Sunday, August 11, 2024

Sunday Surgery: Stomach Pump


This will be short and sour, much like my viewing this week!! At a time when several stories were reaching a peak, things just got thrown together like a Jumble sale. Garage sale? Rummage sale? What do you call it in your area?!

I'm having Heather's uneaten hospital tray for breakfast. 5 cups of LET'S GO GO! 

I guess we can start with the Kristina story. This went from spectacular soapy window fall to-- a mess of choppy scenes, missing characters and just plain mayhem. The details are in my daily blogs but they were so disjointed that I honestly couldn't keep up with day, time... who's there, who knew, who didn't know and the like. Kristina did have another operation and she still has her uterus--for now (they are monitoring). 

Kristina and Molly had the better scenes, with KV hitting it out of the park as Molly. She gave Sonny such a tongue lashing, he ended up on the roof (more on that later). TJ seemed stunned. Jordan was in police mode and showed little emotion. Sam came in the 12th hour. NLG was also brilliant in every scene. Even the gradual erosion of her make up, her hair and the shadows under her eyes was real. Meanwhile, let's check in on someone else in this story: 

Why it's JOSSLYN... who, after saving Krissy and riding with her to GH, decides not to text or call Mom or Michael but winds up in Dex's doorstep looking comfort. Why this didn't happen 2 or 3 days after the event, I'll never know. It was just thrown in there and frankly, dumb. No one wanted that at this juncture. 

Who else didn't know? CARLY! And it's her hotel!! YEP! She wasn't called. Jason told her that night when he had stopped over at her house.Poor Carly. OUT of the loop!! They also should have had Olivia in those pool scenes or at least the aftermath. 

Sonny gets upset and more despondent because he flashes back to everyone telling him what a bad person and father he is. He ends up on the roof and Morgan comes to save him from beyond the grave. This is the same roof Morgan was on when Sonny talked HIM down years ago. Sonny wises up, pops into Kevin's office for help and by some miracle, is A-OK the very next day! Talk about quick wrap ups. Someone was like: WE'RE DONE !! PUT "THE END" on it and let's bail!! 

How's Kristina doing you ask? WELP.. she's getting revenge-fever and obsessing over the photos Brick took. She wants Ava DEAD. All this Ava hate is just-- making me nervous. Also, for the life of me, I can't understand why that baby couldn't have lived. Ace fell off a cliff 2x and belly floated to Canada! 

Speaking of bail....I guess she was grated some because that's a still from Monday's show! Ava, who we watched grow and learn and become multi-dimensional in 4-5 years. Ava who now is poised to be the absolute vilified character for A) Seemingly "pushing" Krissy out the window and B) Tampering with Sonny' meds. We got a tiny reprieve there when Ava said to Jason she knew about them but not who did it. On this show, telling or not telling gets you in just as much trouble as doing the deed. I think Ava may blame it on Jagger. Brennan is certainly not in the running because he's on contract now. 

We finally got a nice TJ reaction with the socks and I got to see Stella. Molly had to rush off to work. So it looks like their grief dynamic is going to be a thing next. 


My tummy hurts! (photo thx to @Carlyanddava1) . So, Avery found Sonny's pills (I knew that bottom drawer was a bad place) and took them to Carly's for her sleepover. Donna ate them thinking they were vitamins. (Did she CHEW them ?? ) Anyway, crisis avoided because they were placebo. Wonder if Ava will get credit for that? LOL 

The Hippy Heather story is still rolling along. I thought for a minute they dropped it but...NOPE! As soon and Laura said she was done with it, Heather decides to get Scotty back so they can sue  the pants off of the manufacturer and hopefully get outta jail. Portia will lose her mind. Good scene with Trina and Heather, I liked it. 

Elevator 101. Really? Michael is having a casual lunch with Nina. Never mentions Kristina until the very end. It's like they taped it at a juncture and decided to insert it that day. THEN, guess what? WILLOW and Drew are stuck in the Metro Elevator. Willow gets all hot and bothered and tells Drew she can't go on the LA trip with him. She says she has obligations and we know it's lust. 

The Worst use of Time this week goes to... BLAZE AND MAMA LARUE! What!!?? Blaze's mother drags her from GH where her girlfriend lay possibly dying. They go to a restaurant and have coffee and soup. They talk about the "gay" issue (again) and it was so apparent it was yet another attempt to make LaRue 'likeable' and forgiven. Well, it's not working. The absence of Blaze in all of this was really telling I thought. Did Kristina even ask for her? Is Blaze on her way out? Hmmm. I would think not because of the whole record label storyline. We shall see! 

There was a LOT more that happened this week in the undercurrents but I've gone on long enough. Just know that the whole "aftermath' of the fall was full of holes and questions and head-scratching moments. It should have been a tight, well-oiled machine by 2024 to tell a story like this but...?? 

One more thing. Chris Van Etten is back. You all know I like his writing. I love that he expanded the families of Trina and TJ. Spencer and Tina were great and so was Greenland. Laura becoming mayor.  Ava was morphed under his pen. I can only HOPE.. that this is a good thing. Not so sure of the paring as EK isn't one of my faves. What a mess over there. Writers in and out. Now an "associate" writer that used to work on 7th Heaven? What's an associate writer anyway? The backstage shuffle that led to all of this has to be a fascinating story. Maybe Chris and Dan will write up a mini-series about it all in the  year 2035. I'd watch!! 

Now we wait to see Holly, Ric, Lucky and Lulu come back. Emme told us she's not going to be Lulu but will Julie Berman?? That would be amazing, imo. I like it when faces I know wake up! I think we all know this summer was just a wrap up of stories that went on too long and were starting to go so off the rails, the viewers were tuning out (see Pikeman). They are putting all their eggs into the vets coming back to get those eyes back. Let's hope it works. 



  1. "Ace fell off a cliff 2x and belly floated to Canada!" LOL... that is better writing than anything on "GH" lately. Thank you!

    I predict the show between now and September will be a jumbled mess as they get rid of some characters and introduce new storylines.

    I did read an article lately that stated Emma Samms' return is short term. I am sure she is back just to usher Robert off the canvas.

    1. Since Eva laRue is leaving GH I hope Natalia and Blaze are going off on tour or something. Kristina deserves better than that mama's girl. She will always be #3 in that trio.

      Can't wait to see Emma again.

  2. Thanks kd.

    "Ace fell off a cliff 2x and belly floated to Canada! " .....I'm still laughing.

    I think Avery bit into a pill to try it and since it was a sugar pill he thought they were candy.
    I do like the way that was used for Sonny's eureka moment.

    And I'm sure now that the pharmacist has been found it will come out that Valentine was behind it, or at least the fact that it wasn't Ava.

    I hope this week returns to a well written and thought out end to all this.

    1. Donna is a little girl but Avery is around 9-10 kind of unrealistic that she would be taking Sonny's pills

    2. I'm sure any of us could be sarcastic and/or caustic but we respect this blog too much to express it. Please think and reread your post before hitting that publish button. And please don't leave because of this DeeDee.

    3. Well said zazu. And don't leave DeeDee. I think the Osmonds said it best -

      One bad apple don't
      Spoil the whole bunch, girl
      Oh, give it one more try
      Before you give up on wubs

    4. This is getting ridiculous...

  3. "Short and sour"! Love that.
    All the writer shuffling is making me dizzy.
    We do not need any Drew and Willow. Soapy or not.
    Tragic accident at MC and neither owner is notified? It is the details that fill in the stories but what do I know.
    No Blaze visit? She sure reacted to the fall with the ugliest cry by the pool.
    I did read that Lulu has been recast. Not Julie Berman. Stephanie Gatschet. But who knows what's true anymore.
    Donna is a dream. Beautiful and a good actor.
    I don't care about the veterans coming back. Unless they make magic and GH suddenly falls into place. Just like Sonny!

  4. Did u r the most disagreeable, bossy person on this blog
    Please don't reply to my posts or if u feel the need to be self righteous I won't post anymore

  5. No problem Di but I don't reply to your posts just had enough today. And if you read the blog I am not the only one. No more posts from me and I won't be reading the blog anymore

    1. DeeDee - You are most definitely not the only one

  6. You know I WANT Natalia gone and don't care about Blaze, but rumors abound they are both leaving......and that makes sense SO I DON'T BELIEVE IT ---- LOL UNLESS new writers realize how we felt???
    ------Karen said everything......the editing was SO off this week!!
    -------Weekly where is Marshall, Terry, Selina, Cyrus and Marty.....will Liz ever mention Finn......and TAGGART! and WHY isn't Anna at least MENTIONING Robert? I know some are speculating that Holly is back so Robert can leave with her but I don't think so - maybe it's about Lucky?
    -----the other rumor is JohnJag is out - I think Ava throws him under the bus...he has to leave cause nothing else to do for him.
    -----I am in the minority - but I like Sonny/Jason/Carly friendship.....and may be the minority but I still don't care for Kate/Kristina....
    ------very excited about Brennan but it IS odd that no one told Sonny that Pikeman is over...
    HOPEFUL that new writers will clean up stories and start 'fun' ones....



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...