Tuesday, August 13, 2024

IT's Tuesday Time!


Brennan and Anna talk about him erasing the voice memo that got Carly off. She wonders what he's up to. He says he likes being around Carly. She thinks there's more, especially if they opened an office in Port Charles. They banter a bit more, drink wine and Anna leaves. 

Jason and Sonny try to figure out who switched his meds if it wasn't Ava.  They are going to check the pharmacist at GH. They then talk about revenge on Ava for Kristina. Sonny said Alexis told him not to kill Ava and Krissy will feel guilty in awhile. Sonny says he doesn't want Ava to get off on a trial. Then Anna comes in and tells Sonny if anything happens to Ava while she's out on bail, she will come down on him SO HARD. Sonny's like: I'm not touching her!! Anna says you better not and leaves.  Sonny tells Jason the photos of Ava with her hands on Kristina will put Ava in jail and in jail "Bad things happen to people". 

Ava, Scott and Jagger go to The Metro to celebrate her freedom. Carly's pissed. She says it's not time to celebrate, even bail since a baby died. Ava just wants her stuff. Cary says her room is a crime scene and she cant' go in or get anything. She'll have to find another place to stay. They celebrate and Carly comes by to tell Jagger how stupid and mean he is to go after Sonny. Also says he never sees his son. He says to shut up about his son. Scotty leaves. Carly leaves. Then Ava tells Jagger that Jason saw her in prison and she's afraid for her life. She asks about the pharmacist and Jagger says he got him away from Sonny. He asks who paid him to change the pills. She says she doesn't know. Then Brennan walks out of the elevator LOL. GET IT? She asks who that is. Jagger says someone that needs to be in jail. Ava's intrigued. Then Brennan and Cary have a drink at the bar together. He tells her he could have gone to Bali or PC and he picked PC because of her. 

Kristina wants Blaze to go o the tour and Blaze says NOPE! I love you and you're my everything. I'm staying. Kristina says "you really do love me..which is why you have to leave". Kristina basically tells her to go because she'll resent her in the end and has no room to love anyone after losing her daughter. They go on and on. Good dialog. Kristina convinces Blaze to go--but Blaze is very upset about it. Kristina wants to see her 'soar'. Blaze leaves. Krissy sobs. Molly comes in. Says she and TJ were at the cemetery and she saw Ava. Wants to get justice. Krissy says Ava will pay. Show's Molly the photos. Krissy goes on and on about Ava but Molly looks closely and sees Kristina in Ava's face. She's not happy. Wow, that was different. She sees that Krissy was out of control. 

Blaze goes to the airport with her mother. Tells her she got what she wanted and she broke up with Krissy and now she's breaking up with HER. "You're fired".  No business manager "I'm done". 

Tracey is having a cute tea party with Violet and some stuffies and is using Lila's beautiful tea set. They talk about Lila and the difference between Elegant and Tacky. Cute scenes. Kinda inserted but...cute. 


Sonny says to Jason that the last words Ava will hear are "This is for Kristina and her baby"

Brennan wants to use the pharmacist as bait to lure Sonny out and have Sonny hurt him and then arrest him.


  1. The inserted tea party was the best thing in the show today.
    Gonna kill Ava. Not gonna kill Ava. Glad she's out on bail, makes her easier to get to. Want to see her in prison cause bad things happen there. Sonny seems to have difficulty deciding things from one sentence to another.
    Never thought that I'd not like Ava.
    Preview: I said "oh God no" when I saw Sonny giving Natalia a reason to stay. No one wants her to stay.

    1. "Zazu says, Preview: I said "oh God no" when I saw Sonny giving Natalia a reason to stay. No one wants her to stay."

      I know the reason for her to stay. Sonny's dimples, and Sonny Jr. That will get her to stay. ROFL! Is she still in child bearing years? ROFL!

    2. "Kevin says, LOL"

      ROFL! :D

    3. Sonya, who isn't in childbearing years around Sonny? 😁

    4. OMG, you 4 are killing me, lol!!

    5. "Gary says, Sonya, who isn't in childbearing years around Sonny? 😁"

      Hahahaha. Good question! Nobody! :)

      "Julie H says, OMG, you 4 are killing me, lol!!"


  2. Metrocourt hotel/Brennan's room:

    Brennan and Anna: Come on Anna! That's enough. Felicia is waiting for you! Good now that she is gone, Brennan go ahead and text Carly! :)

    Metrocourt restaurant:

    Carly, Ava, JohnJag, and Scotty: Ava is free! YAY! Thank you Scotty. And of course Ava is kicked out of the hotel. ROFL! Carly is a kicked out happy. And uh I don't think it's a good idea to eat there. Carly might spit in the food!

    Ava and JohnJag: Uh JohnJag is crazy! Oh sure it's okay for Sonny to beat the crap out of the pharmacist just to arrest Sonny! Doesn't matter if the guy is married or not. Or has kids or not. UGH! Hmmm I thought the pharmacist told Ava it was V.C. who switched the meds. Did I dream that?

    Carly and Brennan: Ooooo he goes to see her instead of texting. Me likey. They are flirty! I approve.. #Crennan. :)

    The Q mansion kitchen:

    Tracy and little V: Great scene! Tracy has changed so much!!! I love it! I also love how Tracy's hair is styled. Love the history talk about Monica and Alan. What would their couple name have been? Monlan? Alanica? M&A? :) Little V wins the line of the day.

    Tracy: Who was it that told you to say to me?

    Little V: Everyone.

    BAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Of course. :)

    The hospital:

    Kraze: Great scene. Great dialog! Krissy is right!!! I was wondering who the writer was for that, and Karen said Scott Sickles. So great job and thank you Scott Sickles! :)

    Molly and Krissy:

    "Karen says, Krissy goes on and on about Ava but Molly looks closely and sees Kristina in Ava's face."

    Oh! I thought it was Molly looking at the baby bump like Krissy did before. And here we go again with Krissy lying about Ava pushing her through the window! *Facepalm*


    Blaze and Mami Natalia: Great scene! Firing mami!!! But I thought she was already fired. She couldn't do anything. Brooky has all the say and power.

    Sonny's home:

    Jason and Sonny: I'm sure Sonny will be able to find the pharmacist. I'm sure the Green beans can help. :)

    Jason, Sonny, and Anna: Oh Anna! Stop it. Felicia is waiting for you. You are being rude to her. Forget them.

    The previews: Ooooo Nina and Drew aka Ryan Lavery had zex! YAY! :D But Nina I doubt it's going to work! Drew aka Ryan Lavery and Willow want each other! :)

  3. I'll admit - I was all about WHAT ABOUT THE PHARMACIST, Sonny? but Jagger taking him somewhere to use later I didn't expect - Ava's face was priceless. Plus Jagger believes Ava's lies...today she even SAID placebo.....Valentin only did 1/4 dose.
    ------Anna is just annoying - she just isn't the Anna I loved.....being so mean to Sonny when she let Valentin go? She STILL hasn't told Sonny about Pikeman/Valentin/Brennan. I also realized Carly didn't tell Sonny she had told Anna about the pills. I think Anna falls for Brennan (still no mention of Robert)
    ------not sure why WSB wants in PC (someone on social media said cause of Lucky maybe?) but no Cyrus, Selina around --------so what do they want?
    -----SO Kristina didn't even bat an eye when Molly said they have been looking at cemetery plots????? WHAT did we miss? Other inconsistencies: ANOTHER show and no one takes Kristina's statement (she gonna lie on witness stand anyway)/the Invader doesn't run the story?/Carly nor Olivia mentions insurance or window broken/Felicia not waiting anymore/Alexis must be back at work...
    -------Molly FOR SURE knows Kristina isn't telling the whole truth
    ------Kristina is in a bad place (annoying but whatever) so I think her 'Sonnyism' is coming out, but I literally am screaming TAKE YOUR MOMMY TAKE YOUR MOMMY BLAZE--------don't leave Natalia here---------
    -----LOVE LOVE JANE - clearly it was filler material but why is Violet not in school AND why is Liz not visiting and/or mentioning Finn

    1. "Mufasa says, why is Violet not in school"

      Well, it IS summer. :) She should be at Lila's camp.

      "AND why is Liz not visiting and/or mentioning Finn"

      Great question!

    2. I'm so dumb!!! School has already started here so I TOTALLY forgot about summer!!

    3. "mufasa says, I'm so dumb!!! School has already started here so I TOTALLY forgot about summer!!"

      Yikes! School started early!!!! Why?!?!

    4. The school thing is nuts in the midwest. Indiana started over a week ago, most of Michigan starts the day after Labor Day. If I had to start school the 1st week of August I'd be on the lam, lol!

      As for GH, Tracy/Vi were too cute. Mami needs to go, hit the bricks, make like a tree and leave. Bah! Anna has been acting semi-nuts around to-die-for Jack. She needs to chill. And really, normal Anna would have taken Flea with her to holler at Jack. Drew/Nina give me the creeps, especially Drew. Still lamenting that the writers are ruining Ava.

    5. Alabama - JULY 31st with teachers and Kids Aug 2

    6. "Julie says, Indiana started over a week ago,"


      "If I had to start school the 1st week of August I'd be on the lam, lol!"

      ROFL! Me too!!

      "mufasa says, Alabama - JULY 31st with teachers and Kids Aug 2"

      Crazy! When does school let out for the summer? April?

  4. What did Molly see, what did Molly think when she was listening to Kristina and looking at the pictures? Kristina may have been screaming at Ava that she intended to tell the truth about Morgan's pills and Connie's death but that was not one bit physical. Ava put her hands on Kristina first. Ava grabbed Kristina when Ava realized subpoenaing Kristina to testify against her father would lead to all the other stuff coming out. In my book Ava does not have a self defense or justification defense.

  5. So Blaze quit Deception, then was asked back, Crimson held off printing cause of a full page ad..now she is gone? Did she have a contract? She didn't tell Maxie? Or did she never come back? Thinking that the Deception storyline was dropped??????

  6. Kristen Storms pic on Instagram today - SHE IS SO SKINNY - she looks amazing


My Ankle!!

  Glad to have an escape for an hour today for sure!! Here we go! Stupid Joss and Blondie WSB fighting. Oh she hurt her ankle and he has to ...