Monday, August 26, 2024

Lucky Monday


New Guy on today: Sawandi Wilson as Isaiah. 

So here we are!! Spoilers show Laura going to see Nikolas in prison and Lucky in some jail somewhere. I always get nervous at these stages; will things go well--or be exciting? Remember Brenda's return when she was in that Paris hotel for like a month? UGH.  


Lucky broke into the jail thing where he is for a 'job interview' to impress the boss. I think he's a mercenary. The boss says he's getting the doctor to look at Lucky. He brings in the new guy up there and says "Kill Him" and hands him a gun. Lucky is like OK! Pulls the trigger, it's empty (he probably figured that). He's hired. Then the other guys leave and the doctor guy punches Lucky in the mouth. Lucky is actually there to get him out of that place. Doctor treats his wound. Lucky doesn't really have a plan to break the guy out but will think of something. Doctor's name is Isaiah. They plot to escape together. 

ROBERT IS ON!! Anna wants help finding Valentin. They can't let Brennan know they are looking. He says he'll try to do what he can. Then Carly comes in and wants to know what Jack Brennan wants with Jason. She afraid he'll use HER to get to Jason like Jagger did. 

Brennan gets Carly to get Jason in to talk to him. Swank digital office. He likes Jason and thinks they have the same idea on justice. Wants to work with him. He basically says it's off the books and an enforcer type deal. Jason says NOPE. Brennan says but look at all I did for Carly; erasing that tape. 

Gio is playing his violin. Lois asks if her accent bothers him. Um, didn't that kid grow up in Bensonhurst?? The scene is basically a Gio-Lois love fest. She STILL wants to lose her accent. They talk but Lois decides to hire a dialect coach. 

Tracey and Brook find out that LULU is in GH. Tracey leaves the room, upset. Brook tells her that Tracey was around for Lulu when Laura was away from PC and ill. Brook also tells Chase that Lulu had an abortion. She got PG with Tracey's son Dillon in high school and got one. Then she says she and Lulu never got along and Carly paid her to break up her and Dante. Chase is like Um, this is all weird. LOL Brook says she's done terrible things in her past and then Yuri interrupts them because Violet wants milk. 

Lulu needs a new liver. Liz is in with her holding her hand as Portia explains it with some specialist. Laura's mad that the doctors didn't catch it but Portia says it's because she was in a coma and couldn't tell everyone the symptoms. 

Dante is talking to Lulu bedside. Sam walks in (old face same..KeMo) He tells her about Lulu's liver.  Then Laura and Liz meet up with them and say Lulu needs a new liver.  Nikolas is being tested in his "Flatlands" Jail. 

Tracey goes in to See Lulu. Loves her and says she'll survive "You're Luke Spencer's Daughter" 


  1. -------I like new doctor - bring him back to GH for Liz or even Jordan....
    -------JJ I love but I ain't buying he overtook and hurt so many guys...
    -------Jane Elliott - perfection
    --------repeating RENA SOFER deserves better than a Brooklyn accent UNLESS she demanded she was tired to talking like that
    ----------again I don't mind but clearly a day of put together scenes - Gio/Lois (WHERE IS OLIVIA) and I think THIS was filmed before the me some Yuri....
    -------I missed why Kevin wasn't with Laura......
    --------gosh, Brook Lynn has done so much in her past------wonder why they are going down that was funny to see Chase's face about Dante though.
    -------I thought Brennan was gonna deal with Jason that he would bring Charlotte back if Jason helped (but I guess Jason doesn't know yet about Lulu)....
    ------it's my personality but I wanna know WHERE is the office - how many people work there? and still don't get what Jason would do - like kill people 'under the radar?
    ------spoilers say Molly gets close to Dex and I am screaming WHY and in what world WOULD THEY EVER SEE EACH OTHER?

    1. "Mufasa says, UNLESS she demanded she was tired to talking like that"

      Hmmmm. Maybe, but if that is true, there are better ways to do this.

      "-gosh, Brook Lynn has done so much in her past------wonder why they are going down that road....."

      Yeah I don't know. What she was talking about, was 14 years ago. August 18th. :) So not sure where this is going with this. Maybe Brooky will apologize to Dante and they both have closure? *Shrug*

      "it was funny to see Chase's face about Dante though."

      Hahahaha. Yeah. :)

      "-spoilers say Molly gets close to Dex and I am screaming WHY and in what world WOULD THEY EVER SEE EACH OTHER?"

      WHAT?! What for?!?!?!

  2. Good to see Tristan Rogers. But he looks very gaunt, much more so than the last time he was on. I hope I look that good at 78, but still.
    All this talk today about Lulu and the baby she never had with Dillon....hmmm. Then there's Gio, and I still can't figure out his purpose on the show. They sure spent a lot of airtime talking about his backstory.
    Agreed on Rena Sofer's story - glad she's getting more airtime, but she's deserving of a good story. I didn't mind the revisiting of Brook Lynn's history - IMHO that Brook Lynn was far more interesting to watch than what the character has evolved into and I think Amanda Setton is better at playing the baddie than a heroine.
    Jonathan Jackson - definitely channeling Tony Geary's Luke.

    1. "Diana Taylor says, Jonathan Jackson - definitely channeling Tony Geary's Luke."

      HA! Yeah he is!!!! :D

    2. I was glad he was on but yeah...his voice gives it away :(

  3. Writer: Scott Sickles!!!!! *Clap clap*

    Director: Frank Valentini! WHAT?!?!?!?! :0

    Jail/Not in Port Chuckles or are they?: I have no idea where Lucky is. :)

    Lucky and boss: Lucky does look like Ethan haha.

    Lucky, Doctor, and Boss: Hmmmm. Interesting.

    Lucky and Doctor: Lucky is acting just like his father. :) OH! I thought he was kidnapped! Okay he is helping his friend escape.. New bromance. :)

    Port Chuckles:

    Q mansion:

    Tracy and Brooky: Yes Tracy thank you! It's not like Lois to not speak her mind!!!

    Brase: Chase burned his hand with coffee? I wonder what happened in real life. Lulu is trouble?! Uh Brooky you were trouble too!!! Don't you remember how you drugged Dante and almost raped him?! Luckily Lulu showed up! I guess you forgot. Oh wait you remember and now she is afraid to tell Chase.

    Brase and Yuri: YURI!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Yuri are you and Terry still together?! Little V sad awwww. :(

    Gio and Lois: This is ridiculous! Stop it writers! Lois was never like this. She don't need to get rid of her accent!

    Lois on the phone: STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT!

    WSB offices:

    Brennan and Jarly: Brennan is hitting on Carly. Asking her out on a date! BAHAHHAHAHA! He wins the lines of the day.

    Brennan: How's Thursday? I'll call you. Fine I'll text.


    Brennan and Jason: Hmmmm. Jason as WSB agent.. Would he wear a sexy black outfit? ;)

    Anna's office:

    Robert and Anna: ROBERT FREAKIN SCORPIO! Where have you been Robert? I hope Tristan Rogers is okay!!!

    Carly and Anna: Oh come on Carly! Go on a date with Brennan. I'm sure it will be fun! He is very charming. :)

    The hospital:

    Laura, Portia, and Lulu's doctor: Cirrhosis of the liver? So Lulu has been drinking alcohol while in a coma? Seriously though I didn't know meds did that too! WOW! I know Tylenol does it, but not other meds. WOW!

    Laura and Sante: Test Nik? Okay good!!! Now Lucky needs to come to Port Chuckles and be tested.

    Sante: Awwww! I'm glad Sam is there for him.

    Tracy and Lulu: Awwwwwwwwww!

  4. Lucky is looking scruffy, but I still love JJ and his acting is still great. The new "doc" with Lucky sure is gorgeous.

  5. HOLY COW! :0 I got this in my email!

    "Kelly Monaco Out As General Hospital's Sam McCall!"

    "Digest has also learned that Hartley will not be named as a permanent replacement."

    Oh damn. That's too bad.

  6. Shocked but not shocked. This character has languished for a while. You would've thought when they used her and Laura Wright to re-introduce Steve Burton in the prime time special that would the show had something big for her to play. But I truly believe whatever story they had originally intended for Steve Burton flew out the window not long after he rejoined the show and we're stuck with the same old same old we've always had...which has to be pretty boring and disappointing for him. The cast is super bloated and it's not surprising they'd look to cut contract players after spending to bring Jonathan Jackson, Ric Hearst and Emma Sams back. I suspect we'll be in a for more upheaval throughout the fall because I truly believe they are worried about this new show on CBS, which has a strong ratings lead-in. It's not doing GH any favors that they've basically backburnered its entire black cast. Robert Gossett wins his an Emmy and the show shows him the door or basically a day player who's only trotted out for marriages and funerals?? Trina has had absolutely zero story. Curtis has become a very attractive wall paper. Nothing to do. The addition of the Isiah character is promising. But we'll see.

    1. agree ----- I feel that KM doesn't even TRY to act anymore - killing her is a bit much BUT it could be a fake death.......Scout and Danny SURELY can't live with their dads....i just DO NOT want it to be about Jason


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...