Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The Aftermath


Let's see I remain calm during the show today!! Yesterday was just .... unacceptable lol. I was NOT very happy, could you tell? 

So.......this was on Twitter

Laura brings Kevin a cupcake in his office. It's his birthday.

Scotty finally makes it to the PCPD. Ava tells him it was all a terrible mistake. Ava talks to him in the little room. 
Anna informs Chase the baby didn't make it. Then they go in and say they found Jagger's bag in Ava's room. 

Carly is telling Jason she's not happy with Sonny not seeing Donna when he said he was. They are in the Corinthos' kitchen. Jason gets a phone call from Dante about the situation. Carly's mad no one called her from the hotel. Jason leaves for the hospital. 

Jason talks to Dante who fills him in on Molly laying into Sonny and Sonny leaving.  Then when Carly is alone, Donna comes down and can't sleep. She's upset that her dad didn't come to the playdate. She thinks it's because Mom and Dad are mad at each other. 

Jason gives Brick a call who's getting his suit fitted. He can't find Sonny but does have photos from the hotel room. He sends them to Jason. Jason NOW goes to the PCPD. Shows Anna the photos. Anna goes in and asks if Ava wants to change her statement about not touching Kristina.

Morgan is standing on the roof with Sonny. Sonny says "you're not here, you're not real". Morgan says he's always with him and his family loves him. Sonny says no, Molly is right all he brings is pain. He says he's full of darkness. Talks about Kristina seeing him beat up Dex. Morgan says he also has 'light" in him. "There's good in there, Dad"!!  More stuff about what Sonny's done wrong but Morgan does blame Ava for his death because of his pills. More Sonny blames himself and thinks his kids are better off without him. 

Kristina is rushed into surgery.  Sam arrives. Everyone is wondering where Sonny went.  Nurse comes out and says that Kristina probably needs a hysterectomy.  

TJ and Molly talk about naming the baby.  Sam says Ava is a human wrecking ball. Everyone stands around as the doctor comes out.  They avoided a hysterectomy.  Sam and Dante talk about when she lost her baby long ago. Alexis doesn't know how they'll put the family together again. 


Ava is shown the photos with her and Kristina. She's arrested for assault and manslaughter. She finds out the baby died. 

Sonny goes to Kevin to ask for help. "Something is wrong with me". 


  1. ----FINALLY we can see the light at the end of the tunnel with the pill storyline coming to an end-----liked the ending
    ----- - Kevin and blood work tomorrow which ALSO means Ava is gonna be blamed......she lived there......she messed with Morgan's pills.......no one will know about Valentin starting it---------------------wonder where the pharmacist is?
    ------BEYOND ridiculous that no one called Michael, Curtis, Marshall.......and I say that cause Alexis and Anna and Ava all stated HOW LONG they have been there......it happened hours ago........Joss didn't call her mom? Gio didn't call Olivia? Michael works in the building???
    ------TJ is just not great right now...
    ------Now that I see Dante and Sam, all I see in new Lulu.
    -----NLG does the best disaster of any character.....
    ----I enjoyed Morgan and Sonny scenes.....

  2. I was really confused by the pictures at the end. I don't recall Ava having her hand on Kristina's back.

    1. I am just guessing but I think it was the angle of the camera cause Ava never had her hand on Kristina's back........which shows again how pics are deceiving
      -----REALLY like Jason and Anna's friendship

  3. Part of me was hoping that there would be a shot at the end of Ric standing there with the baby, wanting to make sure his daughter got to keep her rather than the baby going to Kristina.

  4. Hmmm I wonder who the recast of Lulu is going to be. Emme Rylan was a recast too. :) She was a great recast as Lulu, Although she had no chemistry with Dante. I hope this new recast has chemistry with Dante.

    The rooftop of the hospital:

    Morgan and Sonny: Hey! Ghost Morgan looks good!!! I'm sure this scene was very difficult for Maurice Bernard! :( Great scene though. The next time they go back to this scene, Sonny was gone! I'm thinking oh oh!

    Inside the hospital:

    Outside Krissy's room: Oh no!!! A hysterectomy?!?!!?


    No hysterectomy! Whew! Oh hello Sam! Where have you been?

    In Krissy's room:

    Alexis and Krissy: Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: You always had a flair for the dramatic. Don't you think this is a little ridiculous?


    Molly and Krissy: Awwwwwwwwwwww! :(

    Tolly: What are they going to name her? :(

    TJ and Jordan: Awwwwwww! :(

    Sante :(

    Jason on the phone with Brick: Hmmm how come Brick hasn't been seeing Jordan?

    Brick: That's good enough for me.

    Awwww. :)

    Doc's office:

    Kevlar: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DOC! I agree with Laura. It deserves to be celebrated! You deserve to be celebrated Doc!!!! :) Isn't Lucy going to call him to wish him a happy birthday?!

    Sonny and Doc:

    Sonny: I need help.

    GAH! My eyes were watery. I'm glad Sonny is asking for help, and I'm glad he went to see Doc!

    Police station:

    Anna and Jason:

    Jason: I trust you.

    Awwwwwwwwwwwww. :)

    Anna, Chase, and Ava: I'm glad Ava told the truth about touching Krissy. Oh oh those pictures make her look bad. :(

    Carly's kitchen:

    Jarly and the Tribbles:

    Jason: Kristina fell through a window at the hotel. She landed in the pool. The baby didn't make it.

    Tribbles: WHAT?!

    Tribbles in a group text.

    Tribbles: Kristina fell through a window at the hotel. She landed in the pool. The baby didn't make it.

    *Everyone cries*

    Donna and Carly: Awwwwwwww great scene!!!!!!!!!

    1. Sonya says "Tolly: What are they going to name her? :(" It would actually be sweet for them to name her Tolly, it sounds like a cute name for a little girl.

    2. lol I was thinking the same thing. :)

    3. "Judith says, Sonya says "Tolly: What are they going to name her? :(" It would actually be sweet for them to name her Tolly, it sounds like a cute name for a little girl."

      OH! I didn't even think about that. Awwww. :)

  5. The Morgan scenes were meh to me, but it could be because this just has gotten so old.

    As for recasting Lulu, I liked Emme in the role esp with Maxie and Genie. Julie was best with Dante IMO. They better do it right.

  6. Get Berman back as Lulu! We all need scenes of her, JJ, and Genie together ASAP - even stuff that is poorly written THEY WILL REDEEM

    1. AGREED; Julie Marie Berman is fantastic. Not sure if she is acting anymore though.

  7. Carly didn't act like she is the owner of the MC. Donna is lovely though.
    Finally TJ showed sadness rather than Sonny anger. I am glad the surrogacy story is over even though it wasn't the ideal way to end it.
    Ava has had it. Maybe MW is moving on. I would hate that. She is wonderful.
    Loved seeing Kevin today. And the ending was good.

  8. Really not sure how I feel about "GH" right now. I don't like all stories leading to Sonny and it's clear from the ratings that viewers are disenchanted with the Sonny/Carly/Jason show. I also feel like Maura West is being disrespected if she is getting the boot. Not feeling it at all right now.

    1. BTW, Rebecca Budig has joined the cast of "The Bold and the Beautiful" in some legacy role as a recast. How nice would it have been to brought her back to "GH" briefly for closure with Elizabeth, then let her ride into the sunset with Finn and Violet. Yet another missed opportunity.

      Also, Ghost Morgan was completely out of character. He never would have excused a lot of Sonny's actions. The worst thing was when Sonny talked abut shooting Dante and Morgan replied, "Before you knew who he was!" Uhh, it's OK to shoot someone otherwise? I am really beginning to hate this show.

  9. Carly not knowing about the incident at the Metro Court was STUPID! There was no reason for that nonsense! The rest, meh...

  10. Maybe it's a little joke on us and they are actually getting Emme. Otherwise I can't see her saying she very disappointed with their choice. That would be hurtful to another actress.

    1. I think she meant she was unhappy or disappointed in their choice to recast in general. ☺


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...