Monday, August 19, 2024



So, it looks like BRAD will be showing up sometime soon!! That's right, Parry Shen will be on GH for?? Who knows... but that's what Soap Opera News is reporting. Too bad we won't see Britt!!  I think RIC will be back this week as well. 

OMG HE'S ON TODAY!!!!!!!!!! BRAD IS APPLYING FOR A JOB!! Terry is on TOOO! OMG I'm so happy. She pulls out a GIANT folder on him and goes through all his sins. "You even helped steal Lulu's embryo" LOL.. he's like Britt was going to give me another chance before she was murdered, can't you??? They talk about Britt's birthday part before she died and Terry finally relents. She's giving him a recommendation. He still has to be hired by the lab manager. 

Cody and Sasha finally make ze Wub. Tracey brings Violet to the stables and they are going to ride but can't find Cody. Ut OH. Tracey goes upstairs and Sasha hears her. They aren't in bed yet so Cody runs down. HE says he forgot. Then they talk about James being found. Sasha walks downstairs and Violet wonders if "She took a nap with Cody". Violet goes back to the house to get carrots for the horses so Tracey can talk to Cody. He tells her Mac told James he was his son and Mac may have forgiven him. 

Laura has to go to see Lulu's doctors at the long term care place. She tells Anna to step up the search for Charlotte and Val so she can see her mother before it's too late. 

Datne is at the PCPD. He and Jason talk about Danny's baseball team. Dante gets a call. He goes to see Laura who tells him Lulu's had a setback in her health.

Jason meets with Anna. Tells her it was Valentin that messed with Sonny's meds. She doesn't believe it until Jason tells her he talked to the pharmacist. He wants to know where Val is. She doesn't know. Also tells Jason not to tell Sonny that it was Valentin until she finds Charlotte. Jason says nope. She pleads with him and tells him about Laura's convo about Lulu. She has to find Charlotte first. 

Jagger arrests Kristina. Everyone is like: WHY!!? Alexis says she's her lawyer and wants to know the charges. He says assault and attempted murder of Ava Jerome. There's a LOT of back and forth and he finally read her her rights and they wheel her away!! Alexis and Sonny go to the PCPD and yell at Jagger. "You're off the rails"!  
Kristina is wheeled out to the lobby again. Sonny's sending Frank to get her meds from GH. Kristina gets soup from Dante in the 'lounge' lol. Alexis is getting a bail hearing scheduled. 

Molly and Jordan meet. Jordan yells at her for seeing Ava Jerome and abusing her ADA status. Robert thought it would be better if Jordan talked to her because of her grief. She also says Molly has been 'absent' from the family lately. Molly says she wants justice and is angry.They talk about the Kristina/Ava fight. Molly says that Krissy has hated Ava since Morgan died and could have aggrivated her. 


Jason tells Sonny it was Valentin that switched his meds!!!!!! WHOOT! 

Laura walks into Lulu's room and says: What are YOU doing here? (we don't see the who)


  1. Yaaah. The writers heard me. Brad i back. Can't wait. I love him.And this should give us more hospital scenes too. Maybe Lulu may even be transferred over there if she wakes up.

    Maybe Laura is talking to lulu's older brother Lucky in the previews.

    1. Very happy that Brad is back, although I would've preferred him as Maxie's assistant. (I think those two would be fun together.)

    2. Kevin, they would get into so much fun trouble, wouldn't they.

  2. A good show today with the cherry on top in the first scene! SO happy to see Brad/PS back at GH!
    Looking forward to the end of JohnJagger. Not since Hiney have I hated a character so much. Let's hope his stay isn't as long.
    Violet is an elegant young lady.
    I liked the brief Jason/Dante chat. A little bit of reality is nice. And the fact that Jason just blew Anna off. She does go weird when anything is about Valentin.

    1. "Zazu says, She does go weird when anything is about Valentin."

      SHE DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    2. Because she is in love. Or something. :-)

  3. I think Cyrus is in Lulu's room.....
    ----I started watching in like 1968ish and I just cannot with Anna----she is pitiful - we had to deal with PEE-TAH and her guilt and now she is blaming trying to find CHARLOTTE? I am ready for her to go - glad Jason told Sonny it was Valentin
    BTW- Does Sonny not have bodyguards anymore?
    -----she could be redeemed if she calls FBI on Cates
    -----Cates said 'even if that was true, you couldn't do anything about it'.....with TWO lawyers standing there? AT LEAST it's so bizarre that I KNOW Cates is not long for this show - yeah!!
    -----I LOVE a calm Sonny.............
    ----Brad mentioning Heather killing Britt made me wonder if Portia will team up with him and do something to Heather - cause not sure why he is back -

  4. A lot of funny one liners today.

    The hospital:

    JohnJag, Sonny, Alexis, Molly, and Krissy:

    Alexis: I got my license back.

    JohnJag: How'd that happen?

    Hahahahahaha. He would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Krissy listen to your mother and stop talking!!!!! Also don't say anything at the police station!

    Terry and Brad: BRAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :0 I first saw him, and I say out loud "OH?" I did not expect to see him. What a great surprise! I'm glad I didn't read spoilers. When Terry brought out Brad's file I laughed hard and loud hahahaha. Oh come on Terry! Brad needs someone to believe him in! Give him another chance!!!! YAY! Thank you Terry! :)

    Outside the hospital:

    Jordan and Molly: Great scene! Molly is just in pain Jordan. So much pain. :(

    Laura's office:

    Laura and Dante: Awww Dante will always be family. :) So sweet. :)

    Anna's office:

    Anna and Jason: UGH!

    Cowboy Cody's horse home/Apartment:

    Casha: Oooo zex! Oh shoot they were interrupted!

    Cowboy Cody's horse home:

    Tracy and Little V: Oh yes where oh where is Cowboy Cody?! :) I'm glad the little actress didn't go upstairs. She don't need to see something like that. I'm glad Tracy called out to him. :)

    Tracy, Little V, and Casha: Little V wins the lines of the day.

    Little V: Were you and Cody taking a nap? But you and Sasha aren't old. Tracy's old.


    Tracy and Cowboy Cody: Oh? So Leo barges into places unannounced? Hahaha. Someone needs to talk to that boy! :D

    Police station: That guy at the desk, Karen said he looked like Norm and cheers. Haha she is right..



    Krissy, Alexis, and Dante: Listen to your mother and brother and manja! (Manja means eat in Italian, and I didn't even spell it right, but if I spell it the normal way who would be able to say it? It's mangiare ROFL!)

    Krissy and Dante: Is Dante telling her she can sleep there and not in jail just to make her feel better?

    Alexis and JohnJag: You are not going to win JohnJag. *Snicker*

    JohnJag and Sonny: Ah yes JohnJag can see Jason in his peripheral vision! *Giggle*

    Sonny's car:

    Jason and Sonny: YES! Glad Jason told him about V.C.

    Lulu's hospital room:

    Laura: What the hell are you doing here?!

    What the?!?!! Who is it? Hmmmm. Ric? :) Lucky? The Tribbles?

  5. I read JJ is not back until October

    1. Oh geez! I thought you were going to say JJ is not coming back. Whew. :) In October?! Damn.

    2. Hmmm, that's weird. I saw an article that said he is already filming and will appear on screen during the last week in August.

    3. It depends where you read it. Some sites do a lot of speculating when they first hear a rumor. maybe this will help...his own words.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...