Tuesday, August 27, 2024



Well, the Kelly Monaco news rocked the soap world for sure. Fans of hers are mobilizing as we speak. It's a strange thing the entertainment business. 


Laura visits Nikolas in Flatland Prison. They cry and hug. She shows him pics of Ace. She tells him Lulu needs him. If his blood test is ok they can go back to PC and he will be taken to Pentonville. His tests come back saying he can't donate. Laura is devastated. Nikolas tells her to 'find Lucky'. 

Carly and Joss ask about Lulu and Portia fills them in. Joss wants to be a donor. DUH..she got a kidney so not possible LOL Then Carly wants to be tested. Liz comes over. They talk about Joss' donation and then RIC walks out of the elevator. If you know THEIR HISTORY, then you know! WOOT! All 3 of them. Damn. Carly makes a crack about chaining her to a wall. PFffffft. Wants to know why he's in GH. HE says none of your business.

Elizabeth goes into Heather's room to talk to her.  Heather is having tests. Wants Jello. Tells Elizabeth she might be going free soon. Tells Liz about Scott and the court case getting her out. Liz says: Scotty is gone. She freaks out. Liz says he left town for a 'big case" (which I didn't hear). Portia pops in and says: Oh well, too bad about your PLANS, Heather.  Portia is happy Scott's gone because now Heather will never get out of jail. ENTER: RIC LANSING!! Scotty called him to be Heather's new lawyer!! Portia is PISSED. Heather is elated!! 

Dante and Tracey sit in the chapel and talk about Lulu. Tracey still blames Dante for Lulu becoming dependent and not as confident after she was with him. Tracey says if Lulu dies without getting her spark back that, she'll never forgive Dante. Dante's like: Meh. You said you'd do the best by Lulu and pay for her care and look what's happened.  Dante talks more about his PTSD and being afraid to stay. They make a truce to both be there for Lulu. 

Dex sees Molly in the park and she says she's not doing well.  They talk about family arguments. Molly says she doesn't want to apologize to her sister or mother. It's a weird thing. WHY THEM? 

Then Dex is all of a sudden in The Metro Court lounge looking at "MOM" on his phone. Joss comes along. They talk about stuff. 

Ric comes by to see Alexis at her house. He tells Alexis to put Molly first for once. Says she's taking care of Sonny's offspring and not his.  He says that Molly was crying for hours and Aleis never called her. Alexis says she's busy taking care of Kristina and he says "CALL A NURSE". Ric says that Molly doesn't know that Alexis cares about her. Alexis says she cant' be in 2 places at once. Molly comes to the door. Ric leaves. Molly says she wants to talk to Alexis, not Kristina. S

Molly says Kristina is a lost cause and wants honesty from her mother. If Irene had lived was Alexis going to help Krissy take her away from them? ALexis says that Kristina brought her the papers and she said that if she went to court, she'd probably win but she's staying out of it. Alexis couldn't bear to lose any of her daughters...(don't tell Frank!!) 


  1. Why Dex? Maybe because they're planning to introduce some of his family and they needed the conversation about mothers that he and Molly had to lead into of his memories of how he abandoned his mom.

    " Carly makes a crack about chaining her to a wall". PFffffft? lol He chained her to a wall in a secret room in her and Ric's house. I think that's kinda a big deal.

    And what are you up to now, Portia.... This could get very interesting. I want to see her snap and do something drastic. If she fiddles with the lood test what would that achieve?

    1. "Di says, Why Dex? Maybe because they're planning to introduce some of his family and they needed the conversation about mothers that he and Molly had to lead into of his memories of how he abandoned his mom."

      Ahhhhhhhhh. Good point!!! :)

    2. After Tuesday's scenes, I definitely think they're going to introduce Dex's mother.

    3. Personally I don't find him interesting. Maybe his mother will help create better material.

    4. Maybe Charity Holt will turn out to be his mother and that would connect him to cyrus too.

  2. That Carly Ric story was so soapy I was tuned in every day. That was Tamara's story 100%. They kind of mow over it like it was no big deal but it was.

  3. I wish Kemo smiled happy like in that pic on GH. Has not for quite some time

  4. I love all the history talk today! :)

    The park: Mmmmm shirtless Dex... :D

    Molly and Dex: What is this? Is this chem testing? I don't remember if they know each other. ROFL!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis on the phone: Really Alexis? Really? You are shocked? Krissy wanted to take Irene away from Tolly!!!! Just stop it Alexis! Stop it and call Molly!

    Alexis and Ric:

    Ric: I have an appointment.

    Alexis: With satan? I need your advice like I need an acid bath.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! She would have won the lines of the day, but someone else wins it. Come on Alexis! Ric is right!!!!! CALL MOLLY DAMMIT! You said you weren't going to take sides, but you just did! With Krissy!

    Alexis and Molly: Great scene!!!!

    Flatland prison: Hmmm Flatlands. Sounds like a land that is bad.

    Laura and Nik: NIK!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Oooo history talk! YAY! Oh I was wondering who taught Ace different languages. :) His first word was no? :) Awwww too bad Nik can't help Lulu. :( Yes find Lucky!!


    Dex looking at his phone: Mom? Wasn't his mom dead? I'm so confused.

    Jex: He isn't going to talk to her about his mama?

    The hospital:

    Carly, Joss, and Portia: History talk! YAY! :D

    Carly and Liz: Ahh yes if someone told me years ago that we would be friendly or be friends, I wouldn't believe them! Yup I wouldn't believe them either. I would think they are insane! OH RIC! Ooooo hello! :D

    Carly, Liz, and Ric: Great scene!!! Soapy messy fun! :) Carly wins the line of the day.

    Carly: I don't know. Was chaining me to a wall necessary?

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! She said it so serious and straight laced! :)

    Ric: I would like an opportunity to catch up.

    Oooooo. Does he still love Liz?!?! :D

    Liz and Heather: What the?! Jello? Heather was so obsessed with Kelly's BLT's and now she is obsessed with hospital jello?!?! Will she be painting a picture of jello? :)

    Heather and Portia: Don't worry Heather. Portia takes her Hippocratic oath seriously. First do no harm!

    Heather, Portia, and Ric: Scotty called Ric?! I didn't know Scotty had Ric's number! Ric is Heather's lawyer?! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Clap clap clap* :D

    Portia with Heather's blood sample: Oh my! What will Portia do with Heather's blood sample? Hippocratic oath be damned! :)

    The hospital chapel:

    Tracy and Dante: Great scene! History talk! YAY! Sleeping with her cousin! Valerie! Although I didn't like the way Dante brought up Luke.

    Dante: You're important to Lulu, that makes you important to me.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    1. WUBS said "don't tell Frank". HAHAHAHAH! OMG did I laugh.
      I really enjoyed Molly talking to Dex. I like it when different characters interact and their conversation was interesting. I'm so Team Molly right now. I understand Alexis's predictament but Molly was so left out to dry!

      Ric and Heather. Oh my!
      Tracy and Dante, another great conversation!
      I don't trust Portia at all. She's a little unhinged and it's going to get worse. :)

      I'm going with Alexis for line of day though. Satan? Acid bath? HAHAHAHAH!

    2. "Julie H says, WUBS said "don't tell Frank". HAHAHAHAH! OMG did I laugh."


      "I really enjoyed Molly talking to Dex. I like it when different characters interact"

      Oh so do I. I just wonder if this was a chem test.

      "I'm so Team Molly right now. I understand Alexis's predictament but Molly was so left out to dry!"

      Yeah I'm team Molly too!!!! I'm glad Molly told her mother what she wants. Alexis doesn't think Molly needs her.

      "Ric and Heather. Oh my!"

      Hahaha. Delicious. :)

      "I don't trust Portia at all. She's a little unhinged and it's going to get worse. :)"

      Yeah very suspicious..

      "I'm going with Alexis for line of day though. Satan? Acid bath? HAHAHAHAH!"

      Hahahaha yeah that was hysterical. :)

  5. I REALLY need to know where is Scott???? DId Cates hide him? DId he run and ae we supposed to believe that SCOTT called RIC??? That is over-the-top.
    ------I don't trust Portia and I STILL think Brad is going to be important - in that he does something to save the day and redeem himself: like finding out Portia is whatever she does to Heather OR the first surrogate comes back with a baby?
    ------don't care about Heather
    -------KM/Sam is not a character I like at all - I think she can't act and she mumbles....so I don't mind her going BUT BUT I DO mind killing her off.....so it better not be about Jason----maybe about Holly/Lucky or just an accident, but I am sad that Danny and Scout won't have a mom....
    -------is this not day2 of the 48 hours Cates was given?????

    1. Interesting thought about Brad saving the day, I hope he does!
      So agree about KM. But I wish her the best. :)

  6. The one and only time I ever sent ABC a fan letter was about Rebecca H's firing way back when. I have a partial hearing disability and watch with cc. I have NOT been able to understand Kemo for years. I think there might be back story as in this could be her choice.

    1. I had to use cloed captions when Billy Miller was there. His enunciation was awful. I couldn't make out half of what he said, so captions went on.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...