Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Celebrating Sam

While the quest to keep Kelly on the show is an ongoing one, Dave and I thought it would be fitting to show some of her photos from years past. She came on as a con woman and evolved through 21 years on the air. What's your fave Sam moment? Mine has to be when she and Liz burned Jason's stuff in the oil drum!  

I will be out today so please also use this space to comment on the show. Thank  YOU!! 

Perhaps the fans will sway TPTB to have Kelly remain. She is the last original "Davis" Girl! Although the stories for Sam have really gone away in the past few years, she remains a fan favorite. I thought with Danny being a teen, things would pick up on that front plus Lulu is waking up. Dave thinks maybe they'll have Sam donate part of her liver to her and not make it through the operation. Now, that would be SOAPY. 

If you want to help keep Kelly on the show, fans have put together this to  get you going: 
I'm a big believer in good old Snail Mail btw!! 


  1. Although I was never a Jasam fan, I did see the chemistry between those 2 as much as it pained my Liason heart. ☺
    I agree with Karen on the scenes with Liz. Loved any Davis girl scene. I enjoyed seeing Dante back on my screen so not complaining about that coupling.

    1. I agree Linda. After I finally got over Robin leaving I loved Liz with Jason. Never got into Jasam but saw the chemistry years ago, but that faded. She was ok with Patrick, again I was missing Robin (!) but I didn't really care for her and Billy Miller either. Dante has been her best partner in years, and I so love him!

  2. -----gosh Ava in silk blouse and jeans is everything! and so Cates took her OUTTA TOWN so does Trina know she is with Cates? and he took her phone but at least Ava is starting not to trust him, right? I want Brick to find her!!
    ------48 hours IS UP TODAY for the court case - come on writers - -- I so hate Cates- and no one checks to see if he DOES have power to barge in....hate him even more than Pee-Tah and believe me I never thought THAT WOULD HAPPEN
    -----LOVED that Ava noticed the shoes and the gun--- and sent her off for coffee - clearly she is not FBI at all - just so brazen of Cates to say to Sonny, "Ava will not be in any position to recant her statement."
    ------HOW many times is Kristina gonna say my mmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyy babyyyyyyy-----SO tired of her! Alexis facial expressions were everything...
    -------and yes Anna is still selfish and whiny acting like it's about Charlotte and not Valentin......and Laura going is just stupid....

    1. "Mufasa says, and Laura going is just stupid"

      I don't think it's stupid. Don't you remember Laura and Luke on the run and her carpet bag?! :) Laura can get her son!!! She doesn't have that carpet bag anymore, but she can get a new one!!! :)

    2. yes when she was young - 30 years ago - but she is the mayor and needs to be by Lulu's side and taking care of Ace - I thought Anna was gonna volunteer but Laura and Kevin going is just bizarre...

    3. "mufasa says, yes when she was young - 30 years ago - but she is the mayor and needs to be by Lulu's side"

      Yeah, but she doesn't want to just sit by her side and not do anything. Lulu is her daughter and wants to do something. I don't blame her.

      "and taking care of Ace"

      Ace will be fine with all the kids at the Q mansion! ROFL!

    4. Alexis and her face yesterday made my entire day. Nancy is tied with Maura for best facial expressions ever, lol! :)

    5. I think Laura should go get Lucky. I think that was 1992 with the carpet bag???

  3. Police department:

    Robert is talking on the phone with Anna. He thinks the WSB has Lucky in West Africa to a refugee camp.. Man Tristan Rogers looks so frail, and his voice doesn't sound right. :(

    Alexis's home:

    Sonny and Alexis: Alexis explains what happened at the funeral, but she didn't tell him that Krissy wants to take the baby away from Tolly! UGH!

    Sonny, Alexis, and Krissy: Krissy tells Sonny that she was going to name the baby Adela. Sonny loves that. While Krissy was talking, Alexis looks like she can't believe what she is hearing. ROFL!

    Krissy: You can't steal what belongs to you.

    Krissy stop it! The baby didn't belong to you! It belonged to Tolly!!! For crying out loud!!!

    Sonny, Alexis, Krissy and JohnJag: Oh boy! JohnJag has questions for Krissy. Oh and JohnJag has questions for Sonny too. He wants Sonny to go to the Port Chuckles Grill!! Oh a date? :) Krissy wants to answer JohnJag's questions, but lawyer Alexis don't like that, and as a mother,

    Alexis to Krissy: As your mother, I forbid it!

    ROFL! Alexis was going to win the line of the day, but someone else wins it.

    Krissy and Jason: Really?! Krissy calls Jason?!?! Well okay then. She tells him what just happened. Krissy talks about Ava and that she is lying and that she wants to keep yelling that she didn't do it! Yeah listen to his advice Jason!

    The hospital:

    Anna and Portia: Anna wants to help with Lulu. Anna wants to know if a minor can be a donor. At this time I was so confused. What donor is she talking about?

    Brennan's WSB office: I love his office! I love his chair!!! :)

    Laura and Brennan: Brennan says he can't help her with Lucky, but he will help I have a feeling. :)

    Anna and Brennan: Man Anna is so desperate to find Charlotte aka Charlie for donating to help Lulu. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! THAT'S the minor Anna was talking about. :) Brennan says he can't help. Anna thinks he is lying, and I think so too. I'm sure he will help. And then Brennan gets a phone call. He knows where Lucky is. :) He calls Laura about it.

    Kevlar home:

    Kevlar and Tracy: Laura is going to go find Lucky! YES! Of course she would! :) Tracy thinks it's a bad idea and let the professionals handle it. Laura doesn't agree with that. I love Kevlar's dialog.

    Doc: Oh I don't know why I would bother to try talking her out of it.

    Laura: Thank you!

    Doc: When I'm going with her.

    Laura: I knew you would say that.

    Hahaha awwwwwwwwwwww. :) And Tracy wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Fabulous. The mayor and her psychiatrist husband. What could possibility go wrong?

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! When Laura says we are going to be okay, she sniffed, and it looks like Genie Frances was going to sneeze. The camera didn't show her anymore and showed Tracy, and Genie was touching her nose. Bless you Genie!! :) Anyway, Laura wants Tracy to look after Ace, and the look on Tracy's face hahahaha. Tracy is nervous hahaha! The Q mansion has 2 nannies?!?!?!?!?!? HAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Hysterical! :)

    Port Chuckles Grill:

    JohnJag and Sonny: Same ol same ol. Nothing new here. Well this is a nice date. :)


    FBI agent lady and Ava: This FBI agent lady looks like Ms. Wu. Are they related? Sisters? Yeah I don't trust this FBI agent lady. Something feels off. Ava wants to go get coffee, but the FBI agent lady went to get it for her.

    Ava with FBI agent lady's purse: Let's see what's in the FBI agent lady's purse.

    Big sunglasses.

    A burner phone (I said out loud don't drink the coffee!!!!)


    Ava opens the door to leave, and there is the FBI agent lady! Don't drink the coffee!!!

    Not in Port Chuckles:

    Lucky and Doctor: OH! Lucky finally thought of a plan huh? :) Oh oh the doctor can leave, but Lucky can't. Plan is sinking fast. Lucky thinks of another plan. For the doctor to go to the United States and get the WSB!!!

    1. Lots went on yesterday and I was there for it! Tracy watching Ace? OMG I howled. Same with Alexis's facial expressions and remarks. She was awesome yesterday! Brennan needs to help Laura ASAP, and so glad Doc is going with her. Yeah, she should probably stay at home but where's the fun in that? FBI lady is shady as all get out, and Don't Call Me Jagger ain't long for this world, lol!

      And I am very happy Lucky is back. I just love JJ.

    2. "Julie H says, Lots went on yesterday and I was there for it!"

      Yes it was! I was there for it too!

      "Tracy watching Ace? OMG I howled."

      Hahahahahhaha! And two nannies! ROFL!

      "Same with Alexis's facial expressions"

      Her facial expressions were priceless! :)

      "so glad Doc is going with her. Yeah, she should probably stay at home but where's the fun in that?"

      Yeah no fun in that! :) She needs to get a new carpet bag and go! :) I'm glad Doc is going with her.

      "FBI lady is shady as all get out, and Don't Call Me Jagger ain't long for this world, lol!"


      "And I am very happy Lucky is back. I just love JJ."

      I'm happy too! Love him too! :)

  4. Tristen's we age our vocal parts age too and many men in their late 70.s like Tristen will have a gravelly hoarse sounding voice. The one who surprises me with the aging voice is Sam.

    1. Oh I know, but he wasn't like that before, and now that he is back he changed. I hope Tristan is okay. With Sam yeah!!!

    2. I think the last time he was on a bit, a couple/few months ago, I noticed his voice had changed.

    3. "Chatty says, I think the last time he was on a bit, a couple/few months ago, I noticed his voice had changed."

      Oh really? Awwww. :(

  5. I think I saw somewhere that Tristan has been somewhat ill and that he was taking some away time this Summer? Take that with a big of salt though because I haven't seen any updates through his official social media with that. It's good to see him back but yeah, he is noticeable more frail. Dude is 78, pretty much the same age as Tony Geary and Leslie Charleson and if you have seen them lately, they both look frail as well. Glad that we still have Scorpio on our screens and I will enjoy it while I can. - OldSchoolGHfan

    1. I love Tristan Rogers too. One of my all time faves from day one all those years ago. People get frail and aged at 78 :( It's life.

    2. It is indeed and I love Tristan too.

    3. "OldSchoolGHfan says, Glad that we still have Scorpio on our screens and I will enjoy it while I can."

      Yeah I will enjoy him while we can too. :)

  6. I meant to say that I LOVED JaSam the first go around.

  7. I liked Sam when KM enjoyed what she was doing. Maybe if they gave her a story. Once upon a time Drew (BM), Curtis and Sam would have been great PI's together.
    Ava was wearing jeans?!
    It is fitting, although crazy, that Laura goes to get Lucky. A tribute to Luke capers.
    I am feeling that JohnJag will soon be gone. Hopefully.

  8. I love JJ too. Great, great actor


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...