Sunday, August 18, 2024

Sunday Surgery: James and the Giant Beach


Well, Friday was just heck of show, wasn't it?? Great pacing, snappy dialog and things just kept popping up and switching around! My kind of soap!! We also had a lot of Tracey this week and a sprinkle of Stella--not too shabby!! 

Ok, grab them snacks Scotty got and let's GO GO!

NOTE: This may take awhile because there's a lot of ground to cover and many details that do matter. If I could send you coffee money on Venmo, I would! 

There are really only a few stories at play at the moment and this is unfortunately one of them. Drew-Willow and Nina. Willow likes Drew, thinks he's a sexy alternative to her milk-dud hubby, Michael and Nina has a plan!! Knowing they kissed, she decides to seduce Drew to keep him away from Willow. You read that right. Not even sure what category that falls under other than: EWWWWWWW. Willow decides to quit her charity job because she just can't handle being next to the zexy Drew-Man. She's going back to nursing.  Please let this all end. Thank you.

Who might end it all? Well, it's this kid. He's the highlight of my GH summer for sure!! He runs away from the park to go visit Cody (who he's banned from seeing) and ends up at the Q boathouse. The whole family was searching for him! James hides under a bench and hears the whole sob story about kissing Drew from Willow's lips to Nina's ears!! He was so adorable with the faces he was making! Thing is: HE KNOWS!! I can see him blurting it out during a fight with Wiley: "You MOM kissed that guy DREW and LIKED IT"!!  James also fell into the lake and was fished out by Cody. Mac forgives Cody, they embrace and now that chapter is closed. I for one am happy because I love the Scorpio-Jones fam and want more. 

We were all puzzled as to why Blaze wasn't at Krissy's bedside 24-7 after the fall and now we know why. She's a gonner. Yep. In a surprising move, TPTB let Jackie go and her last airdate was this week. Blaze is off on tour with Ricky Martin in Hong Kong. (Until a recast?? Who knows). Blaze and Mam actually had a good scene in the car before she left. I never felt much for Kraze but it's really strange they are letting the one gay couple go at this juncture. Poor Blaze, one day Sonny's creating a record label for her and the next-- well, he's investing in Deception!! 

Yes, you heard that right!! Sonny is now "silent investor" in Deception and he got Natalia a job as CFO! She's "good with numbers" so... hey, stick her in there. They didn't already have a CFO? HUH? Okay, I'm sensing a desperate attempt at keeping a well known actor and totally rehauling her massive flop of a character. Blaze is gone and Mama is staying!! Gossip from Buzzworthy says she might even be getting MORE Family in town!! Lord help us all. 

PS: I chose this photo because of the wardrobe. Look at that seasonal diversity. Brook is wearing the god-awful dress she had on when Krissy fell, Tracy is dressed for November, Lucy looks appropriate in a summer white and who knows what LaRue has on. EESH.

Let's talk about Tracey! That wonderful woman who not only had a tea party with Violet, she taught Cody backgammon because she was missing Finn! Just when I was complaining about the lack of real meat for her, there she is in Deception, trying to stop them all from taking Sonny's money and hiring Mama LaRue.  Damn, what a gem they have in Jane Elliot. Don't waste it! 

The fallout from the Baby Fall continues and I want to point out this unexpected yet great scene. TJ goes to see Ava. Now, TJ is really going through some ish at this juncture. Molly doesn't want to talk about the death or the grave or the name. He's angry and hurt. BUT he also knows he might not know the full story about the fall. He seeks out Ava to hear her side of things. I did NOT see that coming. Ava describes the encounter and you can see the wheels turning. Molly had a similar thing happen when she saw Krissy's phone. She knew that Kristina as aggressive. I just really appreciated these scenes and loved putting TJ in Ava's orbit. 

Clement the Pharmacist played a giant role this week. First he's taken by Brennan, who sticks him in some warehouse room. Then Scotty comes in, trying to get him to safety at Wyndemere. When Scotty goes and gets a boat and snacks, Brick informs Sonny where he is. Enter Jason, the Enforcer who's right back where he started so long ago!! Not too hard to get this guy to give up the fact that Ava Jerome ordered the pills dosage to zero and that Valentin Cassadine paid him in the first place. DUN DUN DUN. 

Unfortunately, the snacks didn't make it. Scotty saw Jason and hightailed it right OUTTA THERE! 

This brings us to Jagger Cates and Ava Jerome. Jagger has morphed into the baddie in all of this and Adam H is playing it to perfection. Loved their scenes. In a strange twist, Jagger figures out that they can use the photos of Ava and Krissy and turn them around. If Ava is a state's witness and Kristina went to the hotel to intimidate her, they can arrest her for "witness tampering". YES a HUGE STRETCH but so damn SOAPY!! LOL Don't question it, just lay back and watch the fall out. When he finds out he's backed into a corner after the pharmacist is outted, Cates goes and does something truly remarkable: He makes a great Friday Cliffhanger mouth-opener on GH: 

PLEASE WATCH THIS CLIP FOR DETAILS:  Kristina you're under arrest, girl! 

PERFORMER OF THE WEEK:  You know I don't usually do this but this week, Kristen Vaganos, Molly number 4 just hit it out of the park for me. From her angst and fear of actually acknowledging her daughter's death and burying her head in work to the talk with Kristina and then her mother, she was superb.  Watching her face transform as she's looking at the still photos Kristina had on her phone was just perfect. As her sister drones on and on, Molly sees them from a critical "DA eye" and realizes she is witnessing Kristina putting the baby in danger by going there and confronting Ava. When Molly talks to Alexis, she says the line "Kristina has to be coddled at all times" with such truth that I was cheering. Never mind that Kristina almost died, it was a sister-reaction to it's fullest. So, kudos and than you to MT for continuing to look for the perfect recast. 


Tracey entertains Violet with Lila's tea set

Blaze and Krissy break up; Blaze goes on tour 

Sonny invests in Deception and Mama LaRue is on the payroll

James runs away, is saved by Cody, finds out Cody is Papa Mac's son and Papa Mac and Cody hug it all out

Sasha and Cody decide to 'go for it'

Willow cries about the Drew kiss to Nina and James over-hears the convo

Nina and Drew make the love. Nina's trying to distract him from Willow

Brennan, Anna and Laura have a chit-chat. Laura wants Valentin found

Laura gets a phone call about Lulu

Jason finds out where the pharmacist is and gets the information about Ava and Valentin being behind Sonny's med switch 

Scotty runs like hell after buying snacks

Jagger hatches a plot to get Kristina arrested for harassing a "Federal Witness" (Ava)

WARDROBE call out: What is this symmetry!! LOL --look a this photo. Framed perfectly and also color coordinated! KW doesn't age a day, does she? 

That's it! As you know, the actress playing Blaze is out and I have to say some backstage stuff was happing on that one. The speed at which it all came down is pretty astounding. Like I said, one day Perez Hilton is interviewing the happy gay couple and Sonny's makes a record label and the next: GIRL, BYE!! I'm very hopeful that the Scorpio-Jones family will become more of a center piece on the show as well. I really loved those scenes. Deception is poised to be "THE IT" company and although I can't stand Natalia, I'll give it a go to see how it plays out. I mean, other great female characters are in there so can't be all bad, right? This FBI arrest of Kristina just blew me away. I thought it was all going to boil down to the pharmacist being killed or a shoot out or something! Can't wait to see where it goes. (Enter Ric Lansing??) LULU is waking up I think and Squeee!! Will it be Julie Marie Berman in that bed?? Squee?? I can only live in hope. 

Yes, GH has a HUGE amount of flaws to fix. The 20 something gang is just pathetic and they need to be going full-on. Curtis needs more to do and damn it, get Elizabeth a story of her own. Where's Aidan? These next few months will be full of vets coming back and newer stories. I am also hoping Tristan Rogers is ok because he's been strangely MIA. I don't know anything but it's not a great sign. 

That's all folks!! Hope you had a good weekend. It was beautiful here and it's a bit sad watching August wind down. 



  1. I think there were glimmers this week of the "GH" to come. It looks like they were rearranging things to launch some new stories.

    There is a rumor floating around the Internet that Stephanie Gatschet (formerly of "All My Children") has been cast as Lulu. I have no idea if it's true but she certainly has the right look.

    I do like the actors now playing Kristina and Molly. Now, I just wish they had better stories. I think Kristina needs to become more like her daddy. It would drive Alexis crazy, for starters.

    1. One more thing: I think it's time to revive the Lucky/Elizabeth/Jason triangle, as long as it's done well.

  2. That was great, kd. I agree with you on so many fronts. I definitely want to see more of the Scorpio -Jones family. And I sniffled a bit when Cody called Mac dad. *sniff* *sniff* I love Maxie to pieces and her clan is now shaping up beautifully. ( and they're all amazing actors)

    I must admit that I don't miss Blaze. I never saw the chemistry between her and Kristina. ...who looks like she may be in for quite a ride now. That should be really good.

    I'm really hoping that since we're going to see more of Weeping Willow at the hospital now, maybe we'll finally get to see Brad Cooper and Felix duBois again. They were my favs at the hospital.

    I love Ava, as bad as she can be, so I'm hoping she can squirm out of this one since the fall wasn't really her fault. Can't wait to see all of the converstaionj between her and TJ. He really nees a chance to do more dramatic stuff ( without losing his mind) lol

    John J deserves all he gets and going after Sonny's daughter is definitely going to be his downfall, not just with Sonny and her extended family but with his bosses for sure too.

    Bring it on GH!!

  3. Thanks Karen

    I am ALL for Julie Marie Berman; she and Dom Z had THE BEST chemistry. Bring back the OG Lante.

    I think you meant Kristina Wagner doesn't age a day?? I agree. The woman is gorgeous. Kirsten Storms is looking great. I LOVE their new family. We need Spinelli, Georgie and baby Lou too.

    I too hope that Tristan Rogers is doing ok. He didn't look like he was doing well one of the last times he was on, and he's always has been one of my all time faves.

    I love the pic of Jane Elliot and Jophielle Love with the same pose. They are so cute together.

    Have a great Sunday, and thanks again

    1. yes, I DID mean KW --what did I write? LOL I'll have to go edit!! THX

  4. My comments disappeared once again. Here it is:
    Thanks for a great SS!
    It was a busy week.
    Love your wardrobe comments: "who knows what LaRue has on". LOL
    The whole gay story wasn't even needed. EL could have come on as a new CFO with an interesting past. Guess she's here to stay.
    I too read that Stephanie Gatchet has been cast as Lulu. Soon we will know.
    James was so good! Hope he helps end this 'Drewillow' crap. Every scene with Tracy is a good one. They are lucky to have her.
    Can't agree about August. Worst month of the year and I am delighted to see it end.



  I actually couldn't wait to watch today to get away from ANYTHING that's happening out there. JFC, I cant' take it much longer...