Thursday, August 22, 2024

Funeral Stuff


Here we are!! 

Cody and James were on...saying not much. Not sure why they were. 

Deception stuff at Heart and Home. Mama LaRue and Lucy are walking around. Lois overhears the make up artist say her Brooklyn Accent is HORRIBLE AND ANNOYING. LOL...Now Lois is scared to go on. She breaks a nail and freezes on camera. Then she does it without her accent and does pretty well. Stuff with Natalia being the CFO and all that. BLAH 

Sonny tells Ava Jagger is trying to kill her, not him. Jagger wants her statement to stand so he'll kill her and frame Sonny for the murder. Ava says no, Sonny's probably going to take her away and kill her. HE says he's staying away from the funeral to come and "save" her. I think he's bluffing, but it's good! Ava says nope. He says YEP. She says she's not buying what he's selling. Jagger comes in and tells Sonny to stay away from her. Jagger seems REALLY unhinged. He brings in another agent who takes Ava to the car. Sonny's like: Damn. I really WANTED HER NOT TO GO ugh

Funeral: Sam is being played by that other actress, Lindsey Hartley-- RIC comes in and he and Molly hug. Kristina says that SHE wanted to name her daughter Adella after Sonny's mother. Everyone is there but Sonny. He's staying away since Molly lost it on him. The Priest comes over. Thinks Kristina is the mother WHOOPS. Then during the funeral when he says "Irene Marie" Kristina winces. Then Jordan is supposed to do a reading but Krissy pops up and says: I have something to say. She gives a beautiful speech about carrying Irene (and she calls her Irene) and what she liked (peanutbutter, walks in the park, music) and how she kicked. She'll always be a memory. Molly is sobbing --she didn't carry her so she didn't have that experience.  Stella talks. Then it's time to go to the gravesite. Willow is too upset to go (because of her baby dying). Kristina BURSTS OUT CRYING hysterically and TJ and Molly are like @@!! WTH! She just sits an SOBS. Graveyard. Everyone puts roses down. Kristina goes last says "goodbye Adella" and Molly says "What did you call my daughter"????? Kristina says "you'll never know but she was a part of me and I was a part of her"...Then Molly says that it's all HER FAULT the baby died. "You chose to protect your father, not my daughter". 
Oh I think there will be a wrongful death suit coming.

I think we see Lucky's feet? 

Also, Dante got a text from Laura to go to NYC to see Lulu


  1. ----clearly these were scenes shot and just edited together - never seen so many characters in one show - all 'willy-nilly' - WHY did we have to see Cody and James? WHAT is Lois' purpose?
    ------ya'll don't hate me but Kristina IS suffering more than Molly right now - she did carry the baby - and weeks would go by and Molly would say 'I am trying to give Kristina space'------it's gonna be good and soapy for sure -
    -----I am SO confused about Ava thing - I know she doesn't trust JohnJag but now I don't know how she is getting outta this - Cates only had 48 hours to get his act together so Ava wouldn't be in protective custody THAT long......I HOPE it's soapy drama and she loses it on the stand and says she lies...still bizarre NOT ONCE has she asked "how is Avery doing"
    ------I thought Cates had Scotty but when Lucy said, "Scott's outta town on a big ludricative class", I thought THAT WOULD be so Scott-like to run skeered!
    -----_Ric is still a jerk - saying to Alexis, 'I found Molly ALONE by herself" and I had forgotten about Sam and Ric
    ------THE BIG QUESTION is who in the hell did Nina call? Drew to call Congressman - it HAS to do with helping Ava outta Cates's clutches
    -------still wondering why Anna nor Brick are following up with Cates' head boss about all he is doing
    ------Lucky's feet in the previews! He posted a few weeks ago that he is in 'Africa' at first.
    (just don't understand why Natalia is still here either)

    1. "Ric is still a jerk - saying to Alexis, 'I found Molly ALONE by herself"

      Well, she was! Alexis is too busy taking care of Krissy. Ric don't like that and is in papa bear mode.

  2. Cowboy Cody's horse house:

    James and Cowboy Cody: Great scene! So adorable. I love James wearing that big hat on him that he can't even see hahahaha!

    Ava's art gallery:

    Ava and Sonny: Hmmm who to trust? JohnJag or Sonny? I think Sonny is best Ava! JohnJag has crazy eyes!

    Ava, Sonny, crazy eyes JohnJag, and another agent: Oh oh. I don't think you should go with crazy eyes Ava! No Ava no!!!!

    Church funeral: RIC!!!! I saw him and just cried. Welcome back Ric! I hope you are staying and not leaving again! I thought Krissy was going to go up and talk about how the baby was her baby and her name was Adella! Whew. Wow! Krissy sobbing loudly. Even when you didn't even see her ROFL! Alexis should have really sat with Molly.

    The burial: OH! Krissy calling the wrong name to the baby! Them's fighten words!!! GET HER MOLLY GET HER! :) Krissy is just so rude!

    The park:

    Mildew: Love someone you can't have? Willow is talkin about her wuv for Drew! :) Give in to your desires Willow! Give in to your temptations. :) Go ahead it's okay. ;)

    Home and hearth: That blonde short haired woman is so rude! And since when does Lois act like this? She would tell that woman off!!! I thought she would have gotten rid of her accent, but she didn't! That's good. But that woman caller is so rude! That is very offensive. You put down her accent, you put down everyone who has an accent! NOBODY should be getting rid of their accents! That made me so mad! My mom was born in Italy and after all these years of coming to the united states she still has her accent! Anyway Scotty is alive!!!! I'm glad he called Lucy! He is out of town? Or is he lying?

    Previews: Feet! I was thinking Lucky!?! :D

    Throwback Thursday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to May 18, 2015. Live show!!! This is when Nina and Ric got married. :)

    1. Oh! Forgot to mention that JohnJag won the line of the day.

      JohnJag: You are radioactive!

      BAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyway, That video episode that I shared from Nina and Ric's wedding, Here is the comments I said back then.

      Boy some of the camera work was dizzy worthy today.

      Pier: Anna shot Caaaaaaaaaaarlos 4 times!!!!! BAH!!!! I get why, but BAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! :( Robot Sloan won't take you to jail Anna, because he wuvs you! UGH!

      The garage:

      The clock: Oh no!!! Hayden got shot in the head!!!! AHHHHHHHHHH! *Clock passes out*

      Oh I see a little bit of GreenHayden's cha cha. Side view. It's so scared that it will be shot too! That split line they were showing was distracting. Oh oh Jordan is busted by Shaun! She isn't a cop! She is an agent!!! An undercover agent! Oh look Jake Doe and Shaun are dancing and hugging. :) Will someone please take care of the clock?!!?!?! Give it something to eat or drink!!!!

      Wyndemere: Liz wants Nik to seduce GreenHayden?! Hahaha. I was waiting for her to say that. :) WOAH! Nik hired a hitman to take out GreenHayden?!?! WHAT!?!?!?!! I did NOT like that!! I hate it!!!! I don't mind Nik being dark, but not a killer!!!!!! NIK IS NOT A KILLER!!! Altho I am impressed over this hit man. He was able to shoot GreenHayden with a small space at the door! WOW! Where did Nik find this guy?!

      The hospital:

      GreenHayden's bullet: Get me out of here! I can't breath! I am suffocating!!!!!

      Nina, BobTodd, and Ric: Ummm. I'm confused. And by the way, Ric's hand was shaking, and BobTodd was cute when he told Nina that he has becomea sap because of her hahahaha. Other than that, the scene was weird. Oh and will someone please help the table?!!?!!

      Table: I'm hurt! My leg is broken! Take me to the hospital!!!

      Sonny's home: What the hell is Carly doing?! She says Jake Doe isn't the person Sonny thinks he is?!!?! HUH?!! Carly do you know that Jake Doe is Jason?!!?!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. "Mufasa says, Sonya - my comments disappeared today!"

    Something is going on! Very strange.. Oh I do I see your comments!

  5. Loved today's episode. Kristen Vaganos (Molly) is doing a helluva job. I hope she's nominated for an Emmy next year. I would love for this to develop into a full-blown rivalry between Molly and Kristina, with Molly on the side of the law and Kristina edging closer to illegal activities.

  6. I've grown to really like both Kate Mansi and Kristen Vaganos. Both have managed to capture the essence of what was different about the two characters as sisters. Hard to believe Kristen Vaganos isn't on contract. The recasts have worked. The verdict is out on the actor that plays TJ. We haven't seen TJ and Molly on screen enough to be invested in them or see if they do have any chemistry.
    The downside of the episode is this continued nonsense with the Deceptor on Home and Hearth. Can you imagine being handed the likes of Lynn Herring, Rena Sofer and Eva LaRue - three big heavy hitting actresses from the 90s - and this is the story you can conjur up for them??? It's embarassing and beneath their talents. All of them are capable of carrying their own stories, even if I don't like Eva LaRue's character because of the clunky way she was introduced.
    Sonny and Ava - why he would not stop at nothing to wipe her off the face of the earth after playing a part in withholding his meds after what happened to Morgan...the writing has been back and forth on this. The actors are doing the best with the material they've been given...but it doesn't make any sense.
    The Jagger retcon has been horrible. This might rank down as the worst since Rick Webber as a sleaze and murderer. And it's too bad. The actor is hot but he's been given not much other than scenes to snarl in. Sounds like he'll be written off soon - and what are we to make of the son with special needs that he's mentioned but we've never seen?
    And then the Sam temp recast reminds me...what on earth are they doing with Kelly Monaco? Another actress who isn't my favorite but she's popular with the fans and she's basically an extra.

    1. The weird thing about Kelly Monaco (Sam) is it almost seems like the current producer and writers don't like the character but are afraid of fan backlash is she is let go.

    2. lol Sorry. But I would personally send them a fruit basket.

      And I didn't know who yesterday's Sam was yesterday either, Julie. I knew she was one of the rotating sisters a few times but I was glad of the voice over. It took some of the impact out of the scene to have a replacement then.

      And Rick looked real good. I expected to see Sonya pop in to get her hands on his shir. lol

    3. "Di says, And Rick looked real good. I expected to see Sonya pop in to get her hands on his shir. lol"

      HAHAHAHAHA! Nah not at the funeral! That would be inappropriate. :) I'll wait later. :)

  7. I felt so sorry for Molly. Thank goodness Ric was there and sat with her. I understood Alexis's dilemma but still. And really? Sam and Alexis both sat with Krissie? I agreed with Ric's snark about finding Molly alone. And if I remember correctly it was Sam that seduced Ric (not the other way around) so her attitude towards him should have been dialed down a notch. Pffft! And when I first saw temp Sam I thought who is she?
    Why do I know her? HAHAHAHAH! At least they had the voice over that she was playing Sam. And speaking of Ric, wooo-wheee did he look good! Welcome back! I'm just going to say it, I am so team Molly on this soapy mess. :)
    Home and Hearth scenes were not welcome. Cody and James were cute, but I wanted nothing but the funeral.
    And Yes! JohnJag currently has crazy eyes. If I was Ava I would have told both those men to take a hike, lol!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...