kristina is hemorrhaging and they have to do an emergency C-Section. Joss said in the ambulance she was 8 months pregnant. I don't think the baby's birth weight will be an issue but trauma? Yep. Kristina 'crashed' as her BP went dangerously low. Prediction: Kristina will wake up, the baby will be in NICU and she will also find out she can never have another baby. That, coupled with the bond she was forming, the fall and emergency of it all will make her want that child more than ever. Enter: Ric Lansing. Alexis can't be involved so he'll have to ride to the rescue. Just my speculation however, who knows where this will go! 

It's been a minute for this guy to show up and get all feisty regarding his bio-baby and bio-mama surrogate. We got a Jordan/TJ scene (shocker) and then he goes in on Alexis. Since she was the only one that really tried to talk these numskulls into NOT doing this, it was a bit rich. He called her a coward for refusing to choose a side and didn't let up until Kristina was wheeled into the hospital. Prediction: He will blame Kristina 90% for what happened because she went to Ava's in the first place. He's said how reckless she's been and he's proven right. 

Behind the scenes were cool--there are  a couple of videos on IG and Twitter showing how it was done. Look at that tiny pool! LOL -- Kudos to GH for at least attempting some Olympic Style theater during the Olympics!! 

I could go into way more detail on all of this but you get the idea. Like I said on Twitter: Pool Jump was about a 6.0 . Fall was an 8.5 My shock value was a 9.0 but the dialog? I'm saying between a 2 and 4.  Friday's aftermath could have been SO much more. BUT!! Like I said, KUDOS for making me sit up and want to tune in again!! The baby-on-the-edge will be the story for awhile for sure. Molly still has to make her way to the hospital. Ava's going to the pokey. Will Porita or Terry show up? Isn't Terry an OBGYN?  Will Gio play that violin bedside to wake Krissy? :giggle:

There you have it!! I'm actually on REAL vacation Monday and Tuesday. Going to see my little brother for a bit. He has a pool. Yes, I will be careful! Come back here though because there will be things for you to check out! 


  1. Thank you Karen

    Are we going to have Ava scenes in jail with Heather now?? Is Maura West leaving? IDK. I didn't like Ava at first and now I do. So horrible what they do with these characters. First Valentin and now Ava. I can't watch after how sad this show is turning :(

    1. I honestly didn't think about Pentonville and Ava and Heather together. Hm... maybe. I just hope Maura stays!

    2. Well Ava definitely needs a friend. Can't deny that

  2. "Did Nina use Bob's Discount Windows during her tenure at The Metro?" LOL

    The reactions to Kristina's fall were all over the place. Gio's reminded me of a high school play, but... he looks so out of his depth and adorable, so I just want to pat his head.

    I adore Maura West and enjoy watching her even when she has mediocre material (just like I did with Anthony Geary and Roger Howarth). She keeps me coming back to "GH" even when the stories suck. She had better be sticking around.

    I am interested in seeing Carly's reaction when she realizes it was Brennan who saved her. I hope they don't gloss over the fact that Brennan was at least partially responsible for trying to kill Sonny.

    There aren't any stories that I find compelling at the moment. I hope the show gets its act together before fall.

    1. I'm wondering if they'll drop the entire thing about Val and Brennan starting the Sonny meds thing. Will it be all on Ava?

  3. "Did Nina use Bob's Discount Windows during her tenure at The Metro?"

    We've seen instances where windows have fallen out of ne buildings during a storm so I find that totally believable. Discount windows, cheapest labor possible, many with no training to speak of at all. It's all about saving money for the rich developers.

    Best action scene I've sen in a long time. Chopping it up too soon with quick scenes that have been hashed out before was their biggest mistake.

    And Joss was great in her scenes. She even got Gio to get out of model mode and do something helpful. Love this side of her.

    I'm actually hoping the pics that show up show Ava trying to grab Kristina as she fell after attacking Nina. that will save our great lady. She is one we definitely don't need to lose.

    And if they show Kristina losing it she won't have any chance of claiming that baby. And then hopefully that sl will be over soon. It's been beat to death already.

    1. Sorry...correction...after attacking AVA.

  4. Thanks for another great SS!
    The fall was an OMG moment. Done well and showed many times after to remind us of that. But my first thought was that isn't Joss a lifeguard? After turning Kristina over wouldn't getting the water out of her be the thing to do? I don't think the paramedics did it either. I fear that the baby will be grown and the surrogacy story will go on.
    GH is a mess. Bringing some vets back isn't the answer. Not even new writers seem to help. But yet I will continue to watch hoping for improvement.

    1. The 'rescue' was awkward for sure-- but then again, the only person that jumped in was Joss. LOL You'd think multiple people would have been in there

  5. I loved the surprise - loved
    ----and then dialogue came and it was cheesy and NOT ONE COP running to the room was beyond stupid.......
    -------I just cannot thinkg (and I have tried) to see how Ava/Maura can stay at this time....I can see her running away for a time......or Sonny making her leave......but pills and this - and her whole unlikeable character? I just think she is gone for a time......sigh....
    -----so JohnJag knows about the pills and I think he would throw her under the bus about the pills - where is the stupid pharmacist?????????
    ----surrogacy storyline we all hate.
    -----just don't think Brick's pics can be shown to the police????
    -----I DID read that the pill story is wrapping up in August - I HOPE SO...
    -----it's my weekly: Where are Cyrus, Selina, Stella, Marshall and Marty? Why isn't Anna at LEAST saying 'I talked with Robert about WSB? Will Liz ever mention Finn?
    ------just odd too that we haven't seen Willow with Sasha....

    1. The fact that Anna NEVER mentions Robert is just weird. They could have a one-way phone call. Or "I just dropped off that paperwork to Robert".. ANYTHING!!



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...