Friday, August 30, 2024


So as some of you remember, I'm watching The Australian Soap: Neighbours. I started with this year's reboot on FreeVee and then have gone back to 2019 to binge. That year was WILD. I can't tell you how amazing it is-- so fun to see the big differences in USA soaps.  I just saw the Christmas show from that year and they had a pscyho on the loose, someone dying that needed a kidney and a baby being born all in about 2-3 days. Only 22 min long too! 
Just saying if you want to try something different, give it a go! 


Kristina is being taken down to lock up by Dex. Alexis comes in "Where is she going"!!?? Jagger says holding cell, then state prison. Alexis yells and then Anna comes in: WTH is going  on? Anna says a storm is coming and they can't hold Kristina with her medical issues. Jagger wants to get going to get Sonny so he agrees to let her go home tonight. 

At Alexis: She takes a call and Krissy sneaks out with the car. She goes to Sonny's to get a gun that's in his safe. 

Ava is in a car with the FBI lady and going to another safe house. The lady is actually taking her to the Pine Barrens tho. 

Drew and Willow still in the office. They talk about how time is fleeting. Talk about Alan Q. He wants him to be proud of him. Willow is SO PROUD of him. He INSPIRES HER. HE SAVED HER. He's great. OMG He thinks SHE'S GREAT!! 

Michael and Sasha are at the Qs he wonders where Willow is... guess she didn't text. He tries calling. Nothing. Nina comes out and he says she was with Drew at the event and never came back. Nina's like: DUN DUN DUN

Carly apologizes to Brook for paying her so long ago to sleep with Dante. Then Dante and Brook share a moment and it seems like they have a secret?? Then Sonny comes in to talk to Dante. Says he's sad about Lulu. Then Dante leaves and Lois comes in and Sonny talks to her about keeping an eye out for Michael, Ameila and Wiley. 

Sonny apologizes to Michael. Everything is ok. Carly is happy.

Maxie and Felicia are sitting at Lulu's bed. Filler. PSA on organ donation.

Lucky's dumb story-- he's now being yelled at by an English Bad Guy and the doctor escaped. Lucky's still trying to get the baldy to hire him. They play cards. GOD I WISH they had just had Lucky COME HOME to get tested.  UGH

Doctor guy is IN PORT CHARLES hahahaaha. I mean.. ok, he landed at the airport. They don't even TRY. 


Jagger meets Sonny at the BOATHOUSE ALONE. It's pouring rain. Sonny pulls a gun "it's over" . Sonny shoots him in the chest, then a kill shot in the head! WELP! Jagger is dead

Ava and FBI Linda hit Doctor Isaiah who's walking across the highway. 

Oh, yeah, Drew and Willow are going to make ze wub. UGH 


  1. ---- totally caught off-guard that Sonny actually KILLED Jagger!!! I guess telling Diane to be on standby was cause of the shooting but I TOTALLY thought Sonny was waiting for Jagger to pull a gun first so it would be self-defense.
    ------I thought the previews - I thought Kristina was at the graveside.....and preview Michael saying "I don't wanna hear it" - I think he was talking to Sonny? plus I thought he would push the body in the lake.
    ------I WILL stop watching if the writers make up Brook Lynn is gio's mom
    -------also the previews - I think Drew and Willow didn't have sex ------- HOPE NOT -----gross
    -------what a dud of the big family dinner - people missing and killings!
    -------FINALLY we found out WHY the fake agent is working for Jagger - that was good!!! and I think Isaiah was hit - guess Ava could tell the agent to run run? BUT still confused that Ava said they were going away from PC so why is Isaiah there?
    -----filler - don't care
    ------MUCH more soapy if there had been a whodunit - Kristina, Alexis, Sonny, Ava and fake agent all suspects
    BUT I WILL TAKE THE WIN-----------Cates is gone! just not happy that Anna wants to bring down Sonny.

  2. I can't believe Cates just stood there with a stpid look on his face when Sonny pulled the gun. I know he has mental issues but didn't realize he was sstupid. Now throe him in the lake Sonny and go bury the gun in the woods somewhere. Sneak out. You were never at the Q's. lol

    And poor Krisina. I thought she got the gun to kill Cates.

    Can't wait to see how Ava gets out of this predicament next week. Does she overtake the woman after the accident and take her weapon. \\hope Dr. Cutie is ok.. Maybe Ava will then shoot the guy trying to kill the doc and the two of them can go into hiding. hehe

  3. Not in Port Chuckles:

    Lucky and the bad men: I guess they are not playing strip poker. Too bad.

    In Port Chuckles:


    Doc Isaiah: Hmmm not shirtless yet. I'll have to wait until he goes to the Metrocourt rooftop pool.

    Police station:

    Anna and JohnJag: When Anna talked about a storm coming, I'm thinking, what storm?! Glad Krissy is freed!

    Alexis's home:

    Alexis and Krissy: Home sweet home sweet home. Now Alexis call Molly.

    FBI car on the road:

    Ava and FBI lady: AH HA! I knew this lady was bad! So JohnJag wants Ava dead?! Ava wins the line of the day.

    Ava: Don't take me to a kill site. Take me to a bank!


    Q mansion:

    Carly, Dante and Brooky: Well, it was nice that Carly apologized. It's actually nice to bring old stuff up for the people who never saw back then.

    Dante and Brooky:

    Dante: Carly doesn't know anything about,

    ABOUT WHAT???!!??!!? I was thinking oh no they are not going to rewrite history and have them have a baby together are they?! Someone on twitter said Gio, but said Giolin! ROFL! I really like Gio, but that is a great nickname for him. :)

    Dante and Sonny: Awwwwwwwww sweet scene. :)

    Michael trying to call Willow: I was confused about if Willow told Michael where she would be. Hmmm.

    Michael and Sonny: Awwwwwwwwww a hug! :) Love it!!!

    Michael and Sasha: Why is Sasha wearing long sleeves?

    Nina and Michael: Geez! Now they show Nina? Almost the end of the show?! Why is Nina wearing long sleeves?

    Nina and Sasha: So the famous Q dinner will be today eh? Let the games begin! :)

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery's office:

    Drillow: Drew aka Ryan Lavery still did not tell Willow that Conky had cancer. Willow had her hair styled differently. I like it. OH KISSING!!!!! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! :D Then Michael can walk in on them having zex! Hmmm maybe Nina will. I rather have Michael walk in on them.

    The hospital:

    Felicia, Maxie, and Comatose Lulu: I thought Lulu was going to wake up while they were talking!!! Come on Lulu wake up!

    Sonny's home:

    *Krissy grabs Sonny's gun*

    Green beans: What the hell are you doing Krissy?

    Krissy: Shhhhh.

    *Krissy walks out* Group text time!

    Green beans: SOS SOS! Krissy stole Sonny's gun at his place, then she left!

    *Everyone freaks out*

    Comet: I will go stop her!!!!

    Tribbles: GO GO GO GO!

    *Comet gallops away*

    The boathouse:

    JohnJag and Sonny: Ohhhhh! So that is the storm Anna was talking about. Port Chuckles hardly rains. Too bad we didn't see the citizens of Port Chuckles watching the weather channel on their tv about it. Mmmm two men all wet. :) Take your shirts off!!!! :) I thought Krissy was going to shoot JohnJag! I did not see THAT coming! WOW! :0

    Flashback Friday: Jumps into my time machine to go to 2000* Lila goes to see Sonny.

    1. Oh forgot to mention that oh Willow didn't tell Michael about her leaving with Drew! That was the time that he took Monica to get a check up... But still Willow should have texted Michael about leaving with Drew aka Ryan Lavery. I mean come on Willow!!!! She is just not thinking about Michael anymore!

  4. No gun drawn for Cates? I was all for him to go down, it was unacceptable treating Kristina that way and he was all over the place. I also never warmed up to the guy even though he's handsome. However, for Sonny to kill him without a struggle say with Ava or Kristina to justify it just proves he is the criminal he is accused of being.

    1. Sonny MUST have a plan cause he has never just shot a person....

    2. Well - he shot Dante point blank - before he knew it was his son!

    3. gosh TOTALLY forgot that LOL

  5. I liked Cates when he first came to Port Charles but his obsession with Sonny made him unlikable. And I can't believe that Sonny killed him! Drew and Willow are GROSS!!! Make it stop!!!

  6. I could pick apart many things from today's episode or just enjoy soapy soap?
    Federal agents have no jurisdiction in local pd. unless cross designated. A fed is not a local cadet's boss and not in the cadet's chain chain of command. Dex don't leave her, don't cuff her and don't listen to him!
    Moms don't usually represent daughters because the emotional begging your ex, your daughter's father, to do something stupid instead of being objective and professional in your representation of the client.
    Hottie new doctor can escape bad guys, fly across the world but then is walking in the rain storm and manages to get hit by a car as he approaches PC with the vital message from Lucky?
    And the shot at Jagger by Sonny? Hum. When you shot at someone the entry hole is tinier than the exit wound. Did everyone notice the whole front of Jagger's shirt was bloody? Am I reading too much into this or is that a clue the shot came from BEHIND Jagger?
    When Sonny has no gun residue on his hands and the gun has all the rounds in the chamber then the who dun it can commence.

    1. The shirt was bloody because the bullets hit him in the chest and he would have bled profusely. We didn't see the holes.

  7. I was shocked by the ending but Sonny is a crime boss, so I suppose the writers may have heard our many complaints about how he is too often depicted as a hero and a nice guy. I am wondering where they are headed with this, however. Is Sonny going to try to cover this up and Michael witnesses it? Is he going to set someone else up to take the fall? I hope they have thought this through.

    1. Ava's driver will be the shooter. Ava tried to to buy her off but the driver said she wasn't working for Jagger for $. Jagger is a dirty cop and is blackmailing the driver, too. I know this is a stretch.
      Jagger did not even have a weapon drawn. Sonny as the shooter is plain old murder and is the show really going down a tired road to have the mob boss commit a heinous crime only to be rehabilitated to stay on the show?
      Saintly Jason is on the scene and will figure out Sonny did not fire the kill shot.

    2. That is an interesting theory.

    3. "lizwebberfan says, Ava's driver will be the shooter."

      But how could Ava's driver be the shooter, when Ava and the driver were on the road? :)

  8. Too bad for the JohnJag actor. He might have been a good addition to GH if the writers hadn't used their ruining powers. Not sure about who shot him but glad they did.
    What's that in Drew's name? EW... He is a pig and she is beyond stupid.
    We saw NuGuy at the airport, then running around on a dark road in what seemed like a rural area. Soon he will be an upstanding doctor at GH and a hero for getting Lucky home.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...