Friday, August 9, 2024



I did see Wed-Thurs and my goodness, things are just MOVING ALL OVER the place!! GEESH. It's like they want it all done before the vets all come parading back. 

Liz gets Heather another lunch tray (being nice) and Laura is in GH --is surprised Heather is there. Liz says Heather is 'kinda down' and Laura is going to go cheer her up. She tells her she's not going to looking into changing the sentence because Heather told her she wanted to serve out her sentence. Heather seems sad. Laura leaves. Then Liz comes in and Heather goes on and on about the hip company and she should get justice and money. Yada yada. Wants to talk to Scotty. 

Portia finds out from Laura that Heather wanted her to drop the hip case (WELL--ummm) Then Laura goes to Kevin and says much the same. They don't know yet that Heather changed her mind. 

Alexis leaves messages for Sam and Molly. Kevin checks on her later, tells her to take care of herself. 

Sonny tells Kristina Ava will pay. She lists all of Ava's sins...gets a bit crazed. Says DO SOMETHING!! He shows her the photos Brick took. She gets mad and says even if Ava is in jail for the rest of her life, she'll still be breathing so ....and Sonny is like "I'll take care of her". Alexis walks in. 

Alexis and Sonny go to the chapel. She tells Sonny not to act on what Kristina said to do. She says Kristina is traumatized and if he kills Ava it will forever be on her soul. 

Nina and Michael out for lunch and talking about Crimson.. like nothing has happened? They talk about Drew and Willow. Wait for the elevator. Michael FINALLY SAYS 'I'll take the stairs and check on Kristina at GH"..geesh. SO WEIRD

Michael and Kristina. She wants those pictures SENT TO HER. She looks at them and says that's the last time her baby was with her and safe. She wishes she never went there. Wants to turn back time. 

OH! Willow and Drew in the elevator. OH! The elevator stops.  Willow doesn't want to even LOOK at Drew. HE takes off his jacket. He says the charity wants them (Drew and her) to go to LA together for a charity event. Celebs will be there, a mansion and some interviews. She says she can't go.. Family trip, Wiley in school. He says he hopes it's not because of what happened July 4th. She says NOPE and it's never happening again!! HE says YOU got to LA and I'll stay behind. Then the doors open and Nina sees them. Willow basically runs. Nina: WHAT DID YOU DO NOW? (to Drew) 

Heather tells Liz to leave a message for Scotty: "I'm in" 


  1. ------so Michael JUST NOW sees Kristina YET he has the PICS???? Jason/Sonny/Brick??? WHY would Michael need them?????
    -----are Sonny and Michael good again? If he has the pics, then he should know about the pills
    ------don't care about Heather
    ------poor Scout - the 'great' Daddy Drew no going to her game.......Nina KNOWS what she is doing ----------------'helping' Drew
    ------another hint of Ava's future - Kristina outta her mind and saying Ava will pay - maybe she shoots Ava and Sonny takes the blame? WHATEVER ------ Kristina is SO gonna name HER baby and ignore TJ and Molly!
    -----previews show Natalia crying and saying to Kristina "Please let my daughter go' ----------NATALIA needs to be let go...
    -------editing is still all over the place
    ---and and Drew acting like ONLY he and Willow could go to that big event???? Please.....

  2. My baby. My baby. My baby....Please kill Ava daddy.
    Drew and Willow....too many ewwww moments we wish we never saw.
    Just because of Portia I say Go Heather. If I had to chose between the two characters there would be no contest.

  3. Is Blaze going to visit Kristina?

    1. I've been wondering the same thing.

    2. It's absolutely ridiculous that it hasn't happened yet. The writers have completely mishandled Blaze and Natalia.

  4. The elevator:

    Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow: Oh goodie! Stuck in the elevator. Willow stop making excuses! Just admit you want him! Oh look they are getting closer. Gonna kiss?

    Nina and Michael: Um okay. Does Michael like Nina now?

    Nina, Ryan Lavery, and Willow: Damn Willow! You are not being subtle!!

    Nina and Ryan Lavery:

    Nina: What did you do now?

    ROFL! She would have won the line of the day, but someone else wins it. Oh yeah sure! The kiss won't happen again.. You and Willow keep saying that! Which means it will and I can't wait! :) Sure Nina I know what you REALLY want to do tonight with him! :)

    The hospital:

    Laura and Portia: Yeah Laura you tell Portia!!!!

    Laura and Heather: Great scene!!! Awwww pictures of little Ace! :)

    Liz and Heather: Liz is looking veeeeery uncomfortable! ROFL!

    Alexis and Doc: Great scene!!! Awwww Doc. :)

    Krissy and Sonny:

    Krissy: My daughter! My daughter! My child!!! My daughter!

    *Facepalm* Oh great! The pictures! Now Krissy is going to lie that Ava pushed her out the window! *Facepalm*

    Alexis and Sonny: Alexis wins the line of the day.

    Alexis: Oh yeah. This is much better. This is a perfect place to discuss murder.

    BAHAHAHAHAHA! Yeah that is what I have been saying when people talk about inappropriate things there! The writers know too! :) Great scene anyway.

    Michael and Krissy:

    Krissy: My baby!

    Yeah and of course nobody is going to say something different, because Krissy is grieving and they don't want to upset her.

    Kevlar: Awwwwwwwwwwww. :) Love them so much!

    Sidenote: Oh and forgot to mention about the Felicia, Alexis, and Krissy scene yesterday. It was really good.

    Flashback Friday: *Jumps into my time machine to go to high school* Jason, Brenda, Jagger, and Karen!!! Ahhh the good ol days! HI OG JAGGER! :) Old Jason. :)

  5. First, WHY are they redeeming Heather?! I thought this was a failed story line that they let go. Second, what is with the anti-gay story? This seems stale and ridiculous. I am happy that Sonny finally got the medication and therapy that he needs, but most of the rest, including Kristina and her delusion about the baby being hers even though the purpose was her giving the baby to Molly and TJ, is AWFUL.

  6. Soap Opera Network has a new article about all the changes at "GH."

    Most interesting are talks of a "fall reset" and possible budget cuts looming on the horizon.


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...