Wednesday, August 14, 2024


IF you didn't see it...Jackie Lopez is leaving GH as Blaze. She posted on IG about it and I was surprised. I know the character was 'going on tour'-- and I thought she'd go for awhile and come back when it was 'cancelled". Maybe there will be a recast? I say that because; Gay Couple and I don't think Mama LaRue is going anywhere. 

In the park, Mac and Spinelli play with James but James is sad. Missing Cody. Fe and Maxie look on. James is bored and wants to go riding with Cody. Mac says he'll like the other ranch. Fe and Maxie are mad at him for interfering. 

Nina runs into Maxie at the park. Maxie realizes that Nina and Drew slept together. 

James is on the run!! He's going to go see Cody... GO JAMES GO JAMES! 

Cody is in the barn Tracey comes in and is 'taking him for a ride". She's going to teach him how to play backgammon. Lordy, they don't know what to do with Jane Elliot right now! She talks about her brain worm she had and was in the hospital with and that's where she learned how to play backgammon. Talks about Finn and how they became friends and played backgammon. She feels badly that Finn was mad at her when he left. 

Nina tries to get Drew not to leave for his meeting by kissing him in bed. He stayed the night. He leaves. 

Sasha is in the kitchen waiting go talk to Drew and get on a catering fundraiser call. Willow is keeping her company. Sasha wants her to call Drew. She doesn't think he'll answer her call. Sasha says they don't see each other that much (but flashes back to the elevator) and won't for awhile. Michael comes in and asks why. Then Drew walks in and Willow has to tell everyone she's resigning from the charity. Everyone understands but Drew is suspect. 

Willow is in the boathouse and Drew finds her. She wants to rush out but he says wait. Wants to talk about her leaving the job. 

Gio, Brook and Lois eat on the boathouse deck. He says he's afraid he won't get many concerts because the Gallery opening won't be attended because the owner is a murderer. :eyeroll: Lois says people love murderers! Says he should be doing better shows than Gallery openings. He says he only cares what Sonny thinks of him.  He leaves for Work. 

Mama LaRue comes by to say good bye to Sonny. She's going back to PR. Tells Sonny about Kristina and ALison breaking up. HE didn't know. He wants her to stay.  Says he has an idea. Calls Brook Lyn to come over to the PH.  Brook AND Lois show up. The record label is a bust but Sonny now wants to invest in...DECEPTION??????? 



  1. ---can't wait until Willow finds out about Drew and Nina (I don't care about ANY of them but I wanna see Willow's reaction)
    ------I just randomly scream at the TV: MENTION Maxie and Lucy and Tracy (which they did) HOW can you invest? What happened to Valentin's investment? Brook Lynn and Lois KNOW how Natalia is? 'you are good with numbers' ----------------what does even mean
    -----I really want Natalia gone (if you can't tell LOL)
    ------CFO of the company?????? At least FOR NOW Tracy said 'over my dead body'...
    -----I think Cody saves James' life - of course I didn't understand why Maxie wouldn't let her son see Cody -----Mac is GRANDPA
    --------yep, Willow and Drew WILL end up going to that thingy and they will have sex....
    ------the previews look odd with Cates saying 'I have Sonny right where I want him'...

    1. I yelled at the TV..."Stand your ground, Tracy. Stand your ground!"

  2. Good morning Port Chuckians! :)

    Nina's home:

    Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: OH! Another zex romp. :) I'm so distracted by his hard nips. Is it cold on set? :)

    Q mansion:

    Willow and Sasha: Uh yeah Sasha, Willow won't want to call Drew aka Ryan Lavery! Especially since she is wearing short shorts. ROFL! Hmmm did Sasha ever confront Willow about the kiss? I don't remember.

    Sasha and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Oh sure lie to Sasha about where you were last night. It's fine. ROFL!

    Willow, Michael, and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Of course Willow is going to lie about why she is going back to nursing. She looks VERY uncomfortable. ROFL!


    Gio, Brooky, and Lois: Breakfast!!! Looks good!!! Uh I hope that is Lois's spoon, because ewwww. She licked it.

    Brooky and Lois: Yeah Brooky ask your mom why you so hard on uncle Sonny! :)

    Willow and Drew aka Ryan Lavery: Did you see that?! Willow kept looking at Drew aka Ryan Lavery's crotch!!! Hahahahahhaahaha! Well, I'm glad she finally admitted the real reason she is going back to nursing. It looked like she was going to kiss him!

    The REAL park:

    Spixie, MacLecia, James, and Nina: YAY! Family time. I love that Mac and Spinny are playing frisbee! Hey where is Georgie?

    Spinny and James: Awwww poor James. :( I just want to hug him. :(

    MacLecia: Yeah Felicia you tell him! Gee in soap time how long has it been since the truth came out? Cus in real life it has been a month.

    Nina and Maxie: Maxie wins the line of the day.

    Maxie: She says her aura glows when Scott,

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Well, Nina's aura is glowing too hahahahaha.

    Nina: I am confident that Drew will see that this is far more enjoyable than him intruding on my daughter's marriage.

    Uh huh. Famous last words Nina! It will end up that He and Willow will have zex. Mark my words. :)

    Nina on the phone with Michael: Oh yes Nina knows all too well why Willow is going back to nursing. Hahahaha!

    James on the run: YEAH! Sneaky James! GO JAMES GO GO GO! :D His middle name is Malcolm? :) Awww his middle name is named after Mac awwwww. :)

    Sonny's home:

    Sonny and giggle mouse: Oh she is leaving?! Bye bye!

    Sonny, giggle mouse, Brooky, and Lois: Oh so that how they are keeping giggle mouse here? Deception? UGH!

    Lois and Sonny: I don't get it. Why do you keep giving Sonny a hard time about his money Lois?! Stop it! This is weird!

    Cowboy Cody horse house:

    Cowboy Cody and Tracy: Ooooo history talk! Love it!!!! :) Oh Tracy come on Finchy don't hate you.

    Cowboy Cody and Sasha: Kissy kissy!! :) Casha a go!!! :)

    Cowboy Cody, Sasha, and Maxie: I thought James was going to see Cowboy Cody. Where did James go then?

    1. Oops forgot something.

      Brooky, Giggle mouse, and Tracy:

      Tracy: Over my dead body.

      Haha the old Tracy is still in there! :)

    2. Like Di said, STAND YOUR GROUND Tracy!
      Giggle Mouse needs to go home. (Your nicknames are killing me, lol!)
      Lois putting caviar on her bagel/cream cheese/lox looked pretty good. I've never tried that, lol! But who can afford caviar besides a Quartermaine!

      Drew is going to end up boinking mother and daughter at the same time and I'm going to need an air sickness bag. Ugggghhhh!
      Willow is doing uncomfortable very well. Personally, I like her unlike many others, lol! Her cheating on Michael doesn't really fit for me. Same with Lois acting all weird with Sonny. Writer's discretion and I don't like it.

  3. There is no way that a Quartermaine would go into business with Sonny. AJ's death, Jason's accident, just to name a couple of reasons.

    1. 100% true. And anyone who had sex in my family's crypt would be dead to me!


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...