Wednesday, August 7, 2024


I will be out today --finally good weather to go to my brother's house, so enjoy: 


When I was a kid, we would clutch our report cards and take them to Roseland Park where they'd give us free tickets for every "A" that we earned. Not sure what happens today but let's pretend that GH had to attend summer school and is getting graded. Yes, the summer isn't over but after that dive we can take a fun moment.

PS from Dave: I grew up in NJ. We had an ice cream store called Carvel (Was it national? Did anyone else?) and we would bring our report cards there and for every "A" we earned, they would stamp our report card and give us a coupon for a one-scoop ice cream cone. 


Top stories on GH are graded on the following: Creativity, Execution, and Day to Day dialog 


You are receiving this grade because of the sheer length of time it took to complete your assignment. Not only that, it's changed so much since the beginning there is no way to timeline it without giving your professors a migraine. We will give you an extra 1/2 point for introducing the character of Brennan to our screen but again, you messed around with motives so... not that impressive. 

SURROGACY | GRADE C (see below) 

While it is an interesting concept, this story has been done so many times before you could basically copy and paste most of it, especially since we've moved past the using the bio egg from the same surrogate. TJ and Molly were not featured enough to get an in-depth character study so your newly found TJ rage seems over the top. Given what happened after the fall, the C went to an F (see below) 

BTW, Dave gets a C- for using an old picture of Molly--but who can blame him when we've had so many! 


You are lucky nostalgia played into this assignment! We were so worried about John J York that having him back just masked anything regarding the true story behind this. While Cody has grown on me, you may have gotten an A if boring Sasha wasn't around him. We are waiting to give a final grade on this whole thing because again, you got it going and now it's been on a shelf. 


Again, you're lucky in one way with this story and it's in the form of Maura West. She elevates everything to at LEAST average because of her stellar delivery. Even if Dialog is at an F, she'll pop it up to a B. My fellow professors and I were stunned that you went in this direction again after submitting it so many other times. Repeating yourself doesn't work well in literature unless you're a poet. You were also docked points because Ava is messing with Sonny's meds which is also another repeat of a story with his son. 


The kid did a great job at the wedding. He seemed like a passable actor and had a bit of promise. Then you just had to grind on and on about the violin and how wonderful he is. Is there ANY edge to him? Please refer to your 'character development' course work when you were a freshman. 


You got your points for actually having a gay couple on the show after ditching your last few. While Blaze and Kristina didn't really 'work' for me chemistry wise, they did have a decent vibe going. Blaze had some intrigue with her music career and introduction of her mama, Natalia. We are not sure what happened but the department got together and wants to censure you for SO MANY blatant missteps in this story we need to call a meeting. 


Well, you pulled one out of the hat!! For those of us that are spoiler free, it was a jaw-dropping moment.  We won't talk about the fact that the hotel WINDOW breaking was a stretch because for a soap, it can be overlooked. Ava's face, the cheesy crowd reactions and a Baywatch Style rescue? You outdid yourselves. This also gives a little layer of something extra for the surrogacy story which, up until now was pretty stale.  

UPDATE: You are all getting a failing GRADE FOR THE WHOLE SUMMER!! What was that story leading to? The destruction of Ava? Sonny Trauma?? You had YEARS ahead of you with that baby story. You kill it off for what? THEN you put in the Jex sex scene and Blaze and her mother in the middle of it all? 
You also left out all of the hospital characters: Portia, Terry (who's an OBGYN), Liz, Stella. Not even Amy or Deanna were there! 



You get nothing! 


  1. For Dave I grew up in NYC and we had carvel
    We used to get their ice cream cakes too. Football for Superbowl and fudge the whale!

    1. We had them around Buffalo and Rochester too. Our last one closed in like 98? BUT you can still get cakes in Wegmans by Carvel

    2. Loved Carvel for the soft serve!

  2. I say Blaze should have went through that window or Natalia or hell both of them!

  3. Great grading session KD. Thanks.

  4. great show today!!!
    -----Molly seeing Ava and not wanting to be around TJ or nursery was realistic....they gonna break up...Stella and TJ were so good......
    ------I was mad that Kevin didn't take the pills - or I thought - but then at the end maybe he DID take a pill to be tested according to his phone call (which I thought was fake but mybe not) BUT his seeing Ava was everything
    ----Trina on Ava's side was the worst part of today.
    ------even though I FIRST didn't like skipping hours, it worked.....they explained things.....
    ----Did ANYONE have on their BINGO card 'Donna takes the pills and that is how they find out the pills were placebos." Nope, NO ONE -but it was good.
    ----Brick could SO easily find that pharamacist if Kevin can't.
    ------Jordan is gorgeous and I like her with Curtis.....
    ---------Tomorrow is Heather (sigh) and then yeah Anna with JohnJag.....
    --------great show

    1. It was a great way to end it. Did you see the previews for tomorrow? Why did Donna say about the pills? Stella and TJ were great. She is so good with everyone.

    2. I backed it up a few times - something something and I think she said mad about the pills???? so maybe she is asking if he is mad at Avery....

    3. "Mufasa says, Molly seeing Ava and not wanting to be around TJ or nursery was realistic....they gonna break up"

      Yeah if they can't grieve together, there is a chance they could break up. :(

      "Did ANYONE have on their BINGO card 'Donna takes the pills and that is how they find out the pills were placebos." Nope, NO ONE -but it was good."

      No! Not on my bingo card! Great way to find out the truth! :)

  5. Carvel is a national chain. Many states have it. YUM.
    Love the summer grades except, for me, the surrogacy story gets an F from the start.
    Why would Kevin go to see Ava?
    Trina is often the vulnerable young woman who sees only light and love in everyone.
    Finally the pills. My guess is that the pharmacist will either be found and blamed for the whole thing or found dead.
    Just thinking...when they send a character into the "cornfield", Valentin and Finn, they are rarely and/or never spoken of again.
    Portia can't help from having even a small screech. comes Heather.

    1. I thought Kevin had figured out Ava did something to the pills cause for sure no reason he would go see Ava. I also wondered if the phone call was fake and he deliberately said 'something wrong with Mr. Corinthos pills'......
      Ava will be blamed----
      STILL waiting on Liz to mention FINN!!!!!

  6. I am hearing that actress Stephanie Gatschet is the new LuLu.

  7. Tolly home:

    Tolly: They have to pack all the baby things. :( Molly is going to work! Leaving TJ alone with his grief and packing up the baby things. She can't handle the pain so she is leaving for work. :( I get it. I understand. :( Hi Jordan!

    TJ and Jordan: Poor TJ!!! :( He is hurting! Jordan asks where Molly is going.

    TJ, Jordan, Curtis, and Stella: Awww! I'm glad Jordan, Curtis, and Stella are there. :( TJ is so angry and in so much pain! :( I just want to hug him! :( They are packing the baby stuff up. Stella says to keep something that belongs to the baby. He grabs something, but we didn't get to see it! Damn!

    TJ and Stella: Great scene! Talking about how love has nowhere to go when you are in so much pain. :( This scene made me cry!!!! :'(

    Jordan and Curtis: Curtis and Jordan are in the hallway. Curtis is there for not only TJ, but for her too. I was thinking I hope they don't kiss. Okay they don't.

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and Doc: Doc tells him the results of the blood test, that there was nothing in his pills. Sonny is so confused. I'm glad Doc is helping Sonny!

    Jex's home:

    Jex: They have zex again! She is avoiding the world out there. I don't give a crap that they are having zex right now. I'm in mourning. I'm grieving. Get back to TJ!!!! Dex told Joss how Krissy is, but he doesn't know anything about how the baby is. :(

    Carly's kitchen:

    Jarly: Carly and Jason talk about Sonny and glad he didn't jump and that he reached out to Kevin. Jason drove Sonny home!!!!!! WOW! :0 :)

    Joss and Carly: Carly wants to know how Joss is. Carly was so worried. Come on Carly! Tell her about the baby!!!! :( Oh oh Donna took her father's pills! She calls them vitamins. Oh wait. She will be okay. The pills are safe. They take her to the hospital. Oh good! So then the truth will come out! :)

    Police station jail cell:

    Ava and Trina: Ava is only saying half truths again!

    Ava and Doc: Doc wants to know how Ava is doing. Ava wants Doc to come to her arraignment, and that Sonny is dangerous. Doc says he isn't a problem anymore. He is in treatment, but he can't say anymore. Doc gets a call about Sonny's pills.

    Ava and Molly: Molly is furious. She has the autopsy report on her baby girl. Oh Molly. :( She reads off the list to Ava. Wait the baby weighed 5 pounds?! How could that be?! She was going to be born in 3 weeks!!!!

    The hospital:

    Liz and Portia: They talk about Liz's change that she did to the nurses schedule and that her and Terry both love them. Yeah that's nice, but I don't care right now. Get back to TJ!

    Portia and Trina: Trina had to talk to Portia about Ava. Why Trina why?! You know Portia is going to be negative about this, and she was!

    Tolly home: TJ is alone crying on the floor near the door!! GAH! He made me cry! :( He takes out booties from his pocket. Ohhhh so THAT is what he took out of the box. :( Little booties!!! :( While he is crying, Molly shows up and doesn't go in. She is behind the door and just stands there. She leaves because it hurts to much. :( Ric! Your daughter needs you!!!! :(

    1. Oops forgot something. At the hospital when Liz told them that the pills that Donna ingested had nothing in them, Sonny was surprised they were placebos. Why?! Doc already told Sonny that! *Facepalm*

    2. Kevin told him there was no medication in his blood. That's why he thought he wasn't taking them. He did not test the pills at that point. I think he sent the pills out after that, that's when he got the call when he was with Ava.

    3. DeeDee I was JUST typing that - yep!!!!

  8. jason first day back March 5 and Valentin started tampering with pills NYE....of course Brennan knows he started it.

  9. Avery looks so grown up in that pic I wasn't sure who it was. Beautiful girl



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...